
Harry Potter - The New Dawn

Disclaimer- Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling When everything is over that only mean a new beginning, a small change can save a family and reveal the true world like it is. All that you learn can change for ever if you dare to question if is really good. Updates on monday, thursday and sunday. This novel will be not dropped. At most will be a small delay but be sure more chapters will come in compensation.

Barwigh · Book&Literature
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44 Chs

Blood is thicker than water

After an unknown time, I started to wake up again while I heard the same voices again. At this point, I'm a little worried, what year it is?. I remember that this family motto is ''Always Pure'' since I was not with any direct family when the elf found me which means that I could possibly be half blood or worst. I only hope that they don't just kill me or something like that.

''Fomsey everything is ready for the blood test?'' I hear the strict voice again.

''Fomsey got everything master ... Fomsey got the young master''

''Then let's start with all this I see who are his parents''

Then I feel a little cut on one of my fingers that fully awake me and I feel like crying but I resist the impulse. Finally, I could see the person with a strict voice and I can only say he is really old but looks like a gentleman and I can say with certainty that he was really handsome when he was younger. The only person that I can think of that looks like this on the Black family is one person Arcturus Black.

I saw him rising one eyebrow while he says. ''He didn't cry even though it hurt him, he is stronger than I thought''

''If he really is a Black he will make a fine heir, let's just hope for the best''

Then I saw him shedding my blood on an old scroll and saw him rising his eyebrow again. I could barely see what the scroll says since my sight is not that good since I'm a baby. What it say was:

Name: .....

Age: 1 M!"·%

Ancestry: Black

Blood purity: 100%

Blood gift: Shapeshifter, Legilimency, Occlumency, !"·%"·$"!·%, !"·$%&!"·$

Mother: ...

Age: 22 Y!"·$

Ancestry: ....

Blood purity: 0%

Blood gift: None

Father: Sirius Black

Age: 18 Years

Ancestry: Black

Blood purity: 10%

Blood gift: None

So my father is Sirius that makes everything harder and my name and mother don't show I suppose I was not named or registered with any type of magic that can only mean I'm a half-blood, everything is getting worst by the minute. I was born in the worst family possible for this now I can only hope for the best. But I was curious I never heard about shapeshifting the most I ever read was about animagus and metamorphmagus.

While I was thinking this I heard the loudest laugh I heard in both my lives I saw my now ''great grandfather'' with a smile from ear to ear.

''He is pure, I was right with how we should marry, he and Nymphadora are the proof I was right. Finally, the family motto can live on'' He says. I never saw someone that happy if he was not that old I'm pretty sure he would have a jump of pure happiness.

''Fomsey you did a good job'' He says to the house-elf.

''Fomsey did a good job ... Fomsey is a good elf'' The elf answered at this point I'm not sure if is male or female is a bit hard to tell them apart but at least I'm relaxing that nothing bad will happen to me.

''Fomsey I got a new mission for you to go and obliviate the kid mother we don't want muggles worrying about a lost child so soon then call Orion and Walburga to the manor I will talk with them about him''

''Fomsey will do as master say ... Fomsey is a good elf'' Ok I think the elf really likes its name or maybe is a perk of all elves? While I think that the elf just goes puff and disappears so thats real magic.

Then he got close to me and pick me up since I was left on a cradle after the ritual started and say to me. ''Know how we should call you .... Oh I know your name will be Arcas Black since I will be your guardian, don't you think little bear?'' He says while laughing. I suppose that's normal to be called as a constellation in this family. He is really getting familiar with me so soon to even call me little bear well I suppose I'm the Ursa minor of this family now.

My great grandfather then says ''You are the last hope of this family Arcas. I will personally rise you I just hope these old bones resist till you're a man''

I didn't think he could be so lovely and hope so much from me this early on. Since Sirius is 18 I suppose we are in 1977 and if I'm not wrong my great grandfather die around 1991 if what the books say was true. So I only got 14 years to be ready then the Harry plot will start and everything will be harder for me.

''We better get ready for your grandparents little bear they can be a little nasty''He says to me looking a little worry. I can only get a little anxious again. Let's hope for the best.

Sorry for the delay guys I hope you like this new chapter. I will keep writing now that Im a little more free

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