
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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162 Chs

Chapter 73: Quidditch school team selection (part 2)

Justice, fairness, friendship first, competition second...

   These beautiful qualities that people give to sports are actually people's fantasy. Real sports events are full of various filth under their glamorous appearance.

   Quidditch, such a money-burning sport, was destined to always be associated with power and dubo from the day it became popular. In the original book, Malfoy sponsored the team's latest flying broomstick to become the team's seeker behavior in the Quidditch industry is actually just a routine operation.

   As for what happened to the original Slytherin Seeker, no one cared. Even if Draco is a Quidditch idiot, the strength of the Slytherin Quidditch team will be greatly improved with the equipment leading. In this way, it is all right to sacrifice the Seekers in the original team.

   Mike is also an old man who has been in the society for many years. He nodded at Roger insignificantly and then followed him on.

   Originally, Mike didn't want to join the Quidditch school team because he was worried that the long training would take up his time to learn magic, but now there is no need to worry.

  Since Professor Flivy opened the back door and came in, it shouldn't be difficult to "occasionally" absent from training. After all, powerful and powerful can really do whatever they want.

   A large number of Ravenclaw students have gathered in the selection area of ​​Ravenclaw, and these people have come to participate in the selection of the Ravenclaw school team.

   That's right, substitute selection.

Ravenclaw's starting players are the youngest in the third grade. The second-year newcomers have to sit on the bench for at least one year after joining the team before they have a chance to become a starter. They become a starting member as soon as they join the team. The guys are either talented or just like Mike and Draco, who opened the back door.

"Okay, our people are finally here. Then this year's Ravenclaw school team selection will begin." Roger clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention. "Let me talk about the rules first. It's very simple. Have you seen the magic circles in the sky? All you have to do is take the flying broomstick and go through the magic circles one by one, get it. You can choose to use your own flying broomsticks. Those without flying broomsticks come to me to get the test Dedicated sweeping seven stars."

   Most of the little wizards who came to test did not have their own flying broomsticks. Except for some Muggle-born wizards who did not have enough Jin Jialong, many mixed-blood and even pure-blooded little wizards did not have their own flying broomsticks. After all, the price of a brand-new flying broom ranges from a few hundred to a thousand, which is not affordable for ordinary wizard families.

  Of course, you can also choose to buy those second-hand flying broomsticks, but these second-hand flying broomsticks do not have a quality guarantee. After being used for a long time, the performance and safety will decline. The reason why Hogwarts is still using those old flying broomsticks is largely due to the daily maintenance of these broomsticks by Mrs. Hodge, the master flying broomstick.

   Mike did not go up to receive the test broom like the others, but took out his own light wheel 2001 from the pocket of the Unmarked Stretching Curse.

  As soon as the latest light wheel 2001 came out, it immediately attracted the attention of all the little wizards around. Everyone exclaimed and squeezed towards Mike, wanting to see the light wheel 2001 more clearly.

   Mike noticed that even Roger's eyes flashed with envy. Light Wheel 2001, as the same flying broom for the England national team this year, is priced at 1,800 gold gallons, which is far from what Roger can afford.

"Okay! Okay! Everyone disperses!" Roger still fulfilled his duties as the captain, dispelling more and more little wizards, "Mike, you are the first to go, I believe everyone Can't wait to see the speed of Light Wheel 2001."

Mike didn't refuse, he sat on the light wheel 2001 as soon as he raised his leg. The selection of the Quidditch school team is actually not difficult. The magic circles in the sky are very large and the distances are very far apart. Basically, as long as you can master the flying sky. Anyone with a broomstick can pass the test.

   This is not surprising, after all, this selection is actually just a selection of substitute players.

As soon as he sat on the light wheel 2001, Mike felt the difference between it and the old flying broomsticks in the flight class. Not only was there a magic seat, but Mike also felt that there are many invisible magic threads softly binding his body. . No wonder it dared to sell 1800 gold gallons. The comfort and safety are not comparable to the sweeping series.

   Putting on the goggles, the light wheel 2001 in his mind flew with Mike into the sky at a very fast speed.

   During the summer vacation, Mike has been familiar with the operation of the light wheel 2001, so these simple tests will naturally be difficult for the Mike. I saw him traverse one circle after another at a very fast speed, and the arc of turning was much smaller than those of those riding the sweeping series of broomsticks on other fields, which fully proved the excellent speed and flexibility of the Light Wheel 2001.

   When Mike finished the test and landed, the little wizards on the field gave out enthusiastic applause, and some little witches even screamed to come up to hug Mike. Fortunately, there were so many people on the scene that they could not get in.

"It takes 50 seconds! All 17 magic rings are hit! It's amazing!" Roger was so excited with a magic stopwatch in his hand. and the last sentence was too good. Talking about Mike is still talking about Light Wheel 2001.

   The second one to take part in the test was Franklin. He originally needed to line up slowly to receive the test broom, but Roger probably saw Mike's face and gave him a sweep of the seven stars with a wave of his hand.

   Mike could have loaned his light wheel 2001 to him, but Franklin refused after hesitating for a while. The reason why he started this head is that someone will definitely come to borrow the light wheel 2001 from Mike, and if Mike refuses, it will definitely cause resentment from others.

   After Mike's performance, Franklin's test seemed unremarkable. He took off slowly and almost formed a circle with a large turn. When he landed, only Roger gave him applause.

   The strange thing is that Roger was very emotional. He didn't even know his hand was slapped red. Franklin was hugged by him as soon as he got off the broomstick.

   "Excellent! Excellent! It took 3 minutes to hit all 17 magic circles! You set a record!"

   Franklin looked at Mike not far away with a puzzled look. He really couldn't understand why Roger was so excited when he was flying so slowly.

   Roger didn't explain anything, he just patted Mike and Franklin on the shoulders and let them leave first. The results of the selection will not be announced today.

   Franklin was confused and had to follow Mike to leave the Quidditch pitch.

   It took a long time for Franklin to learn why Roger was so excited. Although he flew very slowly, it took 3 minutes to complete the test that Mike completed in only 50 seconds, but he created the fastest record in history to participate in the test with the sweeping seven stars.