
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

186 Rich Ugly Bastard Comes To The Door

It was Mu Xiaoxiao's first time at Mrs. Hisato's house which is next door to his.

There was insufficient light in the room, probably because Mrs. Hisato had closed the window curtains. At the same time, it was very quiet inside. Mu Xiaoxiao, who was quiet, could hear every slightest sound inside like her breathing even if she was standing in the entrance hall.

The atmosphere is rather weird and strange, and a bit deserted.

The young man followed the worried young woman. He noticed something was wrong as soon as he stepped into the door. He briefly inspected the dim environment inside, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you the only one at home?"

"Mrs. Hisato, your husband is not at home?"

'Doesn't it feel a little wrong to ask this kind of question when I come to a married young woman's home as a guest? Just like having an extramarital affair...' Although it sounds a bit bad, Mu Xiaoxiao does feel like having an affair.

"Well," hearing the young man behind her asking such a straightforward question, Mrs. Hisato took out a pair of slippers and placed them in front of him. She didn't know whether the young lady was too vigilant or because her husband's affairs made her absent-minded, so she crouched down and bent over. And at that moment...

Mu Xiaoxiao could clearly see the round milky white skin, the plump breasts, and the deep ravines from the collar...

'Madam no surprises, I have seen them all.'

"Norihito, he...is busy working..."

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes twitched, he glanced around calmly, and then pretended to be calm and said, "Really? He sounds like a very responsible and good husband -"

At the end of the sentence, he clearly noticed that the beautiful lady's face was shaken, and Mu Xiaoxiao immediately tried it out and followed her to the cold living room, "Well, if this is the case, Mrs. Hisato, your complexion will not be so bad. "


The beautiful wife hesitated to speak. She didn't know how to explain. She picked up a pot of hot water and made a cup of black tea at the table, then gently placed it in front of the young man, "Norihito, he hasn't come home these days. .... He was not like this before, but maybe because of the mortgage, I heard that there were some problems at the company."

It could be heard that the wife was deliberately defending her husband. Mu Xiaoxiao found it very interesting. He could hear the insincerity in the young woman's words and also noticed the small rift between the couple.

But he did not pursue the matter.

"Of course, I believe Mr. Norihito is a good husband who takes care of his family. But when he is not at home, wouldn't it be inappropriate for you, Mrs. Hisato, to invite me as a guest?"

There are only lonely men and women at home. If he want to do something...

The mature lady's face turned red, "Mu-kun, what are you talking about? I just -"

Thinking of that terrible man, her face turned from red to white again, "Mu-kun, actually I..."

She wanted to talk about that Kamezou Kyouzo thing. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao had also seen that disgusting man before. But the next second the 'ding bell' ringing sounded in the quiet house.

In this quiet house, the ringtone of the landline phone was slightly noisy, and when it reached Mrs. Hisato's ears, it was also a bit weird and scary.


The tea cup in her hand fell on the table, and the tea spilled all over the table.

This beautiful young lady, who have trembling lips and pale face, because the phone rang several times last night. She thought it was her husband calling, but she found that it was Kamezou Kyouzo's voice every time.

She hung up as soon as she heard the man's voice, but she was still frightened and anxious. She couldn't sleep alone under the quilt, which made her look very bad in the morning.

Even hearing the phone call made her tremble reflexively.

"Ding Ding--"

"Ding Ding--"

"Ding Ding--"

As the phone rang, Mu Xiaoxiao and the frightened Mrs. Hisato looked at each other for a while. Until the ringing stopped, Mu Xiaoxiao tilted his head and asked, "Aren't you going to answer the phone?"


"Mrs. Hisato, you seem to be scared?"

"...Well, it's that Kamezou Kyouzo who called me," the young woman couldn't help but speak harshly. She trembled and recounted her inner uneasiness, which was also the reason why she invited Mu Xiaoxiao to her home, "Mu-kun , do you still remember that man?"

"Kamezou Kyouzo?"

"He is the president of my husband's company. He came here as a guest when we first moved. Mu-kun, you have met him." Mrs. Hisato's voice was a little soft, maybe out of embarrassment, "He..."

"Oh, that fat pig...he harassed you?"

Mrs. Hisato blushed and could only wipe the table to cover up her panic.

It's the default answer.

"It looks like you've been involved in a very bad situation, ma'am, but why didn't you tell your husband about it?"

"Actually, I have said it before, but that man's harassment has not been successfully stop... and I have no evidence, not to mention he is Norihito's boss," Mrs. Hisato shook her head, "Norihito didn't believe it."

"Ding Ding--"

Just as she was talking, the phone rang again. Mu Xiaoxiao obviously saw this woman trembling violently. It can only be said that it was indeed a conditioned reflex. When this lady show Mu Xiaoxiao got up, she was startled like a kitten.

"How about I answer the phone for you?"

"Is that okay? I'll leave it to you, Mu-kun."

Mrs. Hisato was naturally willing. She followed Mu Xiaoxiao to the phone and watched him take the nightmare-like call. The young wife suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and felt a strange sense of security.

'He is obviously still a student, why does he give myself such a high sense of security? It seems that compared to Norihito, he is more like my husba... No, no, what am I thinking!'

"Hello?" Mu Xiaoxiao started to answer the phone.

"Mr. Norihito?"


Mrs. Hisato was stunned when she heard what Mu-kun said after answering the phone. 'It was actually Norihito, not that Kamezou Kyouzo? Wait, this...' she was dumbfounded when she saw Mu-kun talking to her husband on the phone.

She even had the illusion that she was having an affair.

"It's your husband, Mrs. Hisato. You tell him."

"Well," Mrs. Hisato answered the phone a little awkwardly, "No... Norihito?"

The young husband over there didn't care that his wife was alone with Mu Xiaoxiao who lived next door, he thinks they're just having an ordinary chat.

"Norihito, when will you come back? In the past two days..."

"Hisato, didn't I tell you that the company suddenly had a business trip in the past two days? It will take a few days before we can get back."

"But, that Kamezou Kyouzo..."

"Isn't this very good? I can rest assured that the president will take care of you."


Mrs. Hisato's expression did not ease until the phone was hung up. Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were strange. 'Is that Norihito so big-hearted?

You deserve to be one of the cuckold bastard.'

"Ding dong——"

Before Mrs. Hisato could calm down, the ringing outside the door woke her up, followed by the shout of a wretched man, "Mrs. Hisato, I know you are at home, stop hiding from me, open the door quickly."

"I agreed to Norihito's request and will take good care of you.

Mrs. Hisato?"