
Harry Potter’s Raven’s Claw

Mike looked at the white marble grave in front of him, stroking the elderberry wand in his hand. After a while, Mike raised his head blankly and said: “let’s start!” I saw a group of wizards standing neatly behind Mike. All the wizards were wearing white robes. They all showed excitement when they heard Mike’s order, and they all began to release their apparitions and turned into twisted figures to disappear. Only Mike stood alone in front of Dumbledore’s grave, stroking the elder wand in his hand. “You know, how can a mudblood like me succeed without being tricky? All for the greater good.” (I'm not the author of this novel.) (novel translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Book&Literature
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162 Chs

Chapter 100: Inside the light gate

The news that Harry Potter was petrified and three night watch team members died soon caused a great panic among the audience in the auditorium with the return of Mike and others.

  Especially the pure-blood wizards. They originally thought that the basilisk wouldn't attack them, but Harry's murder gave them a blow.

   You must know that although Harry Potter grew up in the Muggle world, he is a thorough blood wizard. The Potter family used to be a big family. Although there is only one descendant of Potter now, the blood of the Potter family is undoubtedly noble.

   Although it was also suggested that Harry's mother was a wizard of Muggle blood, so Harry's blood was not pure. At first everyone was willing to believe this explanation, but soon, almost all the pure-blood wizards, including the person who put it forward, were silent.

   Which of the so-called pure-blood wizards present did not marry a Muggle wizard? The family that truly advocates absolute pure blood has long been submerged in the torrent of history like the Gunter family.

   The three sacrificed night watchmen, Dumbledore, did not bury them, but notified their parents overnight. When their parents arrived, it was already bright.

   Accompanied by the distressed parents and took away the bodies of their children, Mike returned to the hall to find a sleeping bag and fell asleep deeply.

   In the quiet environment created by the surrounding Muggle students, Mike slept directly into the night.

When Mike woke up, he found the food and water beside his pillow. He knew that it was the Muggle students who helped him keep his heart warm and ate it. He hasn't eaten anything since last night. Now, the hungry chest sticks to the back.

   swept away the food in front of him, and Mike felt that he was alive again, took out his wand to release the phantom spell and silently slipped out of the auditorium.

The power of    Basilisk puts a lot of pressure on him, and he urgently needs to improve his strength now, so he decided to enter the Light Gate for the first trial tonight.

   sneaked smoothly all the way to the Ravenclaw lounge. Mike looked at the same lounge in front of him and sighed deeply.

   After last night's accident, Hogwarts must be shut down soon. At that time, I will no longer be able to touch the crown in the responsive room, and I am destined to become a beautiful girl.

Thinking of this, Mike became more determined that he must get rid of the basilisk. In a big deal, he risked exposing his secrets of rebirth and told the entrance to Dumbledore's chamber. Anyway, he would set himself up with a talent for prophecy. It's not difficult.

   shook his head to clear out the distracting thoughts that suddenly appeared in his mind. Mike brewed for a while before entering the closed state of the brain.

   opened the light door again, this time because of Occlumency, Mike didn't feel the bewitching power last time, nor did he see the woman with blue eyes.

   took a deep breath, and Mike gritted his teeth and rushed into the light door.


   There was a sharp tinnitus in his ear, Mike only felt as if he had lost all perception, and there was only a blue light in front of him.

I don't know how long this state has been maintained. The tinnitus in the ears turned into a sound similar to human screams. The blue light in front of my eyes gradually dimmed, and the various sense organs of the body gradually returned to Mike's body. in.

  The sound became clearer and clearer, until at last Mike finally heard what it was. It was a human scream!

   At this time, Mike's vision has also been fully restored. Mike's vision is full of darkness without his fingers. The only light source is a gap in front of him.

   Mike stretched his body slowly and found that there was no pain in his body, but he seemed to be in an extremely small space, and his limbs couldn't stretch at all. And his body seems to have become much smaller, and his arms are a full circle thinner than before.

   Suddenly, Mike seemed to have thought of something terrible, his expression changed drastically, and he reached out and took a hand at his vital part. It wasn't until he touched a piece of something that Mike was relieved that his capital was still great.

   After confirming his environment, Mike then returned his attention to the female screams that kept coming from his ears.

   looked out cautiously through the gap in front of him, his pupils shrank violently as soon as he glanced at Mike, and he finally found the source of the scream.

I saw a wooden room outside. In the corner of the room, an oil lamp filled with unknown grease was emitting dim fire. The decoration of this room is very simple. Although the floor is very flat, it can be seen that it is just Ordinary dirt ground.

  And on this muddy ground, a woman is struggling hard, and from time to time she will let out a scream.

   There are three humanoid creatures that look like the fairies of Gringotts lying on her body. These fairies don't have any clothes on their bodies. At this time, those big eyes are shining with a brutal light.

   The yiwu on that woman has long been torn into rags. A fairy is crawling on her and doing inhuman things, while the others are biting desperately...

Mike saw one of the fairies even biting a woman's face, and as it raised its head sharply, an eyeball with a light blue pupil connected to blood vessels and nerves was picked up by it, and then the tongue disappeared after a roll Gone.

Looking at the tragedy in front of him, Mike only felt that the woman was inexplicably familiar. At the same time, he didn't know why a sudden anger rose up in his heart. Mike wanted to rush out to rescue the woman who was suffering, but found that he had been lost. To control the body.

The light from the oil lamp reflected the shadows of the fairies and women on the wall, and those shadows were constantly dancing on the wall under the gentle shaking of the flame, like a dance from hell, the screams of women and The evil laughter of the fairies combined into a nightmare dance.

   Add the two together, what a purgatory scene!

   "Move! Move! Move!"

   Mike kept roaring deep in his heart, his fingers had already scratched a deep claw mark on the wooden wall next to him, but all this was in vain. At this moment, his body seemed to be different from his. He didn't listen to Mike's orders at all. He couldn't even look away.

   I don't know how long it has been. The first ray of morning light in the morning pierced the silent night sky and illuminated the land. At the same time, it shined into the room in front of Mike through the open door.

This dawn is like a switch. Mike feels that his control of the body has finally returned, but at this time Mike is not in a hurry to go out, because the few goblins in the room have already left, the potholes destroyed by the goblins There was only one broken body lying on the muddy ground.