
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

118 Hypnosis Master vs Absolute Control

<tn: I already post Mu Xiaoxiao appearance, hope you like it>

"It worked...this hypnotic ability is really useful."

When Tanaka Hajime first walked on the stone road on campus, he felt light and airy as he walked. He was in a state of extreme excitement and arousal. These beautiful girls in Nawatobi Academy made him smile like an idiot.

Now that he has supernatural abilities, even such a beautiful female student will not be disgusted by his crazy smile. Tanaka Hajime thought to himself, looking at the girls around him with a careless look.

The corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his head.

The school specially prepared a guidance room for him. Tanaka Hajime did not plan to go to the classroom to study. He was not originally going to school. Instead, he waited in the guidance room, hoping to meet a suitable person and let himself try guidance for the first time. .

Tanaka Hajime was full of expectations.

He believes in his own abilities and his hypnotic ability. In this world, absolutely no one can resist his powerful super power!


The door was slowly pushed open, and Tanaka Hajime looked up suddenly, and saw a very beautiful girl with a hot figure walking in, followed by a submissive boy.

Well, at first glance, he looks like a herbivorous man.

'Come on, open so soon? And... she's such a beautiful girl?'

"Welcome to the guidance room," Tanaka Hajime's wretched little eyes under the lens were staring at this beautiful girl. Her student uniform and short skirt were full of youthfulness, but this girl was still stable and mature.

Especially for her figure, This make her extremely hot. Such a top-notch beautiful girl makes Tanaka Hajime want to move.

Especially with her boyfriend watching right next to her, it was even more exciting.

"May I have your name?"

"I'm Miyajima Sakura... I'm the head of the Kendo Club in the third grade." The girl knelt on the tatami and faced Tanaka Hajime's obscene gaze. She wasn't angry, but just a little unnatural. "Because I heard there's a guidance, wetalked about this... about sex and love guidance, and I plan to give it a try..."

"Welcome, since you decided to accept my guidance, it means you want to be intimate with your boyfriend, right?"

"Yes, yes," the herbivorous man on the side nodded repeatedly, "My name is Masafumi Kase, and I have just dated Miyajima-senpai for a short time, but we decided to get married after graduation, so..."

"Because I am a very traditional person," Miyajima Sakura smiled, "Since we are dating, we will definitely get married."

"I understand, Miyajima-senpai is indeed a very traditional girl, and I like traditional people," Tanaka Hajime grinned, "I also support you, but since you accept my sex guidance, it's not just love guidance, it's best to receive wedding guidance."

"Wedding guidance?"

"That's right," Tanaka Haje said eloquently, "Since you two have decided to get married after graduation, simple sex guidance is not enough. Pregnancy and childbirth after marriage...if you don't experience it in advance, It's very dangerous to wait until then without experience."

Miyajima Sakura opened her mouth wide, "Experience it in advance... Could it be that this... this kind of thing can also be experienced in advance?"

She resisted.

"Senior, in the final analysis, it is just guidance. No matter how intimate and ambiguous you are with the instructor, even if you are pregnant, it is not cheating," Tanaka Hajime said while activating his hypnosis ability again and again.

"What do you think?"


With red light flashing in his eyes, the resistance in Miyajima Sakura's heart disappeared little by little, "That's right, there is nothing I can't do if you give me guidance. What do you think, Kase?"

"That's right. Even if you give birth to a child for your instructor, it doesn't count as cheating. Of course it's no problem. And it's also a good thing to gain more pregnancy experience before getting married."

The boyfriend on the side nodded in agreement.

There was such an outrageous conversation in the room, but the couple did not feel anything was wrong under the influence of hypnosis, and they were extremely supportive of Tanaka Hajime's ideas, who was wearing glasses.

The herbivorous male cuckold boy sitting on his knees looked at his girlfriend, and then at the plump Tanaka Hajime, "Well, do I need to be here too?"

"Of course, since it's a guide, it's best for Kase-san to watch from the side and learn how I satisfy my senior..."

Tanaka Hajime's lenses reflected a lustful light, and he glanced at the closed door, "Then let's start now, Miyajima-senpai, let me, as the instructor, teach you how to have sex."

"...Well, it's up to you, Tanaka-san."

Miyajima Sakura nodded slowly.

The outstanding-looking Kendo club senior had finished her promise and was about to get closer to him, but a tangled look suddenly appeared on her face, and a strange feeling spread in her heart, giving her an unusual sense of rejection.

So, she sat there for a long time without moving.

"Senior? What's wrong with you?" Tanaka was a little anxious when he saw that she didn't move at first. He seemed to be impatient for this beautiful senior, "Let's start quickly."


She still frowned and sat there in confusion, her beautiful eyebrows squeezed together deeply, and she hesitated to speak.

Tanaka scratched his head anxiously, "Senior, you must be shy. After all, this is your first time. As an instructor, I have the obligation to guide you. You're welcome -!"

Tanaka Hajime, whose eyes were glowing red, couldn't bear it anymore and turned into a hungry wolf and pounced on the beautiful girl. However, the moment he pounce on her, Miyajima Sakura dodged away.


It came up empty.


Tanaka Hajime fell to the ground and looked at Miyajima Sakura who was standing aside with pursed lips and an ugly face in disbelief. He thought that his hypnosis had failed and his ability was activated again.

"Senpai, what are you doing? Accepting guidance is an obligation that everyone must fulfill, why are you avoiding it?!"

"I, I know," Miyajima Sakura's eyes turned red as she was affected by hypnosis, "I am willing to accept guidance...but...ah! Don't come here!"

Once again dodging Tanaka Hajime's knockdown, Miyajima Sakura screamed out this time, her cheeks were extremely embarrassed, and she had a faint feeling of nausea, "Don't come near me, ugh——"

Covering her mouth, "Okay, so disgusting..."

The plump Tanaka Hajime who wss wearing glasses turned green' disgusting? what does this mean! I didn't hypnotize her like this' "Senior sister, you——"

"Tanaka-san, I don't know what's going on. I really want to accept your guidance." Miyajima Sakura, who was under hypnosis, spoke sincerely and from the bottom of her heart. "But, whenever I get close to you, I feel sick."

After saying that, facing Tanaka Hajime who rushed towards her in anger, she kicked him out almost uncontrollably.


Looking at Tanaka Hajime who fell to the ground in a panic, Miyajima Sakura had an apology on her face, "I, I'm out of control..."

It is true that Tanaka Hajime has the ability to hypnotize, but when it comes to his apparent fighting ability, Sakura Miyajima, the head of the Kendo Club, is several notches better than him.

After being kicked, he lay on the ground with a look of despair on his face. 'What the hell is this? What on earth is this? ! My hypnosis was obviously successful, why did it become like this? !

Who can tell me what happened to Miyajima-senpai? !'

Tanaka-san, who is new here, doesn't seem to know that there is an ability called [Absolute Control].

[Absolute control] to control the body vs. hypnosis to control the heart.

At present, [Absolute Control] has the upper hand...