
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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162 Chs

Chapter 37: Forbidden forest

That night Mike and others were escorted back to their respective colleges by Professor McGonagall one by one. Of course, except for Malfoy, he had to go to Madam Pomfrey to receive treatment.

   Malfoy's injury is not serious, he recovered after only one night under the treatment of Madam Pomfrey. But he tried his best to put on an unbearable pain, and wanted Madam Pomfrey to let him stay in the infirmary for a few more days, because he knew that if he went out now, he would definitely be greeted by a storm.

   However, Madam Pomfrey didn't eat this set and forced him out.

   So Malfoy could only bite the bullet and came to the hall in the early morning of the next day. He knew he could not escape.

   There are four huge hourglasses in the hall, which are used to record the scores of the four colleges. Now, the hourglasses belonging to Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw are missing a large part of the gems used to represent scores. Among them, Slytherin's is particularly obvious, they lost 100 points last night because of the night tour of two little wizards.

   Mike arrived in the hall early, and he is now eating breakfast slowly.

   The deduction is nothing to him. The score he earned for Ravenclaw has already far exceeded 50 points. The little wizards of Ravenclaw know this well.

And Draco and Chris are different. Slytherin has won the Academy Cup for six consecutive years. This year's graduates not only put their energy on their own to win the Academy Cup Grand Slam, but also warned the students underneath. Younger brothers and sisters, if they misbehave and cause them not to win the Academy Cup this year, then whoever is their enemy of all 7th grade graduates.

   Draco was taken away by two senior students as soon as he arrived in the hall, and he didn't know where he was taken to communicate his life.

   As for Chris, although he was not taken away, looking at the scars on his face, he should have been beaten after returning last night.

  Dolphine should be the best paid among the four.

Hufflepuff's classmates not only didn't blame Dolphin for making their poor academy points less, but they also surrounded him and kept comforting him, hoping that he would not be bothered by this. Self-blame, after all, they are used to bottoming out every year.

   Mike is indifferent to these things. Today's breakfast at Hogwarts is beef curry. Although Mike is a bit surprised why he eats curry for breakfast, it really tastes good.

   Suddenly an owl threw a letter onto Mike's dinner plate. Mike reacted quickly and immediately got up to avoid it, and there was no curry splashed.

   The little witch sitting across from him was not so lucky. She was doused with curry splashing all over her face, and after a moment of daze, she cried and ran to the girls' toilet.

   Mike didn't care, he took out his wand and used it to clean up the curry-stained letter, then picked up the letter and read it.

  Mr. Mike Townley, please arrive at Mr. Filch's office at midnight today. Mr. Filch will take you to the forbidden forest and begin your confinement.

   Mike was a little surprised when he saw the content of the letter. This is not right.

   Isn't this the story of the trio going to the Forbidden Forest? How did you get caught on yourself?

   Mike is a bit big. The Forbidden Forest plot is the first time that the original trio has faced Voldemort, so this time he is likely to meet Voldemort.

   However, with Mike's current strength, he might rush to the street if he rushes into Voldemort.

   "It looks like I need to make some preparations, and I can't sit and wait." Mike stopped eating, turned and walked to Ravenclaw's lounge.

   The next whole day Mike was preparing for the night's trip to the Forbidden Forest. Among them, he was most proud of putting together a "life-defense curse".

   This protective suit is actually not much different from an ordinary vest, except that there are many pockets on the vest, and Mike has stitched an experimental mouse into each pocket.

   If the Avada Sorcerer hits this dress, it is very likely that he will only hit the mice, so that Mike can survive.

   This protective suit is not actually Mike's invention, but the half-blood wizards who were afraid of being found by Voldemort during Voldemort's rampage. The effect of this dress is definitely there. Many people rely on this dress to escape from the Avadas Curse, but the only drawback is that it requires luck. If it is hit in other parts, then you **** it. It's still dead.

   However, the last thing Mike lacks is luck.

  Everything is ready, Mike sets off to Filch's office.

  Dolphine and the others had arrived when Mike arrived, but Filch was not seen in the office.

"Mike, do you know? My mother told me that there are eight-eyed giant spiders in the forbidden forest." Dorphine was very nervous, and he pulled Mike's sleeves and lowered his voice. Spider, I heard that they are as big as the Knight Bus. Oh, don't you know the Knight Bus? The Knight Bus is..."

   Before Dorfin could continue speaking, Filch's signature voice came over.

   "That's right! You will all be eaten by the eight-eyed giant spider tonight!"

   Filch limped in from the door and looked at the four people in the office.

"Okay, come with me We are already late!" Filch lit an oil lamp, "Let me say, the school does not need to punish students in such a troublesome way. Directly Just hang the offending student from the ceiling for a few days as before, and make sure to be honest when you put it down. I'm serious, in fact, I maintain those chains very well."

   "Well, I don't have time to listen to you continue to brag, go, Filch." Mike waited a little impatiently, and the mice sewed in the vest kept moving, making him uncomfortable.

   Filch was furious, but Mike walked straight out of the office.

   Malfoy and the others saw Mike taking the lead, so they followed suit. They didn't like Filch.

   Mike came to the entrance of the Forbidden Forest according to his memory. A huge black figure was standing motionless there. It was Hagrid. His figure was very recognizable.

   "Oh, are you the students who are here to help tonight? Where is Filch?" Hagrid was a little confused.

   "That old dumb gun went too slow, it was thrown away by us long ago." Malfoy glanced at Mike triumphantly after he said that, meaning that it wasn't just you who would show up.

"Call ... call! You ... You're crazy! I am not ... ..." Filch breathless rush over, just heard Malfoy just words.

   "I saw the letter you put on the table! Quick chanting course, hahaha! Poor old Filch can't chant a spell yet!" Malfoy laughed.

   "Okay! Stop arguing, you are already late." Hagrid interrupted Filch, who was about to refute, "Let's go."

   Hagrid held the torch in one hand, and took the lead into the Forbidden Forest with Houndstooth in the other. Mike did not hesitate to follow him, and Dolphine and others, you see me and I see you, hesitated to follow.