
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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Chapter 88: ghost

With the progress of self-hypnosis, Mike's breathing became lighter and lighter. At the same time, Mike only felt that the magic power in his body was slowly rushing to his brain. This magic power was not as fierce as Mike usually felt when casting spells, but gave a gentle feeling.

   This feeling is very strange. When the magic power completely wraps Mike's brain, Mike feels an unprecedented tranquility.

   This kind of tranquility is not the kind of physical tranquility we usually call, but a kind of spiritual tranquility.

   The human brain is an inactive machine. Even in sleep, it will exercise in this way through dreams, let alone in ordinary learning and life.

   It can be said that our parents are thinking all the time, and new ideas are emerging, although most of these are meaningless. We didn't find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it's just because we are used to it.

   Mike's brain is clear at this time, without a trace of noise. Without fear, joy, worry and other emotions, I fell completely into a kind of tranquility that is difficult to express in words. Mike enjoys this tranquility very much. In the past forty years of his life, he has never been as comfortable as he is today.

   And amazingly, this state is different from coma. Mike's consciousness is very clear, and at the same time the speed of thinking has become faster without other thoughts distracting.

   Mike tried to move his fingers, trying to test whether he could maintain this state while exercising. But to his disappointment, the special tranquility was broken just as soon as his fingers moved.

Suddenly, the fear of the future, the joy of mastering Occlumency, the doubts about the light door in the Ravenclaw lounge... all the thoughts returned to Mike's mind again, causing Mike to frown in pain. .

   Now Mike finally understood why Snape kept his brain closed.

   I could have endured darkness, if I had never seen the light.

   The tranquility of the closed brain state is simply a supreme enjoyment for ordinary people, not to mention Snape, the guilt of Lily, the fear and hatred of Voldemort and Dumbledore. These emotions were tormenting Snape's heart all the time. If he hadn't maintained his closed brain at all times, Snape might have been unable to bear it for a long time, and he would have done something extreme.

  Of course, none of this has much to do with Mike.

   In fact, he just felt uncomfortable for a while when he had just exited the Occlumency state, and then fell into a kind of ecstasy, the practice trick of Occlumency was really guessed by himself.

   Mike felt a little weird at first, but when he thought of the release method of the patron saint mantra, which is also a super-difficult mantra like Occlumency, he was relieved by just recalling his happiest memory when chanting the mantra.

  Perhaps the essence of everything in the world is actually very simple principles, but people think of them too complicated.

   In the following days, Mike fell into a frenzied practice.

   not only locks herself in the dormitory after school to practice Occlumency, she also practices Occupational Cerebral Surgery after eating and going to class. In order to prevent others from discovering, Mike also found a pair of sunglasses to wear.

   So, there is such a weird person in Hogwarts who wears sunglasses every day and does not want to take it off even at night. Muggle-born wizards don't understand Mike's behavior very much, but the little wizards who have lived in the wizarding world since childhood don't think so. They think Mike looks very handsome.

   So soon, sunglasses became popular at Hogwarts. Mike, who was addicted to practice and unable to extricate himself, hadn't noticed this at first. When he found out, almost everyone around the little wizards were wearing sunglasses. The most exaggerated thing is that many wizards who originally wear myopia glasses have even replaced their myopia glasses with sunglasses in order to catch up with the trend.

   Mike didn't pay much attention to it. He laughed for a while and threw it behind his head when he first found it. At this time, he had more important things to do.

   He found Ms. Gray, the ghost of Ravenclaw, hiding from himself.

Ms. Gray is Helena Ravenclaw, the culprit who stole the crown of his mother, Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw, in the history recorded by Hogwarts, and finally made her depressed. She is also the daughter of Rowena Ravenclaw.

   When Mike was investigating Ms. Ravenclaw, he immediately thought of the ghost who had witnessed the history of Hogwarts, but to his frustration, this Ms. Gray seemed to avoid herself deliberately.

  According to classmates, she would look at the statue of Ms. Ravenclaw in the Ravenclaw lounge for a long time every evening. But as long as Mike appeared there, Ms. Gray would not appear.

Mike knew that those classmates would not lie to himself on this kind of thing, and he often saw Ms. Gray in Ravenclaw's lounge last year, but I don't know why. Starting this year, Mike has never I have seen her.

   "Could it be because of the claw marks?" Mike couldn't help thinking.

   Fortunately, the other ghosts did not hide from herself like Ms. Gray, but they were disappointed after Mike asked about the almost headless Nick, the fat monk and other ghosts.

   These ghosts are not very old. Ms. Ravenclaw died before they were born, so they didn't know anything about Ms. Ravenclaw's past.

However, the kind fat monk felt very guilty when he saw that he did not help Mike, and told Mike that the oldest ghosts in this castle were Ms. Gray and the **** Barrow, and only they were most likely to know the past of the Big Four. .

   At the same time, the fat monk also enthusiastically invited Mike to the death dinner held at the end of the month, and claimed that this dinner was very meaningful.

   Mike refused without hesitation.

   Mike, who has read the original book, of course knows what the death banquet they are talking about is, a bunch of ghosts staying in a room to play around, and the cold breath from them makes the whole room as cold as winter. Food and everything are rotten, so you can't eat it at all. Asking Mike to leave the Hogwarts Halloween dinner for such a broken party is simply whimsical. He is not Harry's kid who doesn't know how to reject others.

   Regardless of the fat monk's hard work, Mike went directly to the eighth floor of Hogwarts where the responsive room was located. There seemed to be the permanent residence of Barrow the Blood. Almost every time Mike went to the responsive room, he would see Barrow the Blood lingering in the empty walkway, seeming to be looking for something.

   And when Mike came to the eighth floor this time, Barrow the blood was still there. It's just that there is another ghost beside Barrow, and that is Ms. Gray who Mack has been searching for for several days.