
Harry Potter (HP)

its just me talking about my harry potter fanfic idea which I had in my mind as I don't have enough talent to execute and bring out that part of it and probably I will shit it so if an better author picks this idea please write it so as a reader I can get some satisfaction ____________________________________________ Authors Note: I don't own rights to harry potter and I don't own rights of the image used for my fic if you want me to take it down I will take it down ____________________________________________

Sid_Nite · Book&Literature
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Chapter 5:Another one

So there are lot of Spiderman fics but only single proper fic which is not dropped so you can make a spider man in harry potter +MCU crossover where Peter is 11 in 1991 or any time line . 1991 cause he will be an mature one In MCU timelines as world advances and spiderverse can be added in between harry potter end and start of MCU i.e Ironman and is an wizard and is bitten by magical spider Instead of radioactive one in forbidden forest during his trips . and got powers of Spiderman through spider totem cause that's the origin of every Spiderman power . Spiderman "spider sense" is gonna come in use a lot