
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

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The goblet and the diadem

After reading the letter, a smile formed in my mouth. The letter was from Gringotts, it said that the two items are now been handled and are now ready for pick up.

I have nothing to do this afternoon so why not. After leaving the great hall I went back to my room in the Ravenclaw tower. As usual, the moving stairs align to the best possible position for me to get on my way. It really helps if you own the place. The castle is being kind to me always.

I contacted Idun via communication crystal and told him to accompany me in to Gringotts. Gazlowe apparated me in my room in the Diagon Alley. Finding Idun in the lobby, he handed me a cloak to be used when going to Gringotts. We apparated in front of the bank.

Going in and finding Gryh, my accountant, we were led to a private room where we wait for the items to be delivered.

"Gryh what is the update on the muggle businesses that I have informed you to invest with?" I asked.

"Young Mr. Ophias, it has been done there is only one thing that is a problem. We don't seem to find a person named Steve Jobs who is a tech expert. We do find a person that goes by that name but he is a real estate seller."

"Hmm, that is ok, I will readjust my muggle business myself in my school vacation."

"About that, I thought you are currently studying Hogwarts, how come you are here?"

"Now, now Gryh everyone has a secret or two, I think that is a privilege I would like to keep to myself."

"Of course, of course Forgive me for being curious."

"That is understandable. By the way, I do wonder if the goblins offer a building renovation here in Diagon alley?"

"Unfortunately we don't Mr. Ophias, but we can refer you to some great construction companies. Would you like to do that?"

"Yes, I will give you the details, and please do manage the paper works needed. I would like to renovate my house in the alley to be a commercial building. I will send Idun the plans and he will coordinate with you tomorrow."

The door opens and a goblin holding a medium size briefcase went in and walk toward Gryh to give the item. Gryh push the briefcase on the table towards me and said. "All the contract and paperwork was done for these two items. They are both goblins made and the heir of this two agreed to make a new rental contract. They are now officially under your care Mr. Ophias."

"Good, good, Idun." I signaled Idun to give the case he was holding to Gryh. It contains 4 bottles of 200 year old wine. " one for you the two are for the owners, one each, and the last, say hi to the king for me."

"Of course. I will deliver them personally." With a grin, Gryh stashed the wines. "As usual nice doing business with you young master Ophias."

Returning to Hogwarts with the two items stored in my personal treasury inside my world, I stayed inside my room to inspect the two items. First I summoned the cup. It was a golden cup with the badger logo. Upon inspection, there are many intricated runes carved in the cup. I wonder what is the use of this cup? I tried to put water on it. Nothing happened, wine, also nothing happened. Hmm, maybe it's just a key.

Next was the diadem. I tried it on my head. It feels awkward. But as soon as I put it on it was like my mind went high. Like taking weed for the first time. All that I see became clear. It feels like zooming in with my thought that I can deeply think about the things around me. Hmm, what an interesting item.

Removing it and inspecting more, I don't see any carved runes but there are the words., 'wit beyond measure is a man's greatest treasure.'

I think I will use this while doing research. I wonder what will happen if I show this to the ghost of Ravenclaw later.

Looking at the time I have still plenty before dinner will be served so I went to my mini-world and continue my experiment on combining transmutation and runes. The wizard's chess is the best example for me to research on.

A few hours passed and it was time for astronomy class. This is boring as the history of magic class. We studied about the stars but the knowledge was so outdated. I wonder if this wizard found out that there is a huge telescope now in space that can look much further than planets alone. I do have some interest in planetary alignment and what are their interpretation of how this affects the world as it is.

Divination is real but that subject was way out of my league so I trashed the interest aside. I wonder if I will take divination class next year.

The day ended once more and tomorrow will be a new subject too. I wonder if that will be interesting.

Transfiguration, this is a branch of magic that is used to manipulate not only the shape of the object but also its atomic structure. Making a rat into a cup was easy but if is the other way around a non living object to be transfigure into a living object is hard. You need to visualise exactly what creature you are thinking. And gave t a certain personality and specific commands to do.

It takes quite the effort. But when experimenting on it while using the diadem. It was very easy. So the diadem acts like a concentration amplifier. It doesn't give knowledge, it helps you to gain and understand things more quickly. I wonder if I can transfigure this diadem to other shape, it is really bothering me when I picture myself wearing this.

Today was transfigurations day. As we went inside the room with my fellow Ravenclaws. We notice a black cat sitting on the teacher's desk.

Ah the famous cat trick. McGonagall, who is a registered animagus, and her famous trick. Making the new students think that she is not yet inside the room, while observing the students attitude.

I sat beside a new acquaintance of mine, Shaun McCoy, quite a easy going guy. Very easy to be with.

"Hey Meshac, do you think that the professor will be late it is almost time for class?" He whispered

"No, I do think she will surprise us with a fancy entrance." I replied

As the clock tick and the time for the class to start have come, there seem to be no latecomers, the cat on the table jump off and transformed into a person wearing a black robe.

Shock filled the room, McGonagall having a satisfied look on her face saying "I'm Glad none of you are late. Now let's get started. Transfigurations are a branch of magic that can be very dangerous so I advise you to take your lessons seriously or consequences will happen."

And the class went on. Of course the famous turn a match stick in to a needle. "Five points for Ravenclaw for a wonderful job." McGonagall said after I turned the matchstick to a needle on my first try.

Well nothing much happened during the class. More discussion about the theories and basic chant for transfigurations was made most of the time.

In the afternoon I spent my remaining time in the library just exploring the placed and discovering the place where the restricted section was. Having a glimpse on the books on the shelves on the restricted section I notice that all of the copies can be found in the room of requirements previously when I specifically ask the room for all the book available.

Seems like there is no point in studying in class when I can do self studies inside my world where various kinds of rare books are at my disposal. Hmm, this is really getting boring for me. It seems like I need to find things that will interest me more or do things to spice up my life here in Hogwarts.

Guys be easy on the grammar error, I have no time to check it, but I do used Grammarly, but it seems to mess up some sentence when I used it so sorry for not making more effort correcting it. I do not gain anything for writing this aside from making my imagination a reality through this novel

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