
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

117 transfer students

"I am leaving."

Except for Obata Natsumi, the other girls were still asleep in the early morning, so after enjoying a separate breakfast for two, Mu Xiaoxiao picked up his schoolbag and prepared to go to school.

Originally, he wanted to take a day off at home, but considering that his life would become more and more degenerate if he stayed at home, he might as well go to school. However, Chisato and the others probably wouldn't be able to get up today.

Mu Xiaoxiao was going to go to school to ask for leave for them.

"Be careful on the road," Mrs. Natsumi stood at the entrance door and waved goodbye, with a smile on her fair cheeks. "Xiaoxiao, I didn't have time to make a lunch. You have to buy lunch outside, but we will make a richer dinner."

Although his abnormal physique surprised Mrs. Natsumi, she still needed to make up for it, and she was going to cook more dishes to make up for it.

Of course, it's hard to say whether it's for Xiaoxiao or for them.

"It's okay, I can just have something for lunch," Mu Xiaoxiao walked to the motorcycle and took out the keys.

"Is it okay to drive a motorcycle to school?" Obata Natsumi was curious, holding on to the door frame.

"It's okay, I'm leaving-"


He waved and drove away, just as the door of the neighbor's room opened. Mrs. Hisato, who was carrying the sorted garbage, went out and saw Mu Xiaoxiao driving away on a motorcycle. She was stunned, and then met Mrs. Natsumi's eyes.

The two of them smiled awkwardly and politely at the same time.

Mrs. Hisato keenly noticed that Obata Natsumi had a rosy face and a good complexion. She could tell at a glance that she... still couldn't believe that she actually had that kind of relationship with a high school student.

She dare not think about it.




The cherry blossom trees on both sides of the road were no longer in bloom. The students on the school road were attracted by the motorcycles whizzing by. It must be said that Mu Xiaoxiao's appearance was really eye-catching.

However, it can also cause trouble.

"Mu Xiaoxiao——!"

A woman on the roadside took one look at it and immediately knew who the owner of the motorcycle was. Her nose almost became angry. This baby-faced woman wearing a teacher's uniform and twin tails looked more like a high school girl than an adult. .

She stood at the gate of the school with her bag folded under her arms and her arms folded, her little feet shaking impatiently. She looked around at the gate of Nawatobi Academy. Finally, her pupils shrank and she ran over.

"Mu Xiaoxiao!" Standing in front of the boy, "I have said many times, you can't come to school on a motorcycle, right? You... again today..."

She has light blue twin ponytails and a baby face that looks very childish. She wants to look majestic and has a good aura, but no matter how she looks at it, she just looked like a tsundere.

"Teacher Miyu," Mu Xiaoxiao said with an innocent face, "You misunderstood. I was returning the motorcycle to someone else on the way, and I didn't ride it to school."

"How many times have you used this excuse?" Takamine Miyu angrily put her hands on her hips, "Do you think the teacher is a fool?!"

"Don't be so angry. Teacher Miyu is so smart, how can she be a fool?" Mu Xiaoxiao still wanted to make fun of his math teacher, and even stretched out his hand to pinch her face, "You will age easily if you are angry. "

"...Don't touch the teacher's face!"

'This, this stinky student, does he still have his class teacher in his eyes?'

Takamine Miyu felt bitter and helpless, "You're a bad student... Hey, speaking of which, a transfer student came to our class today. I hope he's not a bad student like you."

"Transfer student?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned, "Who is he?"

"How does the teacher know? I only know that he is a boy named Tanaka Hajime... Don't even think about bullying others."

Tanaka Hajime?

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the teacher next to her with a strange expression, "Am I that bad? Although I'm not a good student, I'm even less interested in school bullying. Besides, it's hard to say who the bad student is."

After saying that, the smile on Mu Xiaoxiao's lips gradually became abnormal, "It seems to be getting more and more interesting."

"Oh, by the way, Teacher Miyu, Makoto and Chisato are taking a day off and let me tell you."

"Take leave? What's wrong? Are they sick?"

"emmmm, that's about it. They don't feel well..."

Chisato and the others were not here, so being alone in school suddenly felt a little lonely, Mu Xiaoxiao thought, it seemed that he was used to being with them in school every day.

But soon, his attention was focused on the transfer student again...

"My name is Tanaka Hajime, I am a sex councilor specially sent by the government——"

In the school auditorium, the plump bespectacled student who was standing in the top to give a special 'speech' said something horrifying, "Although I am a student like everyone else, I am also responsible for the sex and love affairs of this school and guide you."

All the school students were in this indoor auditorium. In addition to the students, teachers also gathered here. However, no one was surprised or disgusted by his terrifying words.

Tanaka Hajime, wearing glasses and standing on the stage, had a cracked mouth and a lewd smile.

"First, all couples and lovers are not allowed to have any intimate contact before being guided. All private contact is illegal. You must complete the special guidance of the instructor before you can have contact with your boyfriend."

"Second, sex guidance is a sacred job. Even if you do it with a sex instructor, it is not cheating. Girls, don't worry, your boyfriends will definitely support you."

"Third, the authority of the sex instructor is above everyone, and no one is allowed to refute or object..."

This guy has something.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood in the crowd, feeling the special fluctuation in his spirit. It was probably the hypnotic ability of Tanaka Hajime. Unfortunately, with his [Wisdom] attribute of nearly 100, this effect could not take effect.

But his method of hypnosis is quite interesting, and he is very good at adjusting things.

As expected, the first person he targeted was Yui.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought and glanced around. As expected, except for himself, all the students in the school, including the teachers, had been affected by his hypnosis.

But instead of worrying, Mu Xiaoxiao showed a joking smile and looked at the plump transfer student on the stage.

'Sex guidance?'

"It's a pity, brother, you came a little late."

Standing on the stage and looking at the students below who were hypnotized by him, especially the female students, Tanaka Hajime's face was full of excitement and arousal. He didn't know that one of them was staring at him with funny eyes.

He looked at himself as if he were looking at a clown.

Not to mention that there are people who are not affected by hypnosis. Tanaka Hajime's attention is focused on those women, those young and beautiful female students. If nothing happens, this school will become his kingdom.

His harem kingdom.

As long as there are no accidents, he can indeed succeed, including Yui and Natsumi, but it is a pity that there is an unexpected person here...