
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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162 Chs

Chapter 64: Afu

On the crowded platform nine and one quarter, Mike and Franklin walked hard through the crowd with their respective luggage. The happy summer vacation is finally over, and the little wizards ushered in the annual school day. For the magic school of Hogwarts, it is obvious that the little wizards are very tired of learning, unlike the previous school when the school started, the students all had a miserable expression.

   The two finally squeezed into the train, and finally they were relieved.

The    platform was full of little wizards and their parents. Many parents were reluctant to leave even after sending their children on the train, but stood there stupidly and waved.

   Both Mikes are orphans and have never experienced the love of their parents, so they can't experience this feeling. Suddenly witnessing such a scene feels so sad.

   Fortunately, Mike Pip was so heartless, it didn't show up.


   There was a burst of laughter. An owl standing on Franklin's head was staring at Mike, and his mouth was still making calls very similar to laughter, as if mocking Mike's weakness.

   Mike gave it a vicious look, slapped it on the head unceremoniously, and finally stopped it.

   This owl is Franklin's pet. He bought it with the money he made in Diagon Alley these days.

   The small business of the two was very prosperous, and they made nearly 2,000 gold gallons in just one week. Among them, Mike took 1,400 by himself and left 600 for Franklin. The result was that Franklin bought such an owl for 400 Jin Jialong.

It was the first time that Mike discovered that someone was even more prodigal than him. Four hundred gold gallons were enough for the Weasleys to be delicious and drinkable for several months, but it was used by Franklin to buy one in addition to delivering letters. There is no owl outside.

   According to the shop assistant, this owl is a rare species that has become extinct in the Muggle world, called the laughing owl. This owl is relatively large, generally up to 40 cm in length, and after a long period of nurturing by wizards, the intelligence is also quite outstanding, almost comparable to a 3-year-old child.

   This alone is not worth the price of 400 gallons. The most valuable thing about this owl is its laugh-like cry.

   Franklin decided to buy it after hearing the cry of the laughing owl for the first time, because he thought that the laugh of the laughing owl resembled his mother.

   Franklin felt that the sound of nature sounds like noise to Mike. The laughter with a ridiculous smell made Mike very upset. After listening to Franklin's reason for buying it, Mike was very curious about Franklin's mother. What kind of woman could make such a mocking smile? Such interesting people must get to know each other if they have the opportunity.

   is not interested in pet Mike, even if he must raise him, he will not raise an owl.

   It's all to blame on that **** raven, Mike has been very hostile to all birds since he was teased by that raven again and again during the summer vacation. The laughing owl named Afu by Franklin would have been roasted by Mike if it weren't Franklin's pet. That kind of laughter is really awful.

The two found an empty private room and walked in. Franklin hurriedly took out a bottle of mineral water before putting his luggage in, poured a little water into the bottle cap and raised it in front of the laughing owl above his head respectfully. Also, Ah Fu's elder and Ah Fu kept screaming, and Mike felt that Franklin might not be so filial to his mother.

   Everyone keeps an owl in a cage. He is better, because he is afraid that his Afu will be depressed after being locked up for a long time, so he allows the owl to move around freely and is not afraid of it running away.

   It turned out that this is the laughing owl who made a home on top of Franklin's head and stayed there all day without going anywhere. Franklin's hair was shaped like a bird's nest by it, very funny.

   It is said that the hair quality of blacks has always been bad. Most blacks will be bald when they reach middle age, and they can only wear wigs if they don't want to go out with a big bald head. In my previous life, I heard from a customer named Chen from Hong Kong that African blacks have supported countless wig factories in the sky. I don't know if it's true. If it's true, Franklin may have to use it before he turns 30. Put on a wig.

   Well, it's so decided. This year's Christmas gift will give Franklin a wig. It must also be made in China, and it is said that the quality is the best in the world.

   Just as Mike was thinking about it, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open. Little Lori Hermione was sweating profusely. She took Mike's hand without looking at Franklin with an owl on her head.

   "Did you see Harry?"

"Don't worry, didn't they get in the car?" Mike broke Hermione's hand a little laboriously. This little loli has a tendency to develop into a violent woman recently, and her strength is getting more and more. Great. When he just took Mike's hand, Mike felt a little pain in his hand. "It doesn't matter if you didn't catch the train. Dumbledore will definitely find him back."

   "But..." Hermione obviously disagreed with Mike's words, but was interrupted by someone behind her when she was about to refute.

   "Who missed the train?"

Penello walked into the carriage sternly. Today's Penello has returned to the state of the old senior sister. The long golden hair is simply pinned behind the ears, and the perfect figure is also covered by a plain robe. Covering, but what is different from the past is that this plain robe has a lot of patterns stitched with gold thread, which looks quite atmospheric. Mike bought this dress for 20 gold gallons.

   "It's Harry, he doesn't seem to catch the train." Mike spread his hands, "Hermione is very anxious, I persuaded her that Dumbledore would get Harry back."

   "Indeed, as Mike said, Dumbledore will not let his savior disappear for no reason. Your worries are completely unnecessary." Penello said, leaning on the back of Mike's chair.

  Hermione watched Mike and Penello's heart burst into an unknown fire, a red glow floated silently on her cheeks, and she cursed a stinky woman secretly and slammed the door. (The word biao needs to be blocked, so you can only use stinky woman)

   At this time Penello also noticed the peculiar shape of the owl on Franklin's head, and couldn't help laughing. Hermione, who hadn't walked far outside the room, heard the laughter in the box, stomped her feet in a rage, and speeded up her pace and walked away.

   Mike in the box looked at Penello's ecstatic look and couldn't help but laughed, and asked: "Aren't you supposed to be in the prefect car? Why did you come to me?"