
Chapter 75 - Gilderey Lockhart -

Felix knew that Snape and Dumbledore were keeping an eye on him, trying to figure out his background and motives. So, he decided to put on a show and make it seem like he was a genuinely good person. He started volunteering to help students with their studies and offering to assist teachers with various tasks around the school.

At that time, Felix started talking with Harry.

"So, how was your holiday.."

Harry let out a breath and told about things that concluded. All of the things were same as the series and there was nothing that Felix found different.

He also noticed that whenever he is trying to have some contact with Harry, the eyes of Snape and Dumbledore looks at him differently with a hint of malice.

"I understand that everything you went throught is hard but get on with it. I believe you will be doing just fine."

Harry smiled and nodded. He was not that close with Felix but he likes him as a person and believes him to be a good natured individual. Not to mention that he did not forget that they were saved by him when the troll attacked Hermione in the girls bathroom.

The great hall ceremony finished after some time later and everyone went to their own dormitories. Felix went to his own room just beside to room of Mcgonogall as always.

Entering his room he looked at his bed and table and smiled.

"It is good to be back, I presume."

After about ten to fifteen days, Some of the students starting to meet with Felix even more and understand him and make friends him with more close sense.

At the same time, some of the students starting to understand that new teacher of Defence Against Dark Arts, Mr.Gilderey Lockhart is a bum and not somebody that they can trust at all.

This made some of the people who adored him feel bad on their perspectives and thoughts.

He would make a point of being kind to everyone he met, and even went out of his way to help those who seemed to be struggling. Felix made sure to be visible in the Great Hall during mealtimes, chatting with different students and making new friends. He was always willing to listen to anyone who needed to talk, and he was quick to offer his advice or assistance.

Felix's actions didn't go unnoticed, and soon, even Snape and Dumbledore began to see him in a different light. They were still cautious around him, but they could no longer deny that he seemed to be a genuinely kind and helpful person.

Felix continued his act, even going as far as to volunteer for Quidditch team practice, where he showed excellent skill and team spirit. He even helped organize a few events at Hogwarts, such as a charity fundraiser for the local wizarding community.

Despite his efforts, Felix couldn't help but feel like he was constantly under scrutiny. He knew that Snape and Dumbledore were still watching him closely, trying to uncover his true motives. But he continued to put on his best face, hoping to make a positive impression and divert their attention elsewhere.

For early chapters and support, thank you.


Adenliacreators' thoughts