
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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162 Chs

Chapter 47: Year-end dinner

Happy hours are always so short, a week of carnival time seems to pass in the blink of an eye.

   Soon after Mike returned to the dormitory, the trio of salvation was also rescued one by one. Ron and Hermione were not seriously injured, and they soon appeared in front of everyone alive.

   Everyone gathered around the two to ask about the situation last night. Hermione Lori had a thin face, blushing and bowing her head without speaking. Ron was so excited, with a red face telling everyone what they saw and heard under the trapdoor.

   Compared to the two Harrys, it was much worse. He lay in the infirmary for three days before waking up. Mike took Franklin to see Harry as soon as he woke up. During the conversation, Harry apologized to Mike. In this Philosopher's Stone adventure, they didn't take him with him because they couldn't find Mike at the time. .

   Speaking of Franklin and Mike, he was very big. Franklin was autistic after that day. This young man Mike is still very optimistic, but Mike can only comfort him. He recovered after Mike promised to give Franklin a make-up lesson during the summer.

   Finally, after such a busy week, Mike welcomed his first year-end dinner at Hogwarts.

   Because he wanted to help decorate the auditorium, Mike followed Professor Flitwick to the auditorium early.

   The kitty eagles hung the flags of the Ravenclaw Wisdom Eagle on the walls of the auditorium under the demonstration of Professor Flivy, and the tablecloths were all replaced with blue. Their current college score is the highest, which means that this year's college cup already belongs to them.

   The auditorium has become a blue ocean thanks to the efforts of the Kitty Hawks, and Professor Flitwick's smile is almost out of sight. Slytherin has won the Academy Cup for six consecutive years, and Ravenclaw has been the second child for six years. Originally, he thought it would be the same this year, but he didn't expect Mike to show his power and directly push Ravenclaw to the first place. After that, look for Mike in the crowd. Such a good boy should be rewarded.

   Mike did not smile like everyone else. He knew that Gryffindor had already been assigned to Gryffindor for this year's College Cup. No matter how many points they lead Gryffindor, Dumbledore will make up for Gryffindor tonight.

  Professor Flitwick looked at Mike with a gloomy look and thought it was because he was about to leave and Mike was about to become homeless again. Thinking of this, Professor Flitwick couldn't help but feel a touch of tenderness in his eyes.

   "Mike, why are you staying here alone?" Flivy patted Mike's arm, "Don't be unhappy, you are our hero today."

   I'm afraid you will be unhappy soon. Mike thought to himself, meanwhile a smirk on his face.

As soon as Professor Flivy saw it, he strengthened his guess, and said softly: "Don't worry about the holiday. If you don't mind, you can live in my house. I just have a few old friends to introduce you to. "

   Mike felt a little strange, but his face remained calm.

   "This...it's not so good, will it trouble you too much." Mike wanted to refuse, he had promised Franklin to take him to make up classes during the summer vacation.

   "You don't have to be polite with me, that's the decision!" Professor Flitwick slapped his hands, "Tomorrow you don't rush to leave, I will take you to my house when I finish handling the affairs in the college."

   Mike could only agree with a wry smile, and at the same time mourned poor Franklin for three seconds.

   Just as Mike and Professor Flivy had a very happy conversation, the students came to the auditorium one after another, and soon the auditorium was full.

   Seeing that the dinner was about to begin, Fliviy greeted the students to return to their respective tables and returned to their places.

   Mike saw Draco in the crowd. Draco's face was not very good at this time, his original big-backed head became a bit messy, and he was walking a little lame, as if he had just been beaten.

   Not only him, all the Slytherin students looked bad, just as everyone present owed them a million.

   Mike understands their feelings very well. Slytherin's legendary record of winning the Academy Cup for six consecutive years has been broken in their hands. These people will definitely become Slytherin's shame.

  In sharp contrast to them are Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. One of these two colleges is the biggest winner of this school year, and the other is that they are satisfied as long as they see Slytherin luck.

When the Slytherin students saw that the Gryffindor people looked like a new disaster, they were so angry that they would lose to Ravenclaw. After all, they were not good at learning. Lan Fendor is ranked third, what qualifications do you have to be so arrogant if you lose.

So the people in the two colleges scolded each other. The eloquence little snakes are obviously not the opponents of the little lions, especially the Weasley brothers and Li Jordan. These three can scold Slytherin as a whole third grade. Speechless.

   Seeing that the scolding battle was about to escalate into a fight, Dumbledore finally arrived. With Dumbledore's wand waved, a violent explosion echoed in the auditorium.

   Everyone under the stage was attracted by the sound. It was Dumbledore who came and hurriedly returned to his position to sit quietly.

   And Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction as he watched the silence regained in the audience and began his speech.

Not surprisingly Mike As Dumbledore announced time and time again that he had added points to the Salvation Trio, Gryffindor's score went from third to tied with Ravenclaw. the first.

   This is not over yet. After adding ten points to Neville, Gryffindor surpassed Ravenclaw and became the number one.

   "It looks like the decoration here needs to be changed tonight."

   With the waving of Dumbledore's wand, the blue auditorium that the Kitty hawks had arranged after a busy afternoon instantly turned into a golden red representing Gryffindor.

   The little lions of Gryffindor exploded. They cheered and came to the trio of salvation. They raised and lowered them high, shouting their names.

   Kitty Hawks are all autistic.

   The male student chair Abbot sitting next to Mike clenched his fists, and didn't even notice that his nails pierced his palms. Drops of blood continued to drip on the table, and disappeared after being absorbed by the golden red tablecloth.

   This meal was extremely uncomfortable for the little eagles, and the usual delicious and tempting food became like white wax in the mouths of the little eagles.

  Professor Fliviy on the stage had a bad face, and he left soon after the banquet began.

   Mike can't eat anymore, surrounded by melancholy little wizards with no appetite. It is obviously inappropriate for him to eat by himself at this time. Seeing Professor Flitwick walking out of the auditorium, Mike also got up and left.

   Mike's departure was like a signal, and Ravenclaw's kitties also got up one by one, followed Mike and left the auditorium.

  Slytherin's little snakes were amused, and under the leadership of each prefect, they also left the auditorium.

   The original lively auditorium only left the little lion who was still carving and the little badger who just focused on eating, and Dumbledore's smile on the stage slowly became stiff.