
Chapter 74 - New Year

The Hogwarts Express arrived at the Hogsmeade Station, bringing in the new students for the second year. The children were chatting excitedly as they stepped off the train and made their way to the Hogwarts Castle. The weather was beautiful with the sun shining bright and the air crisp and fresh.

Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were waiting for their new classmates in the Great Hall. They were excited to meet new people and make new friends. As the first-year students started to arrive, they could see the joy and excitement on their faces. Some of the children were nervous and fidgety, but Harry and his friends welcomed them with open arms.

The Sorting Hat ceremony started and the first-year students were sorted into their respective houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The new Gryffindor students were happy to be a part of Harry's house and were thrilled to meet him.

The feast started and the Great Hall was filled with the sound of chatter and laughter. The new students were trying out different dishes and marveling at the Hogwarts Castle's grandeur. Harry and his friends were happy to be back and were looking forward to their new classes.

The next day, students will be starting their lessons. They will attend classes in Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Herbology, and many other subjects. The teachers were strict, but they made the classes interesting and fun.

Harry and his friends already started thinking and busy with classes of this year and Quidditch practice they need go through. They were determined to win the Quidditch Cup this year.

Overall, the second year at Hogwarts started on a great note not considering what Harry had to gone throught in holiday. The new students were happy to be a part of the Hogwarts family, and Harry and his friends were excited to have a new year filled with adventure and magic.

Felix who was sitting on his chair without gathering attention himself looked at everyone and nodded.

"It seems like everything went as it should be."

"Nothing has changed."

Felix was aware of what Harry Potter and his friends went throught, the fact that Dobby intercepting the letters and other things such as Dobby telling Harry Potter that he will die in Hogwarts.

He did not put his nose into many things but it did not mean that he did not think about these kind of things, in the end these kind of changes, are only limtied to series and other people life.

"I just do not wanna encounter any new things without my knowing"

This was the anxiety reason for Felix. He knows some of the parts of Harry Potter and series and dont know about many things. It is just that he does not want to encounter unexpected things at all.

At that time, Harry waved his hand to Felix and Felix waved back.

"Oh, so they still think me as good."

Felix smiled as he looked Harry and others and noticed that Snape, Dumbledore and Mcgonagall all looking at him.

"They are looking at me like Pandora Box, mysterious and can not be calculated."

"I like it but it is not good of thing that they preying on me."