
Harry's Multiversal Journey

What if Remus had been too slow? To save Sirius, Harry jumped into the Veil of Death after him. The Wizarding World's understanding of the Veil was far too shallow to grasp its true potential. But they had one thing right: the chances of survival beyond the Veil are almost non-existent, and the price is high. Another soul, possessing some powerful gifts, seized the opportunity and joined the ride. Follow a changed Harry Potter on an adventure through the multiverse. Will he fulfill the prophecy? Can he even survive? Will he ever find a place where he belongs? Watch him face great evils and darkness. -------- For over 20 or more advanced Chapters please visit https://www.pat*reon.com/senseicaffeine For News check out my Socials under https://linktr.ee/SenseiCaffeine

SenseiCaffeine · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Chapter 21

As soon as Harry uttered the last word of his true name, a thin, dark line appeared at the base of the spire. It was a massive gamble.

A true name was a group of words in the ancient language that summarized that person's existence. Knowing something's true name gives you power over it.

Harry was aware that this was a safety measure against Galbatorix or any other person with evil intentions towards the content of the Vault of Souls.

Which he didn't have. He was only here for a fair trade. But it still made him uneasy. How would they react to him?

The line spread further; it ran upward fifty feet and then split in two and arched down to either side, tracing the outline of two broad doors.

Upon the doors appeared row after row of glyphs limned in gold: wards against both physical and magical detection.

Once the outline was complete, the doors swung outward upon hidden hinges, scraping aside the dirt and plants that had accumulated before the spire since the doors had last opened, whenever that had been.

Through the doorway was a huge vaulted tunnel that descended at a steep angle into the bowels of the earth. The doors ground to a halt, and the clearing fell silent again.

A dark tunnel became visible to Harry; now was the time of truth. Maybe he had gambled his life away.

As soon as he stepped through the threshold, the doors swung shut behind him and closed with a large crack. "Garjzla!" A light rose up from the palm of his hand and circled around him.

Going down into the dark tunnel, it went deeper and deeper into the earth. It went a straight path into the depth; it neither branched nor turned. Until he noticed an orange glow in the distance.

He was approaching the end of the tunnel: a huge black arch that was covered entirely with sculpted glyphs, which made the arch look as if it were wrapped in thorns. A smell of Brimstone was in the air, but his bubble-head charm was protecting him.

This archway was enchanted. While he lacked the expertise to actually tell from his understanding of magic, he knew it from reading the books.

It would take away the memories about the contents of the vault once they left.

It is just good that he took precautions and placed several notes for himself on Skagos, his store, and his inventory.

He is also using the video recording function of the notebook. It would be interesting to see whether it could affect his inventory or gamer system.

On the other side, he stood on one side of a circular chamber over two hundred feet across with a large pit in the center, from which he radiated a dull orange glow. It was hot inside.

The outer part of the room was circled by two concentric rings of benchlike tiers, the back one higher than the front one, and on them were numerous dark objects.

Unhatched dragon eggs, ready to see the light of the world once it was once again saved for them.

Behind them, the walls sparkled in numerous places, as if decorated with colored crystals. Eldunar, the Dragons Hearts of Hearts. They are gem-like organs of dragons that could store their consciousness even after their deaths.

Dragons could even disgorge its Eldunarí and grant it to someone; in the event of its body's death, their consciousness could still possess it, even from a large distance.

Eldunarí were the secret behind Galbatorix's might; they are able to enhance the mental powers of their users and even share their energy to power spells. Since the consciousness of the dragon lives on, it could also share its wisdom. But it was unlikely that there were any Eldunarí in Galbatorix possession working with him willingly.

He had taken the Eldunarí from every Rider he slayed and even stole the ones the old Rider Order possessed, breaking their minds to use them.

Right next to the glowing pit stood a man with a dragon head; his body gleamed like polished steel. He held a metal shield in his left hand and the iridescent blade of a rider in his right.

Rider Swords were quite valuable, being made from brightsteel, a metal originating from a meteor that had landed in Du Weldenvarden.

Every last one of them was forged by Rhunön; she is without a doubt the greatest Smith in this world, but she has sworn to no longer forge another one of these blades after Galbatorix rises to power.

They were rarities, most of them having disappeared in the Rider Wars; most of them were in Galbatorix's collection. And still, it was the least valuable of the objects in the vault.

Besides the Dragon Eggs and Eldunarí, the body of the Dragon Headed Man is currently the peak of magic in this world. An extremely complex magical construct. Behind the man, Harry could barely make out a throne-like object.

But it wasn't anything Harry could focus on now. The dragon-headed man strode forward, his eyes starring at Harry with Crimson Flames as he led out a peculiar metallic roar until the other Eldunarí had woken up and joined in.

Suddenly, he felt something piercing into his mind.

[ Gamer's mind blocked mental attack. ] [ Gamer's mind blocked mental attack. ] [ Gamer's mind blocked mental attack. ] [ Gamer's mind blocked mental attack. ] [ Gamer's mind blocked mental attack. ] [ Gamer's mind blocked mental attack. ]

'Yeah, there is that.' The reason why this was such a big gamble. Even for Eragon in the original story, they first ripped into his and his dragon Saphira's minds to study their memories for their intentions. Obviously, this wasn't something Harry wanted, but before he got attacked, he ordered, 'Allow Mental Communication.' And a voice appeared in his mind: 'How do you know of this place, Otherworldler? Why shouldn't we just kill you? Are you aware of the danger you are putting us in?'

'You already answered your own question. While the magic you used to hide yourself was extremely powerful, it doesn't cross the boundaries of worlds.' Harry replied with legitimacy in the ancient language so they would believe him, directing his thoughts towards the large white Eldunar, whom he knew had spoken to him, carefully giving a truthful but partial explanation. 'Some of my unique abilities allowed me to read the histories of many worlds, including this one. I know the Dragons and Dragon Riders devised a plan to protect your species from Galbatorix clutches until someone with the potential to defeat Galbatorix appears. It's nice to meet you, Umaroth.'

You even know our names...' The White Eldunarí, which was Umaroth, the dragon of the previous leader of the Dragon Riders, Vrael, replied.

'Only some. I am not all-knowing. I just have useful information. Like the piece of brightsteel under the roots of the Menoa tree and the secret of Galbatorix strength.' Harry replied.

'And you came because you believed you could defeat Galbatorix? Or what are your intentions of entering this place?' Umaroth asked directly, 'How come we can't invade your mind, even with our combined power, to see your intentions?'

'So many questions. You can't enter my mind because it's an ability bestowed on me by a higher power, similar to my power to traverse worlds. It's on a completely different level than everyone in this world combined. Even as my own power, I am unable to truly comprehend its true strength.' Harry replied, 'And yes, I believe I have the potential to defeat Galbatorix. Right now, no. In the future, absolutely. This world is only a low-mid-tier world, strength-wise. The world I am living in is seemingly only a low-tier world; the one I was born in is about the same as this one, maybe slightly weaker. But I will become stronger in the future, with access to stronger worlds, without a doubt. How close we are in the future depends on this meeting. It's a huge gamble for me, too. You now have my true name. If this goes wrong, I would have to flee this world and never enter it again.'

'Quit stalling humans, as long as you leave through the archway and don't become a threat to this world, we won't use your name against you. You haven't revealed your intention of coming here yet.' Umaroth interrupted him, 'Some of my brethren here are wild dragons; they are not as patient as myself.'

'I don't plan to harm any of you if I don't have to defend myself. I am not planning anything evil toward you or the Dragon Race. Rather, I am here to work out a beneficial agreement between all of us. One that will help us even after Galbatorix has been defeated, no matter who did it. There are precisely five things I have come here to accomplish.

Even if only one of them happened, it would be a great help for myself.' Harry said it was still in the ancient language, so he couldn't tell a lie.

'Speak Human. What is it that you are offering us, and what is it that you want? Umaroth is intrigued. Without a doubt, there were things they wanted from Harry too; their race was on the brink of extension.


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