
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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Chapter 32: Christmas

  Unknowingly, it was mid-December, Hogwarts entered the winter very early, and the sky began to snow from time to time at the end of November. By now, the entire Hogwarts campus has been uniformly changed into a silver outfit.

   Because of Christmas, most of the little wizards have already gone home on holiday, which is indeed good news for Filch. Because of the snow, many mischievous little wizards like to have snowball fights in the snow, which makes their bodies often wet.

   When these naughty ghosts returned to the castle, they would leave their dirty and wet footprints along the way, which greatly increased Filch's workload. This poor old dumb gun, obviously a thing that can be solved by cleaning it up, he needs to use those outdated cleaning tools to clean for a long time.

   When our Mike woke up on this day, he found many owls gathered in front of the window. When he saw Mike opened his eyes, these owls immediately pecked the glass with their beaks and signaled Mike to open the window.

   Mike quickly got up and opened the window for these owls. He forgot that last night was Christmas Eve. The custom of Christmas in the wizarding world is completely different from the custom in the Muggle world. In the eyes of wizards, Christmas was initially just an excuse for them to be lazy, and then passed down into a grand holiday. So naturally, there is no such legend that Santa Claus enters your home from the chimney, and then puts gifts in the socks beside your bed.

Therefore, on Christmas Eve in the wizarding world, every household will leave a gap in the doors and windows, so that the owls can deliver gifts silently at night, so that they can see the Christmas gifts in the room at first sight when they get up in the morning. .

   But our Mike obviously forgot.

   Mike did not receive many gifts, only seven. Among them, Franklin directly handed the gift to Mike in person yesterday, and he is not used to sending things with owls. Mike opened it and saw that it was a bag of bee candy, which surprised Mike.

   You must know that there is no way for a first-year wizard to go to Hogsmeade. If you want to obtain this exclusive candy from the Duke of Bees, you can only get smugglers like the Weasley brothers. Of course, you know the price.

   Mike also gave a gift, his own study notes.

   This is the most valuable of the gifts he gave, and he chose the Dolphin Magic Drink for all other gifts.

   Mike has regarded Franklin as his confidant, and Franklin's talent for spells has not let him down, so Mike decided it was time for Franklin to start a plug-in.

   Continue to flip through the Christmas presents. Harry gave him a big box of Bibido beans. Ron gave him an old Gryffindor scarf with a large stain on it. Mike took a look and threw it into the trash can. Hermione gave him a copy of Lockhart's novel, but she didn't expect this little girl to become fascinated by Lockhart so early.

   The Weasley brothers gave a gift together, a big bag of dung bombs.

   Mike was shocked when he opened their gifts. You must know that these big dung bombs are not very stable. If so many big dung bombs explode in his dormitory, his dormitory will not be able to live.

  Professor Flivy gave a set of combat wand sets, which are different from ordinary wand sets. This set of combat wand sets has the word "combat". Well, this is nonsense.

  The battle wand set is one of the Auror's equipment, and the equipment is on the forearm. Its structure is actually a bit like the Hidden Blade in Assassin's Creed, but it is driven by magic. You only need to move your mind to make the wand pop out and enter the battle state instantly.

In addition, this set given by Professor Flivy also has a flying curse attached. In the future, even if Mike's wand is blown away by the disarming curse, you don't need to worry about it. The additional flying curse on the wand will be automatically released and the wand will return to the user. Hands.

   Mike put on the wand sleeve and moved his arm, and found that it did not affect his activities, so he nodded in satisfaction. Professor Flitwick really deserves to be a fighting champion, and the simple and violent gift he gave has directly improved Mike's combat effectiveness.

   The next thing is the highlight. The gift that Miss Penello gave to Mike was a notebook, a study note for a senior pure-blood graduate on the phantom spell. The cover of the note also reads "For my beloved, Penello."

However, there is nothing other than this passage, even without a signature. It seems that this is a Christmas gift from a certain licking dog to Penello, and then Penello gave it to himself overnight after receiving it. Up.

   Mike opened the notes and found the spell of the Phantom Mantra and the way of waving the wand to experiment. The result was as good as Mike expected, and there was no response at all.

   Mike put the notes in his drawer and did not continue to read it. Today is Christmas, and Hogwarts holds grand celebrations throughout the day.

   Perhaps because the professors are afraid that the students who stay in school will feel lonely, Hogwarts is decorated very beautifully today.

Mike walked all the way and found that not only Ravenclaw's lounge was decorated with a festive look, but also the corridors and aisles were decorated with new decorations. Even the usual cold armors were put on Santa's red hats. It looks very cute.

   Not to mention the hall, a tall Christmas tree was placed in the center of the hall This Christmas tree is straight into the sky, standing under it and looking up, you can't see its top.

   There are a lot of Christmas decorations on its trunk, which sparkles in the light of the magic ceiling. There should be some magic attached to the branches and leaves, and there are constantly falling pieces of crystal snowflakes. Unlike the mass of snow outside, these snowflakes form a perfect hexagon as described in a fairy tale. These snowflakes Slowly falling, but disappeared when it fell to the ground.

In such a magical scene, Harry and the others, who had arrived early, were already playing crazy. They chased the snowflakes, caught a piece of it, and watched it slowly disappear in their hands. After a while, they were distressed. Continue to grab a piece of snowflakes, looking at them, it seems to be like taking a piece back as a souvenir.

  Rao is that Mike's mental age is far older than the little wizard present, and he can't help but lose his mind. This is much more real than any 3D movies in previous lives.

The little wizards were taken by professors from various colleges to sit together. Dumbledore did not make any speech. With his "eat!", a variety of delicacies appeared on the plate in front of the little wizards. .

   The little wizards cheered and went into the battle to destroy the food. Dumbledore sat on a high place and smiled and looked at the little wizards feasting on the stage.

   Driven by the surrounding atmosphere, Mike's appetite also increased greatly. After the Weasley brothers snatched a chicken leg from his dinner plate, a fight for food was out of control.

   And the professors are not angry either, Professor Flitwick even joined them, and even Professor McGonagall, who is usually the strictest, smiles.

   On this day, everyone was immersed in the joy of Christmas and put aside all the troubles.