
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

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School supplies

Diagon Alley, it was still early in the morning but the streets are very busy many people are present buying and selling items. The shops are filled with customers, old and young are everywhere. Seems this will go on all week.

Our first stop is getting my uniform. The most known prestigious dress store in all of the Diagon alley is the Twilfitt and Tattings. Where rich wizarding family did their purchases. As we went in we were immediately welcomed by the staff. There is no customer at the moment. Maybe the reason is this store only serves mostly those rich pureblood mostly unlike Madam Malkin's Robe for All occasion that is for the masses.

"Uniform for Hogwarts I presume young one?" The store clerk leans downward to level with my face.

"Yes please and also the most prestigious clothes for formal occasions for the both of us," I answered back. "Can you give me a list of options that can come with my school robes?" I added a question.

"Well, yes, of course, we do have a variety of charms and runes available for the customized clothing but some will be pricey."

" well madam money is not an issue. Just give me a list of all the things you can offer so that we can choose."

I decided to buy Idun new formal clothes well apparently he takes an interest in a person which I ordered him to investigate. The Auror Amelia Bones the head of the magical law enforcement department well started to see each other more often. At first, Idun just stalks her from afar but apparently, he develops a liking for her and introduces himself. Now they go out sometimes. I did meet her Niece Susan on two occasions, when we visit their house, and when they visit our house.

I return the list given to me by the store clerk. All the charms and runes are included in every piece of clothing we ordered. Like the self-cleaning, waterproofing, self-repairing (as Long as the damage is not severe), pocket extension, the curse protection charm that can repel minor jinx, etc. They said it will be ready by tomorrow so I paid the bill, wow it was almost 700 galleons, and I said to Idun to pick it up tomorrow. We left the store and went to our next store.

Eyelop's owl emporium is the next stop. I do need an owl to blend in more and be normal.

many kinds of birds are displayed outside hanging in front of the store. Owls of different colors, ravens, crows, hawks, etc. there are also many kinds of land animals in their cages that stack up with one another. Cats, rats, badgers, ferrets, even magical creatures.

we waited at the entrance for the other customers to finish and also to look at what was available. I did take fancy on a particular owl. a pure black eagle owl. As We enter when the coast is clear I talk to the owner to inquire about the owl. "20 galleons, no bargaining!" He said. I paid the bill I also include a cage and also the owl grooming kits and 2 bags of owl treats.

Due to his Color, I named my new owl Shade. He seems to love it.

I do not need to go into the potion store for I have all position materials and equipment with the highest grade there is. Also, I do not need to buy books. I previously visited Flourish and Blotts the other day and bought my books ahead of time also to look for rare books and those that were banned but have only a few rare books. Well, we did a friendly visit to Borgin's and Burke's. He did welcome us with open arms after two events.

The first events. We showed him a suitcase that hold at least thousands of galleons to entice him to do business with us. But Borgin is a very crafty person, he did try to rob us but he is not matched with Idun. After some comforting Cruciatus curse, he happily opens his store to us giving us a list of all products he has. I did give him a very good tip so that we can do business in the future more comfortably. There is many furniture that I bought including the vanishing cabinet. I have a purpose for it and many illegal books. Some illegal creature eggs are also bought. Including a dragon and a puppy, a Cerberus puppy. He said he was going to try and sell it in a bar but I bought it to save him the nuisance, for it is growing very rapidly.

I told Idun to buy quills and payment for me and meet me at the I cream parlor. After a busy morning, I want to relax a little and eat ice cream also to buy my companions in my mini-world treats. So we went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. As we entered the shop a group of young girls was present at a table in a corner, I do think they are also first years. So I approached them out of curiosity.

"Excuse me, Pardon me for disturbing your group? Are you a Hogwarts student?"

" it's fine. Yes, we are, this will be our first year going to Hogwarts, are you also a student there?"

" well yes, I am I'm also going to be a first year. So we will be batchmates I see, let me introduce myself my name is Meshac by the way. May I know your names?"

"I'm Marietta, this one is Laura, and that one is Cho. We are best friends. Our houses are close to each other."

" well, it is my pleasure to meet you three beautiful ladies. As we are soon-to-be batchmates or we could be classmates, May I offer you a treat of ice cream."

"Thank you for the offer but we just finished eating ice cream and just chilling now. After all that shopping, later our parents will come to pick us up."

"Very well, if you would excuse me I will on my way."

After the conversation, I turn around and go to the counter. While I did hear some giggles from the group. Once the store clerk attended to me and ask what do I want to order.

"Do you sell in bulk ma'am?" I asked

"We do have a container that can hold 1 gallon, and the amount will depend on the flavor and the reserve we have in the storage."

"Can I make a pre-Oder that I will pick up tomorrow?"

"Yes, you can."

" very well, for now, I would like to order 1 gallon of every flavor. And I would like to preorder 10 gallons of every available stock you have. If that's possible thank you. "

" Yes, that can be possible. I shall prepare your orders young sir."

"Thank you, I shall wait at that table."

I sit next to the girls I previously met. I do think they are going to be Ravenclaws because of a familiar name. Cho and Marietta well Laura I'm not sure.

"You seem to like ice cream. You have ordered a lot." I heard a voice.

I turn my head to see who's talking, apparently, it's Cho. She's smiling while looking at me. "Ah that order is not all for me, I have many companions recently and I would like to buy them some treats they can stock for a while. They are a little bit glutton." I smiled back as I answer.

A man and a woman entered the shop and looked around. "Girls I hope you enjoyed your shopping experience, it's time to go home now your parents are outside."

"Sorry, we have to go now. Nice meeting you Meshac." Laura Said. They all stood up and walked to the exit whispering something on each other's ears. As the three were leaving the door, a last glance towards me and they left totally.

Those three seem very close to one another almost inseparable I think. After a few minutes of waiting my order was ready and I need to beside to the counter to store my orders luckily storage pouches and bags are not that unique in the wizarding world. I do have some for blending in purposes. I waited a little bit more for Idun to come back and when he did we went back home. Luckily Shade, my new owl, is very well mannered and did not make a fuss while in the store. I did not have time to put him in my mini-world fearing that he went astray and get eaten by some magical beast there or even Moriah or Ra but the other animal was set to a walled area there.

Back in the house in Diagon alley, I am organizing my things inside my mini-world when Idun is calling me through the communication crystal, indicating there are important matters outside in the real world. I exited my world and appeared in the second-floor lobby. There Gazlowe was waiting.

"Master tomorrow headmaster Dumbledore is going to the ministry the whole day to attend some trial, while deputy headmistress McGonagall is still accompanying muggle students to buy their things. Both will be out, safe to say, until afternoon."

The time has come.