
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

116 Is he a monster?

When 9bata Natsumi came out after cleaning the kitchen and clearing the dishes, Mu Xiaoxiao and the others had already finished bathing, and the scarves on Himemiya Makoto and Chisato could not hide the traces of love remaining on their graceful bodies.

Along with the water droplets sliding down the skin and the rising heat, the lazy and charming temperament on her body is eye-catching. She looks like she is well fed, and a sense of satisfaction appears on her pretty face.

"Xiaoxiao, We will go back to the room first~"

The two girls gave Mu Xiaoxiao a coquettish look, knowing what he wanted to do next, so they grabbed the white-haired gyaru from the left and the right and dragged her towards the bedroom upstairs.

"Eh? What are you doing? Let me go! Xiaoxiao——"

Facing Kisaragi Anna's sos, Mu Xiaoxiao pretended to shrug helplessly, expressing that he was also helpless, and then directed his gaze to the uneasy girl on the sofa. Obata Yui huddled on the sofa holding a pillow, legs curled up.

She covered her face with a soft pillow and didn't dare to look at Mu Xiaoxiao with her watery eyes.

As for the sexy young woman who just finished washing the dishes, no matter how mature she is, her delicate face that is as smooth and childish as a young woman is also stained with an intoxicating blush.

The pink color on Obata Natsumi's cheeks gave her a youthful and shy look, which blended with her mature style. It was simply the temptation of an angel and a devil.

After the hypnosis ended, both the mother and daughter had sex with Mu Xiaoxiao. They had done it before, but this was the first time for the mother and daughter to do it together.

So even the wife was nervous. She knew that it would be her and Yui's turn next... In fact, she was prepared. She was mentally prepared from the moment she was called by her daughter.

"Xiaoxiao, will we do it... right here?" Obata Natsumi pursed her beautiful red lips and spoke hesitantly, "Isn't better to go back to the room?"

"I'll go back to the room at night. Neither Makoto nor Chi-chan can escape. I'm ready for tonight," Mu Xiaoxiao walked to the young woman's side and teased and caressed her hair with his fingers. .

It made the wife itchy and confused.

"But this is a mother-daughter show now," after saying that, he brushed his fingers from her ears and cheeks, and finally landed on the wife's red lips. He gently touched the warm and soft lips with his fingertips, savoring the ambiguous touch.

"Natsumi, be a good girl~"

Hearing these hinting words, Obata Natsumi glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao shyly, then glanced at her daughter from the corner of her eyes. Finally, she opened her red lips, stretched out her alluring pink tongue that was faintly visible inside, and pointed at his finger tip lick it.

A well-behaved mature woman was rippling.

That charming gesture made Obata Yui secretly surprised, embarrassed, and slightly unwilling in her heart. 'Mom is so beautiful, no wonder Xiaoxiao likes her so much.

That special mature style...'

She wanted it too.

Soon, the two of them kissed each other, and the entangled tongues made Mrs. Natsumi moan. Her tongue was wrapped in Xiaoxiao's, and the fierce sucking almost sucked out her heart and liver.

The young wife gradually fell into this intoxicating kiss, not caring that her delicate body was being moved around by his evil hands, letting Xiaoxiao ravage her delicate and sensitive skin, enjoying the feeling of being caressed and pampered by him.

It wasn't until he reached out and patted her buttocks that Mrs. Natsumi immediately understood what he meant. She twisted her waist obediently, and the narrow piece of cloth fell. Mrs. Natsumi faced the boy with a touch of attachment in her eyes, and slowly open her legs.

The moment she was penetrated by Mu Xiaoxiao, she happened to meet the eyes of her daughter who had walked beside her at some point. Obata Natsumi's heart skipped a beat, and Mu Xiaoxiao instantly felt that her vagina wrapping his penis tighten suddenly.

In this kind of pleasure mixed with shame, the wife endured the impact of Mu Xiaoxiao one after another.

As for Obata Yui, she stood aside and watched with her own eyes the boy she liked squeezed into her mother's body little by little, her eyes filled with resentment, and her jealousy grew unconsciously.

But Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms. After a passionate and lovely kiss, the girl put aside her slight jealousy and immersed herself in Mu Xiaoxiao's happiness.

Three people together...



This night, Mu Xiaoxiao finally challenged his unprecedented limit once again. The +30 hearts did not mean that he had only done it thirty times. Counting methods such as mouth and chest that would not increase the number of hearts, the number of times was definitely more than 30 times.

From dinner time to early morning, more than eight hours of non-stop sex, maybe this is an unprecedented record, right?

Under such high-intensity exercise, the reward obtained is these 30 red hearts, as well as the attribute improvements of Makoto, Anna, Yui and Natsumi.

In the bedroom, Mu Xiaoxiao's small room, there were several white bodies lying staggered on the bed, squeezing Mu Xiaoxiao in the middle so much that he was almost deformed. You couldn't tell whose hands were those arms and legs pressing on his face. .

"woke up?"

When Mu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes, he found a pair of bright and clear eyes staring at her. After a closer look, he realized that it was Obata Natsumi. The mature woman was the first to wake up, and several girls beside them were still sleeping soundly.

"Good morning, Xiaoxiao."

"Good morning, Natsumi," Mu Xiaoxiao struggled out of his arms and chest, shook her hair, and caught a glimpse of the young wife's moisturized face, which was red and moist, like a delicate flower in bloom and smile, "Aunt Natsumi looks good, has she been fed?"

Obata Natsumi rolled her eyes at him. After trying it with her daughter last night, she gradually stopped caring. Late at night, she even joined Chisato and the others. The scene was so ridiculous.

Of course, the most ridiculous thing is the young man in front of her.

"You are... so messy. How many times did you do it last night? Xiaoxiao, are you really not going to turn into a mummy?" Thinking back to the number of times he did it last night, Obata Natsumi couldn't help but secretly clicked her tongue, fearing that he would shoot to the back and bleed to death.


He smiled without saying a word and squeezed out from the crowd of women. The young man who climbed out of bed put his hands on his hips and straightened his body. In front of Mrs. Natsumi, the proudly erect and ferocious thing made her eyes sparkle.


Mu Xiaoxiao was very proud, "I admit that last night's high-intensity exercise made me a little stressed, but it was just stress, not even an overdraft, so why squeeze it out."



Faced with Mu Xiaoxiao's half-smiling eyes, Obata Natsumi's cheeks became increasingly red, filled with a layer of moist red light, and shy emotions swirled in her eyes. 'Xiaoxiao, is he a monster?'

The beautiful young lady rolled her eyes at him charmingly, got out of bed, knelt in front of the young man, and began to serve him with her hands and her lips. The sun shone in through the gaps in the curtains.

It shone on Mu Xiaoxiao's cheek, making Mrs. Natsumi's heart beat fast.

Until his hard thing entered her body again, Obata Natsumi looked down at Xiaoxiao lying on her chest sucking the holy milk, and the young woman hugged his head with her arms.

Hold him tightly in her arms.

Soon, the gasping became louder.

He was indeed a monster at a young age.