
Harry Potter and The Androgynous Lover's Seduction

Two boys study at Hogwarts, grow powerful beyond the realms of a Light Lord, a Dark Lord or a Grey Lord. They wage war - against others at the expense of each other. They play the games of intrigue and politics. They learn about their true place in the grand scheme of things. Get torn apart and are still brought together at the whims of Death, Fate and Love.  The cycle continues again and again. After all, who said Horcruxes were the only way to live forever? The whole debacle started with a wand. A wand with a brother - shared twin wand cores from an Immortal Phoenix. The Holly represented luck, prosperity and protection whereas the Yew represented power over life and death.  The two people who wielded the respective wands were destined to cross paths due to a prophecy and one of them was supposed to perish the other or die trying. However, one of them made the other a container of his soul for close to two decades. When you mix brother wands, a Prophecy, a Horcrux and a see of otherworldly entities - muddle-headed Morpheus, giddy Love, fickle Fate and a morbid Death - is it really such a surprise that the boys ended up entwined even in death and another timeline? ********* Disclaimer - This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. I do not claim any ownership over them or the world of Harry Potter. *********** PS I do not own the copyrights for the base image used. The image is used for illustrative purposes only. You can join me on discord at: https://discord.gg/QRgX3DZ

Shiksha_Jerath · Book&Literature
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Harry checked in a sigh when the dorm-room door creaked open and Riddle entered the room.

The second-year's had their night time schedules relaxed as compared to last year and Riddle had taken to socializing in The Common Room most evenings, whereas Harry himself would spend most of the time after dinner in the dorm to either study or talk to the twins.

Harry had an errant thought that why did most of the doors in the magical world always creaked?

Why couldn't they open soundlessly and then admonished himself when he recalled that most doors had magic imbibed in them - water resilient or durability spells cast on them during the process and hence would always make some sort of noise when that heavy magic was displaced along with the opening or closing of the door.

Still, it would have been nice to not have to hear the eerie creaking of the doors, especially in the dungeons during dark nights such as to tonight.

He knew he was being uncharitable in his thoughts but tonight he couldn't help himself.

It was the dreamed All Hallows Eve tomorrow and he couldn't help but feel antsy.

He watched as Riddle unceremoniously tossed his clothes aside and lay on the bed in a relaxed manner and gave him a full toothed smile and asked, "Why do you never sit with the others in the evening? Tongues are wagging, you know."

Harry didn't know why but he felt absurd hearing the question and gave a humourless laugh.

Maybe it was just because he was feeling maudlin and miserable and the fact that the person asking him the question looked so innocent - too-wide eyes and as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, his interest was piqued.

He closed the book he was reading and got himself comfortable on the bed, before turning towards Riddle and replied with a sardonic smile, "Why are you asking? Is someone pestering you about it?"

The other person gave a shrug in lieu of response and then replied, "Just curious, I suppose."

Harry continued, "Oh! You can even get curious? Alert the press and have them print an article titled Tom Riddle curious about Hadrian Black."

The answer to his jest was a pillow thrown at his face and then a muttered, "Why are you so surprised? Can't I be curious?"

Harry laughed at Riddle's irritated and sulky tone, "Yes, yes, you can be. Shall I call you 'my lord' to pacify your anger at having the audacity to question you?"

Riddle sniffed, "No need. 'Your Highness' will suffice for now."

Both of them couldn't help but laugh at their pointless conversation, though Harry berated himself internally for spouting nonsense about lords and such titles in front of a person who had the potential to be the greatest and most terrible Dark Lord Magical Britannica had seen in ages.

"Anyways, did someone question you about me or something? I'm asking because the political climate is changing rapidly in the country, so if someone is making discreet inquiries about me or mine, I need to know." Harry explained.

"You should know how they all are. They had rather gossip about pointless soiree's than talk to a person with undeclared parentage."

Riddle laughed at his own words but Harry could clearly hear the undertones of repressed fury and anger in it.

"Yeah, they are idiots that way. You...you shouldn't pay attention to how others view you."

The other guy raised an eyebrow at his words, "Are those the creed The House of Black lives by?"

Harry gave a shallow now for that direct hit from Riddle.

He certainly had a way with words and to turn them around on the speaker within seconds, Harry marvelled at mini-voldy's brains.

"I have never cared much about creed or mottos. I had rather live a fulfilling life than bother with people who don't matter in the grand scheme of things to me."

"You? Heir Black not caring about his impression upon others, hard to believe that."

Harry felt infuriated that the other boy kept refuting his words and replied acerbically, "Believe what you will, Riddle. Anyway, you clearly enjoy playing court to that mindless rabble and you are welcome to it. Just don't involve me."

He recalled that many times Riddle would sit in The Common Room and talk about seemingly inconsequential things with others and nobody would be the wiser that in the end, the boy they seemed to think beneath them had walked away with their secrets.

It was interesting to watch and think about and personally, he didn't have any opinion - negative or positive, about it but he had said those words in the heat of the moment.


That single word from Riddle was laden with so much sarcasm that Harry wondered if the other boy had ever taken lessons from Severus Snape in the subject.

However, since he was in the wrong, he gave somewhat of an indirect apology, "I have the only copy of Magic, Classifications and Ramifications by Scott Freeman in the school, you want to give it a read?"

Harry knew Riddle would understand the unspoken words and the message behind the spoken ones and he wasn't disappointed.

Riddle turned towards him with a beaming smile and asked, "Really?"

When he gave his nod to accede, the other boy turned his back towards him and replied with a sniff, "Are you trying to bribe me?"

Harry snorted at the snotty tone, "Don't flatter yourself. I have finished reading it, so it's just sitting there. Might as well give it to you."

"Oh! I couldn't tell. I thought you were trying to get close to me. Now, that you have broken me from my sweet dream, what am I supposed to do?" Riddle gasped in mock bewilderment.

"Well, common courtesies demand a thank you and if you are really sincere, a box chocolates would do as well," Harry shot back.

"I am not one of those simpering girls that I'll give you chocolates. How about a punch in that fair face?"

Harry chortled at the quick come back and insisted, "No. I'll only accept chocolates."

"Then you can have them in your dreams," Riddle replied dryly.

There was a brief pause in which both of them did their nightly solutions and then turned off the lights.

Just as Tom was about to sleep, he heard Hadrian Black ask him, "Are you sure?"

Feeling perplexed at the non-sequitur, he asked, "Am I sure about what?"

"Are you sure you are not going to give me chocolates? I thought I might as well confirm it once again."



"Shut up and go to sleep," Tom growled.

"But what about my chocolates?"

"You want to eat them, so it's your concern, not mine."

Harry made several attempts to irk and question Riddle for the next few minutes but didn't hear a reply.

He couldn't decide whether Riddle had gone off to sleep or was just ignoring him, but Harry decided to ask the same question to Riddle in the morning.

Without his knowledge, Harry felt as if he had relaxed after his talk with Riddle and went to sleep feeling light-hearted for the first time in days.

Heya Folks

So, this is the first fluff-filled conversation between Harry and Tom.

What are your thoughts about it?

Sweet enough?

Saccharine enough to give sugar a run for its money? :P

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Those things are the holy grail to rising in the power rankings for me and the story :)

Sending loads of hugs your way.

Shiksha Jerath x

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