
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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162 Chs

Chapter 42: Hogwarts

After finally coaxing the three of Hermione away, Mike, who wanted to take a good rest, was desperate. Everyone received the news that Mike had awakened and began to visit him in an endless stream.

   Needless to say, people like Penello and Franklin who knew each other, and more of them were people whom Mike had never even met. These people all wanted to take a look at Mike who had cast a life-killing curse that night but didn't die.

  Later, Mrs. Pomfeller really couldn't stand it anymore. She drove away all visitors with a loud roar, and prohibited anyone from visiting Mike on the grounds that the patient needed a rest. This made Mike calm down.

   Mike exhaled heavily, thanking Mrs. Pomfeller from the bottom of his heart.

The beds in the    medical room are lined with extremely thick quilts, which makes the entire bed very soft. Mike relaxed his body, only feeling that he was stuck in the bed, very comfortable.

   The quilt on his body has a unique smell of sunlight, which is very unscientific. Mike remembers that he has been covering this quilt for more than two days.

   There is also a lavender-like fragrance on the pillow. The faint scent slowly penetrated into Mike's nose, and Mike's brows tightened from the pain gradually unfolded, and finally fell silently into sleep.

   In the next few days, Mike's headache symptoms improved day by day. Mrs. Pomfeller said that the headache was due to the death curse, but Mike knew that the main reason for his headache was because of excessive use of magic power, which hurt his spirit.

   This kind of injury is not like the one on his chest that can be restored with just a few potions. What it needs is calmness. The green potion that Mrs. Pomfeller gave Mike before was a pain-killing potion called "Elm Leaf", which had no therapeutic effect on his injuries.

   After lying in bed for a full month, Mike's injury was healed.

   In this month, Mike's life is not as good as death. What he can do every day is to eat and sleep, and eat. Madam Pomfrey forbids him to release magic while lying in bed, even reading books and newspapers, on the grounds that his current physical condition is not suitable for such energy-consuming activities.

   When Mrs. Pomfeller announced that he could be discharged from the hospital, Mike had an urge to scream up to the sky. He felt that if he continued to lie down, he would go crazy soon. It was so boring.

   Pushing open the old wooden door of the infirmary, a black boy appeared in front of Mike, it was Franklin.

   Mike was stunned. He didn't expect that someone would pick him up at the entrance of the infirmary and leave the hospital. You must know that it was school time.

   Franklin stepped forward to give Mike a big hug, and said softly: "Next time you encounter this kind of thing, remember to take me."

   Hearing that Mike patted Franklin on the back hard, he replied firmly: "Definitely!"

   The two went to the hall together. Mike was in a very good mood. He had been telling Franklin about his experience in the Forbidden Forest along the way. Of course, some places were appropriately exaggerated by him.

   Franklin is a very good listener, always able to ask the right questions at the right time, which makes Mike's cowhide extremely comfortable.

   When the two came to the hall with a chat and laugh, it happened to be in time for the meal, and the little wizards were walking into the hall scatteredly.

   Mike originally thought that the topic about himself should have cooled down after a month of precipitation. However, it turns out that Mike underestimated the Forbidden Forest incident in the minds of these boring little wizards.

   The moment they walked into the hall, they attracted almost everyone's attention.

   The cowardly little wizard only dared to hide in the distance and looked at Mike curiously, while the bolder one went directly to Mike. They surrounded Mike, their eyes flashing, and their mouths chattering, not knowing what they were talking about.

   Mike couldn't help his scalp numb as he watched the battle before him. The headache he had healed seemed to be aching.

   This is the time for Franklin to perform. Taking advantage of his size, he forcibly squeezed a passage through the crowd, and took Mike out of the hall before there were more people.

   Finally escaped to a remote corridor, Mike panted against the wall and said, "What's the situation? It's been a month, are they crazy?"

   Franklin on the side was even more unbearable than Mike. He had just opened the way for Mike. He had expended a lot of physical energy. He was lying half-dead on the ground at the moment, dripping with big drops of sweat on his face sliding down his dark skin to the floor.

"Don't you know, this time you are famous." Franklin replied after a while. "At about two o'clock that night, Dumbledore woke up all of us. We were assembled in the lobby. Professor McGonagall changed a lot of sleeping bags to give us rest."

   "Dumbledore said that the Forbidden Forest was invaded by a monster, and that monster might enter Hogwarts Castle. Although the professors said that there would be no danger as long as everyone stayed together, we were still terrified."

"Later we discovered that the Forbidden Forest was on fire, and the light almost lit up the entire sky. Professor Flitwick summoned some seventh-grade seniors to put out the fire together, and then put out the fire We were all scared. Many people couldn't sleep for almost the whole night. It wasn't until the next morning that Dumbledore announced that the alarm had been lifted and he also told us something about you."

   "You have become a hero! Mike!" Franklin grabbed Mike by the shoulder excitedly. "Later, Malfoy told us everything that happened that night! You are amazing."

"I almost forgot to say that Dumbledore gave Ravenclaw a full 100 points! Our current academy points have surpassed Slytherin to become number one! There is not much time left in this school year, no The Accidental Academy Cup is ours!"

   Mike didn't catch the last paragraph of Franklin's words at all. He was already confused by the previous content. Unexpectedly, Dumbledore would have such a big battle. To be honest, Mike felt a little flattered.

   But according to the content of my previous conversation with Dumbledore, Quirrell or Voldemort was not caught that night. In that case, it means that the plot will continue to develop as in the original book.

   What Mike fears most is the collapse of the original story.

   He knows very well that his biggest advantage as a traverser is his familiarity with the plot. If Quirrell is caught in advance and the plot collapses, all his plans for the future will be vanished.

   Mike has seen many sci-fi movies in his previous life, and he has some knowledge of time travel. He knows that whether he participates in the plot or not, as he stays in this world longer, the damage to the original plot will be greater. This is the butterfly effect.

   "At the very least, before the plot is completely out of control, I must take advantage of my prophet to improve my strength as much as possible!" Mike lowered his head and murmured with a voice that was so soft that no one could hear.