
Harry Potter: An Exception Side Character

Note :- This is my first time writing a HP fanfiction. This is a story not about a dark lord or he wants to become an all powerful wizard or will he will have ever girl out there and create a harem,No he just wants to grow up to be very strong and survive the impending war with all of his loved ones and friends still alive and happy. Disclaimer:- i do not own any related to Harry Potter they belong to their respective owners. Note:- Mc x Daphne Greengass

Soulderean · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Baby Years

"It's been almost three weeks since my birth. During this time, I have been in and out of sleep. Well, I guess I should have expected that because babies don't have much energy to stay awake for hours. So, I am off to sleep again.

--+ Time Skip:- 6 months +--

It's been months since I was finally able to stay awake for a longer period. I noticed something interesting: whenever I soiled my diapers (are there diapers in this era?), or when I was hungry, I would cry by instinct—even when I didn't want to. It was very blissful to just eat, sleep, and handle the basics.

Moving on to a few things to know: I was born on 7th January 1980. My father's name is Verdante Julius Eldervale, and my mother is Celestria Eldervale née Seraphim. My father is the lord of the Eldervale family and is the only living member of the Eldervale family. From my mother's side, only my mother and my grandmother are alive. Her name is Karina Seraphim née Rosenburg. She is apparently from a German pureblood family.

--+ Time Skip Again +--

I am now 9 months old and have been trying to get a feel for magic. After three months, I am finally getting a sense of it, and I have a feeling that continuous use of it will probably unlock my magic completely. This, in turn, will probably unlock high magic control. To take it to the absolute level, I need to keep practicing wandless magic religiously for five years and not touch a wand.

Finally, after another month of just feeling the magic and spreading it through my body, I was able to fully awaken my magic. As a bonus, just as I awakened my magic, my mage sight unlocked. However, it will take about a year of usage to become a passive skill. To unlock my other powers, I would need to train in specific fields. For the next four years, I need to work on my magic control, mage sight, and start with Occlumancy. I constantly remind myself that if I don't gain these powers by age 11, I will lose them, especially the healing one. Learning that will be the most challenging, and I need to be at least adept in healing arts to unlock it. For the empathetic ability, I need to be intermediate in both Occlumancy and Legilimancy, and I will feel it when I unlock those powers. As for the shield one, I need to be able to learn the unique Protego spell of Eldervale's to the highest level. If I can't, I will still have a powerful defensive spell but lose the ability to block the Killing Curse.

Now moving on from me to my family—they are truly a very happy family. My grandma acts strict in front of everyone but is a lovable grandmother. Her cold demeanor is just a facade. My parents would stop by every ten minutes to see how I am doing. My mom is the only one allowed to take me outside the house, and let me tell you, Seraphim Manor is truly a magical place. It is situated on top of a mountain nestled between two cliffs, like something right out of a fantasy game. The interior is also just as magical, with ever-changing rooms and corridors. It only works properly for people registered through the wards. For those who trespass unauthorized, this place turns into a never-ending maze that leads to death or capture of the assailant. How do I know all this? Well, the first day I saw this house, I didn't stop wailing until my mother showed me the entire house. This house was made with the help of a lot of enchanting, runecrafting, alchemical materials, and magic crafting. The manor is not that big but definitely unique and beautiful.

Anyway, we came here due to the fact that there is a war going on between pureblood bigots led by Voldyshit and brainwashed sheeple led by Dumpbeldore. So we left the Eldervale Castle and came to this place as that castle is currently under Fidelius Charm. But so is this place. We came here for extra safety measures. Anyway, onto the latest happenings in the wizarding world. It's been about two to three months since the birth of 'OUR LORD AND SAVIOR HARRY POTTER'."