
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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162 Chs

Chapter 81: Kneeling (down)

Mike froze at the time, cold sweat couldn't stop from the pores all over his body. He wanted to scream but couldn't scream. He could only watch the tragedy happen.

   More and more rats were attracted by the smell of blood, and the poor guy was soon covered with rats and there was no sound.

   But the mice who came afterwards couldn't squeeze in, so they cast their eyes on Mike and the others.

   That kind of eyes Mike will never forget for two lifetimes, that kind of green eyes full of desire, wanting to choose someone and eat. It wasn't until that day that Mike knew that the mice that would run away on weekdays would also eat people.

   When people are in extreme fear, the most common reaction is to turn around and run away, or their limbs are stiff and unable to move. But there is a very small number of people whose extreme fear will make them lose their minds and fight back like crazy. Mike is such a person, and his vicious genes have long been buried in each of his cells.

   When the first mouse touched Mike's shoes, Mike felt the power of his whole body returned. A sudden anger surged into his heart, and he roared and stepped on the mouse.

  Though each of the mice was huge, they were very agile and moved extremely fast. Mike's foot stepped out in a rage without accident. The countershock force made Mike's feet sore, but at this time Mike didn't care about this level of pain due to the rapid adrenaline secretion.

   Mike picked up the stick that he put aside to defend himself, and started to smash the mice. When the stick broke, he stepped on it with his feet, beat with his fists, and even wanted to bite with his teeth.

The clever friends around have ran away a long time ago. Only a few people who were too scared to move and a few boys who usually befriend Mike are still there, watching Mike screaming hysterically and crazy. Attacking those mice.

   Although Mike is very brave at the moment, the effect of such a random beating is not good. Those mice can always escape before Mike's attack arrives. Very few mice die under Mike's attack. Instead, some mice took advantage of Mike's loss of control and quietly climbed up Mike's calf and began to bite his pants.

   At this critical moment, the eldest teenager in the group passed over the people who were still looking at Mike stupidly, and slapped Mike **** the face.

   His slap was very powerful, and the position of the slap was very unlucky. Not only did he hit Mike's face, he also hit Mike's ear. The blood-boiled Mike only felt the burning pain on his face, and he couldn't hear the bang of his left ear.

  Although it hurts, Mike found that his sanity had returned. He turned around and saw that everyone else had fled in the direction of the dark manhole cover under the command of the boy, and he quickly followed.

   That experience greatly shocked Mike, who was still young, and caused him to have an extreme sense of disgust when he saw mice. Including others, after they became rich in middle age, they would also invite a special pest control company to remove rats from his villa every quarter.

Recalling that terrible past, thinking that I almost died from a wound infection caused by a mouse bite, Mike's originally dilated pupils condensed, and the hand that was holding the wand firmly was also due to excessive force. The relationship was constantly trembling, and the black prickly pear wood wand seemed to feel the emotions of the owner, and there were bursts of black light flashing on the wand.

"Killing Curse!"

   Following Mike's roar, he read the spell of the Killing Curse, and at the same time, the wand in his hand drew an arc in the air with the sound of breaking wind and pointed at the mouse. A dazzling green light emerged from the tip of the black prickly pear wand, and hit the mouse silently with a cold and ominous breath.

   The little white mouse that was waving its limbs in mid-air lost its vitality in an instant. The little red eyes gradually lost their look, and there was only a green lingering inside.

   However, Mike didn't stop his movements, he was already in madness.

   "Avadasuo! Avadasuo! Avada..."

   With a roar of Mike's roar, green rays of light were emitted from the tip of the stick and hit the transparent glass box in the corner where the mouse was closed.


   The glass box was instantly turned into glass **** all over the floor under the attack of the Killing Curse, and the mice locked in it regained their freedom and fled around in a panic.

   But Mike's attack did not stop. His previous experience of a sniper made him have a high level of accuracy to release the curse. Even though the mice moved very fast and their targets were very small, they still could not escape the sanctions of Green Mans.

   I don't know how long it took, Mike finally stopped, not because of exhaustion, but because all the mice on the scene had been killed by him. Not only the guinea pig, but the responsive room at this time is also a mess.

   The tables and chairs originally arranged in the training room were all turned into pieces of wood The alchemy dolls and bookshelves were also blasted to pieces, and even the obsidian floor and walls were cratered.

   "Hahahaha...ha...ha, cough cough cough!"

   Mike sat paralyzed on the ground and let out a weird laugh. Maybe he was choked by saliva when he laughed too fast, and the laughter suddenly stopped and turned into a violent cough.

   After finally swallowing his saliva, Mike looked at the messy responsive room and a smile appeared on his face again.

   "This feeling... This kind of power is really too strong!" Mike whispered.

   Mike feels that he is very happy now. Although his magic power has been used up and his limbs are aching and weak, his spirit is still extremely excited. He even felt a little bit uncomfortable now, and got up with difficulty, wanting to go to the dormitory and fetch some white mice to continue "playing".

   "Gah! Gah!"

   Suddenly, Mike felt his chest hot, and then the familiar crows of the raven heard in his ears. The excitement quickly faded after hearing the cry of the raven. Mike took out the Greedy Pendant from his chest. At this time, the Greedy Pendant was emitting a light blue magical light, and the raven on it was in blue light. It seems to have come alive under the light.

   Mike, who had returned to his sanity, looked at the pendant in a daze, and he couldn't help feeling a moment of fear.

  The claim that the life-demanding curse will affect the user's mind turned out to be true. When the life-determination curse he released just took away a life, an indescribable pleasure surged from his heart. It was like reading carefully, the intense pleasure urged him to release the killing curse again and again, until there was no other life around him except himself.