
Harry Potter A New Story

God? reincarnation? multiverse? what?! WTF god is spinning a roulette! Ding! congratulations! you can choose a world of your liking. Ding! lineage randomly chosen. Ding! time line randomly chosen. Ding! power/abilities randomly chosen. Good Luck!

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50 Chs

Business at Gringotts

Early in the morning, I informed Idun that we will have another visit to Gringotts I ask Brick to apparate me to the house in the Diagon Alley.

Apparition is a spell that will teleport a wizard or magical creatures like a house-elf to a different desired location. me, as 11 years old with my magical core that has evolved due to my bloodline had a magic power now that can be compared to a newly graduated average Hogwarts student. I can do apparition, which I previously trained and because of my understanding of magic theory can learn it fast but decide not to use it frequently due to the fact that my apparition is still rough. The feeling after apparating is not a good feeling, eventually, you will get the hang of it, but me casting the spell made the ride more rough feeling after apparating so I decided to be apparated by the more experienced caster.

Appearing in my own personal room in the Diagon alley house I ask Brick to stay here for the day we will return here after we finished our business at Gringotts. He will go back to the manor with me after.

Idun was waiting and immediately apparate me in the front of Gringotts bank in Diagon Alley. We entered. There are no customers yet because it's still too early for the usual business hours. We went a desk and talk to a goblin who we see is not doing much. "Mr. Ophias here would like the official who is qualified to do business between me and the bank of Gringotts." Said Idun

"Very well mr Ophias I shall inform the qualified goblin to do that." Replied by the goblin.

After a few minutes Gryh, my accountant and also the head of communication in Gringotts came with a excitement with him. It was a little funny how they walk, the goblins that is. "Young Mr. Ophias Glad you came we have a lot to discuss, would you please follow me to my private office the both of you."

"Lead the way." I said as Idun and I follow the goblin to his private office.

After we are seated a grin in the goblin was very noticeable. "Mr. Ophias the information you have given to me through a letter to invest in the muggle market has been done. I will send you the details of all the paper works by tomorrow. Now about the books, you can get them if you want. We have collected all the law books of the ministry of magic. It took time so forgive us for that. Not every day do we get a request like that and the ministry of magic is somewhat reluctant to give all the books. And of course the most important part. The information you gave to the Gringotts about a certain object was proven to be true and the owner of the vault was heavily fined with the acquisition of their vault belongings and a lifetime ban from Gringotts. Would you like to know about your portion as a reward for the Noble thing you have helped Gringotts with?"

"Well about that, I do not require gold for that matter I do have a request though if it is possible?"

"Hmmm, we would be delighted to hear your proposal. The king of our Goblin tribe did promote you to the highest service available. A VVVIP. Only three wizards have that privilege in our whole history."

"Well you don't have use for the wizard things in the vault so I would like to choose that over gold and if it is possible, can I have the cup if it is still intact?"

"Mr. Ophias your greed is very commendable. The wizard items were originally given as a part of your reward so that is given already. Well about the cup I have to ask the higher up first."

"Can you ask that now? I do have another business that falls in that category and I do appreciate it if you can or someone can answer my inquiries on the spot. You see I do have to bring up another topic of suck importance if you do not have the qualifications to answer me directly it will be a waste of time. With all due respect to you of course. It is not my character to look down on any living creatures."

"Very well Mr. Ophias I will contact my superiors immediately, you do have to wait for a moment here. I will order someone to bring snacks for the two of you."

"Wait! Here is a gift from me to you for a job well done in handling my request previously." I signal Idun to bring out a bottle of wine from his luggage and he handed it to me.

"This is a 200-year-old elf wine. Quite a delicacy. I did hear from somewhere that goblins are wine connoisseurs, I do hope I did not hear wrongly or this gift will be very awkward." I said will a little teasing in my tone.

Gryh's eyes twinkled at the sight of the wine. As I handed it to him slowly. He holds it with to arms with care like holding a newly born child. Then he looked left and right, as if instincts kicked in, making sure no one is around. "This is a very precious gift. I really appreciate the gesture Mr. Ophias I did not make a mistake in personally managing your account. If you would please excuse me for a moment." He thanked me and went back to the back of his rest and open a portrait in the wall. There is a small safe there and he carefully put his bottle inside locking the wall vault after.

"Forgive me for the delay, I will now make contact with the higher-ups about your inquiries Mr. Ophias please excuse me for the moment." As Gryh hurriedly walks outside the office.

The snacks came after a minute or so. Tasting it was a new experience, maybe the reason is this is goblin's delicacy. Another thing I enjoy, tasting good food. After half an hour of waiting, Gryh returned to the office with another goblin. This Goblin is different he is the biggest goblin that I have ever seen. His stance shows boastfulness, his attire is dressed to impress, and the Jewelry he wore is very eye-catching.

"A good day to you our prestigious customer May your riches be boundless and May your enemies be few. I am Hagar the wicked, the present king of the goblin tribe. I do apologize for the wait, you see I came from the Egypt Gringotts branch and was informed that there is a very sensitive topic you wish to discuss?" Said the goblin king with a little impatience in his looks.

"Such an honor to have an opportunity to meet the goblin king personally. May your gold defeat the mt. Everest in height. And your enemies will die trying to climb up just to meet you on top."

"Ha hahaha. I like this wizard. Mr. Ophias Yes?" The king looked at Gryh for confirmation? " So what is the thing you want to discuss Mr. Ophias."

"I know that time is money but this occasion is very rare to encounter in my lifetime. How about a little celebration in honor of the king of goblin. Idun would you kindly open a bottle of my personal stock of wine. The 500-year-old elf wine. I feel celebrating right now."

The king was about to refuse the offer but when he heard about the half millennial wine both him and Gryh almost choked.

Idun took out the bottle and opened it. He poured on our cups that were previously there for refreshments. Then he pauses. I used transfiguration on the plate and turned them into a cup. But Gryh already had two more wine glasses from his desk cabinet.

I smiled. Idun then went to the two goblins to pour their share. The aroma of the wine is something entirely different smell that tingles the nostrils.

"a toast for future friendship." I declare.

The two goblins absently raise their glasses followed by Idun. We smell the wine closer and sip to taste it. 'What the fuck!!!' I said to myself this is a fantastic wine. The alcohol is there but it smoothly passes the throat with ease like a small block of butter sliding in a hot knife. The flavor is unexplainable. Fruity woody herby sweetly spicy. I really can't explain. All I can say is I love it. This made me question what would the almost two-millennium wine would taste.

As we finished our wine. The comments started.

"This was the finest wine I have tasted for a very Long time says the king."

"This is a treasure in itself worth cherishing."

"Now I don't want to be drunk this time yet. Let us save the wine for later. I am a young boy after all and drinking wine is not much my thing. But I do like the taste of this wine. Unfortunately, I have only two bottles. Idun properly stores is ok. Now, where are we? Ah yes. about our business, king I would like to choose the cup that was previously a Horcrux if it is possible?"