
Harem of hundreds (Rewritten)

A hero... A weapon of humanity, finally reached the near end of his life by battling countless Gods to protect mankind. It was a sight to behold, a memory to cherish... But none of mankind even celebrate for his near victory nor grieve for him. Full of resentment, what will he do? Take revenge against them? Or simply forgive them? This is a reworked version of Harem of Hundreds because I failed to realize that I uploaded the old version I wrote last year.

One_Man_Army · Action
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - Magic doesn't exist here

Let's keep our cool right now. I already know that this world is weird in the beginning since animals here does not possess any magic, animals possessing magic is optional in my world but they're abundant. But, humans... The basic race that must be possessing magic can't possess one.

I asked Velvet.

"What planet is this?"

"This is Earth of course."

If this is Earth, then why can't humans possess magic?

"Velvet, are you a rare case that can't use magic? Or are all humans here not capable of using magic?"

"All of us humans here do not possess magic, that's obvious, isn't it?"

"Then what about mine? Do I not possess any magic?"

"I don't know, I'm quite baffled into what's right and what's wrong right now. Everything seems a lie to me right now."

"That's natural, you must be surprised to see magic, right?"

"Of course, you don't seem to be using any tricks."

"Then do you want to learn it?"

"I'll be glad to."

"Then rest up for a while, from now on, you'll be my apprentice."

"Yes, I'll try to exceed your expectations, Master."

After I accepted her as an apprentice, we train every day in this lonely isolated island, since she was not born with magic, I taught her 'writing symbols' which generates magic each time you write the spell on the air.

Of course, she train very hard and is really trying to learn magic, she is a quick learner and has already mastered writing symbols within 2 years. She gets cocky everytime she shows her visually attractive magic but I've shown her something that is not only visually impactful but also an overall beast in destructive power.

Year after year, we've grown closer to each other as master and disciple. Just like that 5 years have passed. Velvet is now 24 years old, her magic is not even 0.1% of my power but she can handle a demon in my world on her own. That's quite impressive for someone who doesn't have a magic in the first place.

"Master! Master!"

Velvet seems to be happy than usual, she was quite depressed when I first saw her in the cave. Damn, she really is beautiful, it would be a pleasure if I can take her as my wife, if only she loves me too. If I force myself on her, I'll die which is a stupid choice that no one would make.

"What is it, Velvet?" I smiled at her.

"I destroyed 10 trees with 1 fireball today, aren't I cool?"

"You cocky apprentice, watch this."

I should put her into place, this cocky bastard is flexing over a mere 10 trees, I'll just show her a little bit of fireball.

-Devi De Lux: Exclusive magic - Lightspeed fireball-

After I casted Lightspeed fireball, just as its name has said, it's an ordinary fireball that is travelling at the speed of light, it was fast enough to penetrate the volcano and is now travelling to space and destroying stars.

"How was that, Dear apprentice?"

"T-that's nothing, soon enough, I'll reach that level, not now or a few years but maybe when I get old."

"You're really that cocky, huh? I told you already that no one is as strong as me in this universe."

"Yeah, yeah, you say that all the time but you also told me that you lost to that God turtle? Or was it tortoise?"

"That's a God tortoise. Anyway, I lost to that God because I didn't use my profession, had I use it then I might have taken the God kingdom now but who cares about it now, me and that God tortoise are already good friends."

"From enemy to friends, huh? The thing is, why didn't you use your profession in the first place? Are you underestimating your enemies?"

"That's because... My profession is quite hard to use."

"The strongest person on the universe has a hard profession? That's unbelievable."

"My apprentice really knocks me hard, huh? Forget it."

Speaking of my profession, my Harem overlord profession is growing largely by scales and it seems that my lust can't be subsided anymore but I can't just force myself on my apprentice. The way she speaks only looks like a master-apprentice relationship and nothing more. I could barely control my lust right now, it's asking to be released.

I was shaking, trying to keep the beast hidden, it'll be bad if I accidentally attacked Velvet, I will die and she will lose her dignity, all of us both lost something. I should be careful now and try to interact with Velvet less.

"Velvet, from now on, you should train by yourself so that you can develop further." I stood up from the chair I sat on and entered the house.

"What's gotten into Master? Suddenly a solo training? That seems a bit hard."

She didn't pay attention into me and always left the house early in the morning and train in the woods. As for me, I stayed in my room all the time, she keeps knocking but I won't respond, because if I see her again, my lust will go uncontrollably.

a year has passed, she still trains in the woods while I stayed in my room, locked up while observing her from a window. It seems she's making great progress, I can proudly say that she might be worth 0.1% of my strength, that's my apprentice after all.

I didn't lock the door because it seems she stopped knocking a few months ago and I also won't worry that she will open the door because she's not that kind of person.

I relaxed myself on the bed and take a nap. I was awaken because I heard my door cracking open and I thought immediately it was Velvet.

"V-Velvet! Don't come here, listen to your master!"

Despite my warning, she comes in the door and locks it.

"M-master, sorry, I-I haven't seen you for a long time now, I'm only worried that's why I opened the door."

"Alright, alright, your mistakes are forgiven so leave now." I pointed at the door and speaks at her angrily.

Despite my anger and shout, she approached me and hugged me.

"I miss you, master, please teach me magic again, I can't progress without you."

After she hugged me, I was shocked and in love but it's too late, my lust broke out.

I pushed her down my bed and stripped her out of her clothes.

"M-master, what are you doing?! Release me, please!"

This is quite a sh**ty situation, to think I'll die here because of one single mistake. Damn f***.

After I stripped of her clothes, I started kissing her very long and proceeded to s** until morning arises.

Surprisingly, after I woke up, I thought that I'm in the God kingdom now but it seems that I'm still alive. Was my profession's curse a scam? No, that can't be right, a profession is engraved in your body that can't be forged nor copied. Then that means...

I looked at beside me and I saw Velvet naked and crying.

"Velvet... Sorry, I couldn't control myself that time."

Velvet stayed silent.

"Look, I told you about the profession, right? Actually, my profession is a Harem Overlord and the reason I didn't use it back then because I don't have any women, okay? And I don't have the time to have one. Now that my mission failed and I was sent here, my pent up lust back then was releasing now. I can't help it... Sorry."

Velvet stayed silent again.

"Well that's understandable, I'll never appear in front of you again."

I was preparing to leave my room but Velvet stopped me.

"W-why didn't you said it earlier?"

"What do you mean?"

"W-why didn't you said something about your profession?"

"Because I thought it may scare you and I'm not sure if you love me or not."

"I-I see... You're going to tell me about your profession later, okay?"

"If that's alright with you."

"It is... But for now, I'll have to deal with you."

Velvet stood up from the bed and kissed me.

"W-why did you kiss me?" I'm quite embarrassed and shocked at the same time.

"Well, I love you, I wonder if you feel the same thing as me."

"..." I'm quite surprised but I answered quickly.

"Of course, I love you too."

I leaned in and grab held her hands and kissed her.

"Had you told me it earlier, I would have help you with your lust, you know?"

"Sorry, I'm quite nervous because it's my first time having a apprentice and it's also my first time with a woman."

"Well that's okay."

"Wait, Velvet."

"What is it?"

I kneeled down before her and summoned a ring that is covered in great magic that uses up to 20% of my strength.

"Will you marry me?"

"Isn't it too sudden?"

"So you do not want to?"

"Who are you kidding? Of course, I do."

And with that I put the ring on her finger and we kissed again, very long this time that we fell into the bed.

"Hey, Master, no-... Sef, shall we do that one more time?"

"The what?"

"You know... What happened last night."

"...Of course, we can."