
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs




The kitten that was blocked from entering the house was lying on the wall. Although it was a wild cat, it had an elegant and beautiful figure and expression was very humane. The cute cat stared at the door with a rather resentful look.

She rolled her eyes and looked around, trying to find a poor sparrow to bully or see if there was a bird's nest where she could dig out the eggs, but she was startled by the sudden sound of footsteps.


She jumped behind the potted plant quickly and silently, blocking her petite body and looking at the scary man with a sinister face who pressed the doorbell.

"Mrs. Hisato?"

"Mrs. Hisato! Open the door."

The doorbell and loud shouting not only alarmed the cat, but were also heard next door. The red-haired woman who had just packed up Mu Xiaoxiao's clothes was drying them on the balcony. She frowned and turned her head to see the movement at the neighbor's door next door.

"That man again?"

Obata Natsumi was startled.

After a few quick glances, Obata Natsumi was not afraid of that man but even though she had incubus pattern, she still felt nauseated and palpitated. She shook her head in disgust and quickly turned around and left.

During these two weekends, she could always hear the shouting next door, especially the man, who was a bit noisy, but no one stopped him.

"It's that man again?" Mrs. Natsumi, who had just walked out of the balcony, heard her daughter complaining. It seemed that Obata Yui had not been up for long, and she was probably woken up because if noise so she looked impatient, "Mom, that guy came to harass Nrs. Hisato next door again?"

"Yes, they are calling the lady door next door." Obata Natsumi, who has a good relationship with Mrs. Hisato, rested her chin with her hand worriedly, "Yes it's true It just so happens that Mrs. Hisato's husband didn't come forward to stop him."

"I also met her yesterday morning," Chisato in the living room took over. "Mrs. Hisato doesn't look very good. It seems that she was harassed by this man."

"Why does her husband not responding? If it were Xiaoxiao, he would have killed that man long ago," Kisaragi Anna imitated Mu Xiaoxiao's tone and said with a proud expression on her face. The same goes for Mrs. Natsumi.

"Yeah, Xiaoxiao wouldn't make him so arrogant..."

This is also the reason why they are not afraid of that man. In fact, they occasionally encounter that guy and talk to them when they go out, but they always makes a not look good expression and didn't hide their disgust. This is why Mrs. Hisato envies them.

"Mrs. Hisato's husband is really useless..."

They had seen the man named Norihito, an ordinary person with no temper. He looked like an Asasi man, but in fact he couldn't protect his family, which was also sad.

'In contrast, how lucky I am to meet Xiaoxiao... Although a lot happened when we first met.'

"Do you think Xiaoxiao will take action for Mrs. Hisato?" While chatting, the topic suddenly went off the rails.

"It's... a high probability," Obata Yui touched her smooth forehead and fluttered her eyelashes, "no he will definitely take action."

As far as that big pervert is concerned, there is no way a rabbits will not eat the grass beside their nests.

For them, what happened next door was just gossip and time . Natsumi and others didn't know that Mu Xiaoxiao was visiting the neighbor's house next door.

After the bell rang and it rang again and again, Mrs. Hisato in the living room was shocked. She was really frightened. Her delicate face was extremely pale and bloodless. Mu Xiaoxiao, who was beside her, could clearly feel the young woman's... If your body becomes weak, you will fall down.

He quickly reach out his hand to support her.

The soft touch of the delicate body and the strange floral fragrance flowed into his nose. It was a fragrance that only a mature young woman could have. Holding someone else's wife in his arms, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed and he felt a strange throbbing.

"Mrs. Hisato, are you okay? What's going on?"

The palm of his hand touched her waist, which was soft, warm and full of elasticity.

"Mu-kun, that, that man..."

"Shall I open the door?"


Mrs. Hisato held his hand and shook her head. She seemed not to be aware of the ambiguous posture between herself and the boy, as half of her body was held by him, "That man, he is very dangerous."

"I have met him outside several times. Mrs. Hisato should trust me more," Mu Xiaoxiao blinked and groped her waist with his palms, clearly feeling the temperature of the woman's skin through the thin clothes.

You can't tell whether he is taking advantage or comforting her.

"I'm here to protect you," he finally whispered in her ear.


Mrs. Hisato only felt that her ears were itchy and numb, and she almost couldn't help moaning. Fortunately, she held it back, otherwise she would definitely die in shame in front of this boy. Only then did she realize the ambiguous posture between herself and Mu Xiaoxiao.

'My waist was hugged and my body was leaning against him. The aura of a young man kept hitting my mind. I should refuse it, but...in this panic and tense moment, this kind of cuddling gave me endless pleasure and sense of security.

I can't bear to leave...even like it a little bit.

I am such a shameless woman, how could I be like a slut? I can't be sorry to Norihito!'

"Although I don't know why your husband doesn't believe you, Mrs. Hisato, but it doesn't matter." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled. It was a reassuring smile, right in front of her, close at hand, "I will protect you. ."


The already tangled heart was hit again. Mrs. Hisato closed her eyes involuntarily, her eyelashes trembled, and her heartbeat was racing. 'Why did Mu-kun suddenly...suddenly say such things? It's so foul!'

"Mu-kun, thank you..."

Mrs. Hisato didn't know what to say. The young man's breath that hit her face made her feel shy. His voice was like a mosquito in the night which keeps repeating on her mind. Her shy posture made Mu Xiaoxiao blink. He thought to himself that if he kissed her directly, she wouldn't be angry, right?

Compared with simply playing with the body, playing with the mind is equally interesting.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao had no intention of kissing her for now, and instead let go of the hand holding her, which made Mrs. Hisato feel disappointed for a moment. When she realized that something was wrong with her, she shook her head violently.

'What's wrong with me...is it because of the sense of security brought by Mu-kun?'

Even so, she couldn't... As if she was a frivolous woman, just when she was thinking wildly, Mu Xiaoxiao had already opened the door.

The fat on Kamezou Kyouzo's face began to tremble with surprise at the door. He originally thought that this beautiful lady would not be able to open the door, but he did not expect that the surprise came so suddenly and he succeeded so quickly.

Thinking of the woman he was about to win, the wife of a subordinate in his company, Kamezou Kyouzo's face was full of smiles.

"Hisato here I co——"

A man's face suddenly appeared in front of him. It was not the young woman he thought.

What the heck?

what's the situation? !


"Is something wrong?" Mu Xiaoxiao blocked the door with a strange expression and a slight smile on his face.

"I'm looking for Mrs. Hisato, you're from next door..."

"Looking for Mrs. Hisato, okay, come in," Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed and he smiled strangely, "I was chatting and joking with Miss Hisato just now, and we didn't hear your voice."

'Chatting and joking?'

He noticed the blush on the face and graceful figure of the beautiful young woman whom he was eyeing from behind, and his eyes were red.

'Bastard, what did you two lonely men and women do in the room just now? !

I won't be intercepted, right?'