
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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Chapter 113: Herbal medicine class

After enjoying a short lunch break, Mike and Franklin went to the herbal medicine class, the greenhouse. This afternoon's herbal medicine class was taught by Ravenclaw and Gryffindor together. McKenzie thought the salvation trio should I would miss this class, but when Mike came to the greenhouse he found that Ron and Hermione were playing with a weird plant in the greenhouse.

"What's the matter, didn't you follow Harry to find Dumbledore?" Mike asked.

"Yes, in fact Dumbledore did agree to Harry's request and took him to the homes of those seniors himself." Hermione said with a grimace. "However, Principal Dumbledore refused our desire. Let's go to the request for an apology, saying that it will affect our study."

Mike looked at Ron who was bitten by the strange plant and croaked in pain, and said silently, "Uh, maybe you should study herbal medicine."

"What do you mean!" Hermione was hairy. "My herbalism score was much higher than yours last year! Not only herbalism, but also the history of magic, polymorphism, etc., my score is far higher Much taller! It is you who should go to study hard!"

"Uh, you got it wrong. I was talking about Ron, not about you." Mike repeatedly waved his hand and explained, "Look at him."

Hermione turned her head and looked at Ron, and she sighed when she saw Ron's painful tears, and she sighed at the weird plant with her wand conjured a feather. The plant seemed to be ticklish, and it even sneezed when he was scratched by a feather, directly spit out Ron Dao's fingers.

Mike took this opportunity and drove off quickly. He knew Hermione too well, and he could hold you up for a whole day of nagging. Watching Hermione start to turn to educate Ron about that weird plant, Mack breathed a sigh of relief, and silently mourned Ron for three seconds.

At this time, Professor Sprout also walked out of the botanical garden behind the greenhouse and announced the official start of the herbal medicine class.

Professor Sprout was a kind lady. She and Snape were like two extremes, one warm as the sun, and the other as cold as ice.

For this reason, although Professor Sprout has little power in Hogwarts, he is the most popular, especially the Muggle wizards of Hufflepuff, who simply regard Sprout as himself. Like his relatives and elders.

The students who were still playing around in the greenhouse saw Professor Sprout appear and quickly returned to their positions.

Professor Sprout smiled and greeted everyone, came to the strange plant and held it up and said, "Good afternoon, everyone, are you satisfied with today's lunch? That is a recipe invented by Ms. Hufflepuff."

Everyone said yes.

"The plant we are going to learn today is the York Venus flytrap in my hand. They are very similar to the common Venus flytraps in the Muggle world. They also use nectar and aroma to attract prey. Finally, when the prey enters the trap, Eat it.

But the difference is that the York Venus flytrap can grow up to more than 3 meters high, which means that humans and all animals that are similar in size to humans are also on the diet of these small things. The content of our class today is to feed these little things.

It is worth noting that these York Venus flytraps are also poisonous, and their toxins have a strong paralyzing effect. You must wear dragon leather gloves when feeding to prevent being bitten by them. "

Sprout looked around and saw Ron, who was already paralyzed and drooling on the ground.

"Uh, it looks like you already know about this."

Professor Sprout smiled and shook his head, took out a beaker-shaped cup from a box on the side, and poured the pale yellow liquid medicine into Ron's open mouth.

The liquid medicine soon began to work, Ron got up from the ground with difficulty, patted the dirt on his body, and began to thank Professor Sprout.

Professor Sprout nodded and continued: "York Venus flytrap will never let go as long as it bites its prey. So any of you know how to make York Venus flytrap open its mouth?"

Hermione raised her hand first.

And Mike recalled what Hermione had done before Ron was bitten, hesitated and raised his hand.

There are not many students raising hands in the greenhouse, and Mike is not the only one who just saw Hermione handling the York Flytrap. Professor Sprout called Mike's name after looking around for a week.

Mike, who was named, was a little surprised. He thought that Professor Sprout should have let Hermione answer this question. After all, she was the first to raise her hand.

"Uh, scratch it."

"The answer is correct, Ravenclaw adds 10 points!" Sprout said cheerfully.

Seeing this, Hermione stepped on the ground bitterly, but didn't want to step on Ron's foot, so Ron screamed in pain.

Everyone's eyes were attracted by his scream, Hermione's face flushed at the sight of this, and she almost wanted to dig a hole in.

Mike was also a little embarrassed, he really didn't want to grab Hermione's score just now, who knew that Professor Sprout would call him by name.

"Okay, everyone look over." Professor Sprout said, "Let's continue the class Please pay attention."

In the next time, as long as Mike raises his hand, Professor Sprout will ask Mike to answer questions. You get 10 points for correct answers, and 5 points for wrong answers. Now everyone can tell that Professor Sprout is deliberately favoring Mike.

Mike also wanted to understand why Professor Sprout did this, probably because he helped the little Hufflepuff wizard, so Professor Sprout would favor himself.

But now in this situation, Sprout's excessive favoritism has almost turned into a kill. Seeing the eyes of the little wizards around him looking at him more and more weird, Mike had no choice but to stop raising his hand.

After finally getting through the get out of class, Mike finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Hermione ran out of the greenhouse as soon as Sprout announced the end of get out of class. Mike saw this and hurried to chase him and wanted to explain to Hermione.

However, it was the time when the crowd gathered just after class. Not only their second-year classmates in herbal medicine, but also students in other classes in other grades just ended the get out of class. Under the blockage of the crowd, Mike chased him far away and did not catch him. Min.

Watching Hermione disappear into the crowd, Mike shook his head helplessly.

"Call ~ call, how not to chase?" Franklin said breathlessly caught up.

"Lost," Mike said with a sigh, "Forget it, leave her alone, let's go to the Hogwarts kitchen first."

Mike had long noticed that Hermione had been wrong with him recently, and seemed to be angry with him. But because there are so many recent things, Mike didn't deal with it. Now it seemed that Hermione had a lot of opinions on him, and had reached the point where he had to control it.

Mike made a silent decision in his heart, and he must find a chance to talk to Hermione when he looks back.