

In the bustling city of Jianghu, ordinary modern man, Li Jian, finds his life inexplicably entangled with the mystical world of Xuanxia. One seemingly ordinary day takes a fantastical turn when celestial beings descend upon the mortal realm, revealing a hidden dimension teeming with immortal cultivators and ancient martial arts. As a series of bizarre events unfold, Li Jian discovers that his destiny is intricately linked to the age-old conflict among immortals vying for supremacy and power. Drawn into a celestial battle, he finds himself caught between rival factions, each practicing otherworldly martial arts and wielding powerful artifacts.

helloitskiel · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 11: Shadows of the past

Li Jian and his companions stand united against the approaching darkness, their resolve unwavering despite the threats to their surroundings.

Luna's divine formation, strengthened by the cooperation of Zhang Lao and Kava, withstood the malevolent spell that threatened to engulf her. But as the haunting melody grew louder and its dark tendrils stretched out with new vigor, Li Jiang felt a movement in his soul.

It was as if a dormant force had awakened, a primal force rising to the surface in response to an impending threat. With sudden clarity, Li Jian realized that it was his innate ability, the Scripture of Heavenly Harmony, that was longing to be released.

Drawing on ancient teachings passed down through generations, he focused his mind and channeled the energy of the universe into a formidable barrier against the encroaching darkness.

Li Jian felt a sense of calm as his Qi flowed like a river of light, weaving intricate patterns of celestial energy. He felt a connection to something beyond himself - a cosmic harmony that resonated with the essence of his being.

With every movement of his, every gesture of his hands, the barrier became stronger, protecting him from the malevolent forces that tried to lure him into his trap. Luna's formation glowed with renewed vigor, and its protective glow pulsated with heavenly power.

As the echoes of Fang Yi Nou's haunting melody faded into the distance, Li Jiang and his companions breathed a sigh of relief. The immediate threat was negated, but that didn't dispel the sense of unease in the air.

"Everyone was talking about Fang Yinou, but I didn't expect her curse to be this strong," Zhang Lao said in a worried voice.

Luna nodded in agreement. "It seems that the legend was not an exaggeration," she replied mysteriously.

``As we continue our journey, we must always remain vigilant.'' Feeling fear, they step deeper into the cursed village, their footsteps echoing the eerie feeling that surrounds them. It echoed in the silence. While exploring dilapidated buildings and dilapidated streets, they discover an ancient cave hidden from prying eyes.

"There's something off about this place," Kava muttered, moving his eyes nervously in the dimly lit cave.

Li Jian nodded and focused his gaze on the mysterious strata carved into the cave floor.

"You need to tread carefully," he warned in a voice barely above a whisper.

Inside, they saw a gruesome scene - piles of lifeless corpses strewn across the cold, damp ground. The smell of death hung in the air, mixing with the faint traces of magic that lingered in the darkness.

"This is... disturbing," Luna said with a serious expression as she surveyed the scene in front of her.

But what really caught their attention were the mysterious formations carved into the cave floor, their intricate patterns pulsating with otherworldly energy.

Li Jian and his companions exchanged suspicious glances and realized that they had encountered something much worse than they expected.

"What do you think about this?" asked Zhang Lao, his brow furrowed in concentration as he stared at the mysterious symbol carved into the stone. Li Jiang shook his head and thought of the possibilities in his head.

"I don't really know," he admitted.

"But it is clear that this is no ordinary curse." Further investigation uncovers clues pointing to the involvement of an unknown organization, a shadowy group whose motives remain unclear.

Among the rubble, they found torn fragments of a muddy scroll, its surface smeared with fresh blood. This was a brutal reminder of the violence that occurred within the cave.

"With each new discovery, their hunch increases, and we know that we are entering dangerous territory," Li Jiang said in a worried voice.

"We must continue despite the immediate threats that surround them. The answer is here, and we cannot turn back now."

As they continued to search for further clues to solve their situation, they discovered a mysterious insignia carved into one of the marked bodies, a disturbing feeling washes over them.

"What do you think about this symbol?" Luna asked, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she studied the intricate design.

Zhang Lao widened his eyes in recognition.

"Is this the famous mark of the Dawn of the Black Sun?", he explained in a serious and nervous, trembling voice.

"Dawn of the Black Sun?" Kava repeated, a little worried.

"I've heard stories of them—a notorious group of demons from the primordial period of the Celestial Realm.", he continued.

Li Jian nodded, his mind filled with questions about the mysterious Black Sun Dawn.

"I have heard stories of demons and primordial chaos, but how could a group like this be connected to the heavens? And disrupt the balance of the scale and awaken a Demon God.

Is 'This part of 'an ancient prophecy?", he wondered aloud, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Zhang Lao exchanged knowing glances with Luna and Kava.

"The origin of the Black Sun Dawn is full of mystery and stories are as varied as the stars in the night sky. Some believe it is the remnants of an ancient demon race, while others believe that it was a celestial beings corrupted by dark desires. The truth has been lost to time," Zhang Lao explained, his tone carrying the weight of uncertainty.

Luna added, "What is clear is that their actions pose a threat to the celestial balance and the consequences of their actions reverberate through the ages. Whether they still exist or just simply the remnants claim their heritage, we cannot say for sure." Li Jian frowned, struggling with the new information.

The mysteries of the celestial realm seemed to grow deeper with each revelation, and he couldn't help but think that the road ahead held even more surprises.

"But that was centuries ago," Luna interjected, looking worried.

"No one knows if they still exist today."

Zhang Lao shook his head grimly. "While the original clans may have faded into obscurity, their descendants continue to carry on their dark legacy," he explained. "There have been reports of insurgencies claiming to be their successors, spreading chaos and discord throughout the celestial lands."

Kava's eyes widened in realization. "So, this curse and the ominous presence we encountered may be linked to the malevolent influence of the Dawn of the Black Sun," he concluded, his voice tinged with apprehension.

As they discussed the implications of their discovery, a chill ran down Li Jian's spine. Could it be that the mysterious formation and the cursed village were somehow connected to the Dawn of the Black Sun?

Meanwhile, in the shadows, spies of Brewmaster Blight lurked, their eyes fixed on Li Jian and his companions. They relayed news of the chosen one's journey and his companions to their master, who listened with a sinister grin.

"Brewmaster Blight, we have eyes on the chosen one and his companions," one of the spies reported, his voice laced with deference. Blight's laughter echoed through the darkness.

"Excellent," he replied, his voice dripping with malice.

"Continue to watch them closely, and report back to me with any developments." As the spies departed to carry out their orders, Brewmaster Blight's thoughts turned to his own dark agenda. It was clear that Li Jian and his companions were becoming a thorn in his side, and he would stop at nothing to eliminate them once and for all. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned his loyal followers, ready to set his nefarious plans into motion.

"Brewmaster Blight, what are your orders?" one of his loyal followers asked, their voice trembling slightly in the presence of their malevolent leader.

Blight's eyes gleamed with wicked intent as he surveyed the gathered group. "Our meddling in the affairs of the celestial realm has attracted unwanted attention," he began, his voice low and menacing. "It seems the chosen one and his companions are proving to be more troublesome than anticipated."

His followers nodded in understanding, knowing full well the implications of their actions. They had been keeping a close eye on Li Jian and his friends, monitoring their every move in the celestial realm.

Blight chuckled darkly, his laughter sending shivers down the spines of those gathered before him. "Not yet," he replied, his voice dripping with malice. "First, we shall sow the seeds of doubt and discord among them. Let them trust in someone who will ultimately betray them, tearing their group apart from within. And when they are at their weakest, that is when we will strike."

His followers nodded, understanding their master's plan. They would carry out his orders without question, for they knew that Brewmaster Blight's cunning was unmatched in the celestial realm. With a sense of anticipation, they prepared to set their nefarious scheme into motion, ready to manipulate events to their advantage.