
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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Chapter 150: Unannounced Visit on Valentine's Day

"I understand what you mean, but unfortunately I may not be able to help you much. After all, my relationship with Percy is not good. You know, Percy is a bit difficult to get along with." The expression said to Mike, "But as your friend, I promise to help you."

Mike looked at Harry dumbfounded, he didn't understand what Harry understood.

"I heard that Percy liked your girlfriend Penello. He was sad for a long time after you and Penello were together. I think he might have worked hard because of this." Harry attached Mike said mysteriously and secretly, "If you want to inquire about Percy's intelligence in the duel contest, I can take you to ask Ron."

Mike came to understand. It turned out that Harry thought he had come to gather intelligence on his opponent because he was worried about the duel.

Although this was not Mike's original intention, in this case, he had no choice but to follow the flow.

The two came to Gryffindor's lounge together.

Mike has been to the lounges of the four colleges except the Slytherin lounge. In contrast, Mike's favorite is the Gryffindor lounge.

Compared to the Ravenclaw Lounge, which has a strong academic atmosphere and is more feminine, it is more like a junior high school student lounge.

As soon as Mike and Harry entered the Gryffindor lounge, they saw the usual bluffing lion cubs quietly surrounding the fireplace, and from time to time there would be a burst of exclamation.

Mike, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, was not surprised. He knew that these students should be listening to Ron telling the story of his brother Percy killing the Quartet in a duel contest.

Walking into Mike, he found that not only Ron, but his two brothers, George and Fred, were in the middle of the crowd.

"...At a critical juncture, Percy used the most powerful smashing curse in history, directly breaking through xxx's armor protection, and interrupting xxx's entire arm..."

Ron's sonorous voice came, and George raised his wand and pretended to roar at the opposite Fred in Slytherin uniform:

"Bone to pieces!"

As George's curse was pronounced, Fred's right arm broke in two with a creak, and bright red liquid poured frantically from the fracture, and half of his robe was dyed red in a short while.

The crowd onlookers all exclaimed, and a few of them even fell to the ground in shock.

Fred, with a broken arm, clutched his arm and rolled on the carpet, looking very painful.

But when several students were about to report to Professor McGonagall, Fred changed the pained look on his face and stood up with a big laugh. And his right arm did not know when it returned to its original state, only the large blood on his robe proved what had just happened.

"Brothers Weasley made a special prank prosthesis. Buy one and scare your friends. Now the special price is only 5 silver scots!" Fred picked up a half of the prosthetic hand on the ground and moved to George's side and said, "And this You can eat it with only artificial hands! It is made entirely of cotton candy and it tastes great!"

After that, Fred took a bite with his artificial hand and made an expression of intoxication.

The surrounding students finally breathed a sigh of relief, and even a few heartless ones had already begun placing orders with the Weasley brothers.

Mike was a little bit dumbfounded at the operation of the Weasley brothers selling things through his brother Percy's fame. He didn't expect the Weasley brothers to have such a terrifying business talent, and now they would use the celebrity effect.

When the people around the Weasley brothers were almost gone, Mike and Harry walked up.

At this time, Ron was holding a silver coin that George gave him and looked at it repeatedly, taking a bite from time to time. It seems that this kind of native method of distinguishing gold from true and false is equally feasible for magic silver coins. .

Seeing Harry's arrival, Ron's face showed a happy expression, holding up the silver Si Ke seemed to want to share his joy with Harry. But after seeing Mike next to Harry, Ron's smile quickly solidified, changing to a vigilant expression, and he put away the silver coins, as if he was worried that Mike would take it away.

"Ron, uh, we are here this time, uh..."

Harry was a little bewildered by Ron's watchful eyes, scratching his hair awkwardly, a little bit at a loss what to say. After all, Percy and Mike are theoretically rivals, and the news that he is now bringing Mike to find Ron to inquire about his brother is really not good.

Seeing Harry scratching his hair awkwardly, Mike grabbed Harry's hand scratching his hair.

Harry is good with everything, but this habit of scratching his hair when he is nervous is not good, and if this continues, Harry may be bald at a young age.

It is true that the young white man does not know the preciousness of hair. You must know that Franklin has suffered serious hair loss due to his long time letting his laughing owl Afu build a nest on his head.

"Don't be nervous, I just came over to ask Percy..."

"Aha! I guessed it, you guys are here to search for information!" Mike was halfway through, and Ron jumped up as if he had been bitten by something terrible Harry, you really disappointed me! You are my best friend! But now, you are actually an enemy! "

"Mike is also our friend, this is not a rival, it's just... just..." Hearing Ron's accusation, Harry hurriedly jumped out to explain, but didn't know what to say.

Just as Harry and Ron were about to quarrel, George and Fred, who were busy counting money, also noticed the movement here.

The two looked at each other and silently completed the division of labor.

I saw George walked straight to Harry and Ron, pulled away the two who were about to fight, and started ideological work on them.

And Fred grabbed Mike's shoulders and said while leading him to the corner:

"Brother, I know your purpose, but we really can't help you this time. No matter how weird Percy is, he is still our own brother. We wouldn't do things like sellers.

Besides, the matter of dueling men should be solved by men's methods, rather than relying on any conspiracy. "

Mike is going crazy, and the group of people are better than the other on brain supplement ability. Now Fred even thinks that he thinks Percy is very threatening and plans to use conspiracy to defeat Percy.

Please! Although Mike admits that Percy does have some talents, it is only some talents, which is an order of magnitude worse than the top talents like him and Cedric.

Although he was frantically complaining in his heart, Mike still said calmly on the surface: "You misunderstood, I just want to ask if Percy has done anything unusual recently?"

However, Fred was not moved by Mike's words. He spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders as he followed Mike's habitual movements, giving Mike a helpless look.