
Harry Potter: An Exception Side Character

Note :- This is my first time writing a HP fanfiction. This is a story not about a dark lord or he wants to become an all powerful wizard or will he will have ever girl out there and create a harem,No he just wants to grow up to be very strong and survive the impending war with all of his loved ones and friends still alive and happy. Disclaimer:- i do not own any related to Harry Potter they belong to their respective owners. Note:- Mc x Daphne Greengass

Soulderean · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Progress and determination

The sun was rising, and in a castle, a 7-year-old boy could be seen running around doing exercises. After finishing, he called out, "Lammy," and with a pop sound, a house elf appeared. "What can Lammy do for young master?" "First, take me to my room and prepare for my bath and get my clothes ready."

After attending to my morning hygiene, I headed to the dining room for breakfast. An hour later, my mom, in a display of affection, clutched me, pulled my cheeks, and insisted on feeding me more than necessary, reasoning, "You won't be as huggable if you grow too thin." I simply stopped arguing with her.

Today marks the beginning of my journey into Legilimancy, Healing, and Alchemy. Upon delving into the initial stages of Alchemy and Healing, I discovered an unusually rigorous coursework. According to my parents, even with my genius, it will likely take approximately 2 years to complete, given the optimizations in the curriculum. Inquiring about their own experiences, my mother revealed she started Alchemy in her 2nd year at Hogwarts, now reaching only an intermediate level. My father initiated his Healing studies at the age of 5, and despite achieving a high-level medi-wizard status, he acknowledges the vast gap between him and a true master, particularly a powerful medi-witch he had the privilege to witness.

When I heard that, I was really surprised. I mean, my mom is the best at making potions, and my dad is like a hero at fixing people. Finding out they're the best in their jobs was a big shock. Now, let's talk about how I'm doing. I'm almost as good as a student in the fifth year at Hogwarts. I can get really good grades in subjects like Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Ancient Ruins, and Arithmancy.

"I have become a proper high-level master in Occlumency, and I am talented in it. My mind barriers, when somebody enters it, will just be faced with the vast emptiness of the dark space, which is then going to fill them with a sense of dread, despair, and sadness. I thought of doing this because I read in a Fanfiction where the teacher has created a barrier that looks like a red blood sea and induces the one who is trying to enter with the sense of fear, so I tried to replicate it, and it worked out great. Even my grandmother praised me and called some of her fellow mind art experts and even got their approval. Thus, I am considered one of the youngest masters in Occlumency. Even if somebody manages to break it, they will just be bombarded with random inconsequential knowledge, just like one snowflake narcissistic bastard's domain expansion works like jjk, and my memories and knowledge are stored. I made it look like Yggdrasil, at least my imagination of it and every single bit of my knowledge and memorials are stored in different branches and to access them I just need to touch the correct vines and I have put a few traps in there too giving out false memories".

In the past few years, I've improved not only in magic but also in social stuff. I've been to the Yule Ball organized by the ministry for the last three years. Now, I go to some public events, and people in Europe know me as a Mind Arts master. Some folks tried to say I'm not real, they got their asses handed to them and they couldn't do anything, and now everyone thinks I'm a magical genius.

One really surprising thing that happened is that I'm engaged to Daphne Greengrass, the one many people like from stories. At first, I was curious why it happened; I would have liked someone more normal. But I'm happy with what I got. It happened because the Greengrass family borrowed money from us, and they had to either pay it back or marry their daughter to our family.When Cyrus Greengrass invited us to talk about the contract, we thought it was a huge amount, and maybe they couldn't pay it, so they wanted Daphne to marry me because they were desperate. But when we saw the amount, it was so small that we could make that much money in a few weeks. The Greengrass family is rich, they can make that much in a month. When my mom and dad saw that, they were a bit angry, but they didn't show it. They thought the only reason they brought this up now was because I'm getting famous, and they just wanted to sell their daughter. Then my mom asked, "Adorabella, tell me honestly. I know you too well. Why do you want a marriage contract for Daphne so early? Don't give me that look; I know you love your daughters too much to force them into a marriage they don't want. So, be honest with me, please."

I noticed her eyes getting teary, and she asked Daphne to show me around their estate. We walked around, and Daphne showed me their famous plant collection with unique and rare flowers. I tried to make small talk, but she responded in a cold tone. We ended up in a room where I saw a dark-haired girl named Astoria. Despite her discomfort, she stood up to introduce herself. While Daphne and I chatted, Astoria read a book and ate snacks. Glancing at Astoria, I remarked, "She's the opposite of you—so active." Daphne smiled faintly, admitting, "Yes, she wants to run and play outside, but she can't." There was sadness in her voice. I mentioned "Blood maladiction," surprising her. "HOW?!" she exclaimed. I explained that I learned about it from my father's healing lessons. After talking for an hour, Astoria began to open up. When the house elf announced lunch, we headed to the dining hall, meeting our parents. I told them I planned to heal Astoria. They asked why, and I said, "I don't know, just felt like helping her out since we're going to be family or very close friends." Mom smiled, asking, "What makes you say that?" I replied, "Well, they both look happy now, so either you signed the marriage contract or found a solution. Either way, we'll be close, and Daphne is very pretty." Dad laughed, saying, "Good for you, son. I knew he was smart to notice. I would've been surprised if he didn't." Mom, ignoring Dad, pouted, "But you said I was the prettiest woman in the world." I assured her, "Mom, I still think you're pretty. I was three at the time." Seeing no change in her mood, I sighed, "Dad, you handle Mom." After a few minutes, Dad said something to Mom, and she turned red. I thought, 'Maybe I'll get a sibling after all.'

After lunch, while walking to the Apparition point, I winked at my parents. They just smiled. Approaching Astoria, I said, "Can you give me your hand for a moment?" She extended her hand, and I activated my ability. A golden-green glow emanated from my body and flowed into Astoria. Her veins started to glow in a golden light. When I finished, Astoria's complexion transformed. She looked healthy, no longer sickly. Running to Daphne, I said, "Give her healthy food and nutrition potions in small doses. Run around with her; she'll be full of energy." They were shocked at what happened, and all Astoria could say was "WAH..." before I joined my parents, and we Apparated. In my room, I took a quick nap. Yes, I shared my abilities, but only two: Mage Sight and Vita Mendicus. My parents were surprised, given the powerful ancestral abilities from both families. I learned my mother and grandmother have Mage Sight, and my father has a less potent Vita Mendicus. I disclosed this because I was close to healing Neville's parents, and once done, they'd know. I didn't want them to feel I mistrusted them, so I shared only two abilities. Disaster struck after I told them. My parents intensified lessons in alchemy and healing, and my grandmother added Hogwarts study. By the time I reach Hogwarts, I'll focus on wards and soul magic. I explained how my abilities work: proficiency in the subject is crucial for healing. Upon waking up, I found a letter from Daphne. It read,

'I don't know if you healed Astoria for selfish reasons or because you have a good heart. But I promise, even if circumstances brought us together, I'll always be there for you. Even if you love someone else, I won't leave. You saved my sister's life and brought happiness to our home. It's no longer gloomy. I sincerely thank you.

Daphne Greengrass.'

After reading that, I realized I didn't know her at all. Taking a deep breath, I wrote her a letter, expressing that I healed Astoria because I believed she deserved to be happy, and I wanted to see the real her. I also promised not to betray her trust and love, pledging to do my best for her. While writing, I pondered, 'I understand I'm more mature due to my reincarnation, but how is she so mature? Maybe it's because of all the teachings and classes.'

I also didn't have any motivation or dreams and goals then I thought of the 9 years i spent in this world i will become strong to protect my friends and family never let any harm to every come to them.