
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

103 I am Xiaoxiao's woman

In the morning, when he opened his eyes, the woman next to him had already gotten up.

Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out his arms. The warm blanket was empty, but the body fragrance and warmth of the young woman still remained. The good smell made people intoxicated.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned over like this, sniffing the rich floral fragrance on the pillow and squinting his eyes.

Today is Monday, it's time to go to school, but he is too lazy to get up.


"Xiaoxiao, it's time to get up," the door was pushed open, and Obata Natsumi, wrapped in an apron, stood at the door, "Aren't you going to school today?"

"Well... let me sleep a little longer," Mu Xiaoxiao smacked his lips without opening his eyes.

"You'll be late if you go to bed again."

"If I'm late then I'm late. Hmm, I won't go to school today. Please ask for leave for me, Natsumi——"


Mrs. Natsumi was helpless after hearing this, and walked in. She stared at Mu Xiaoxiao's sleeping face and said, "Really, like a child..."

She didn't notice it at all when he was sleeping, He was just an ordinary boy. Thinking of this, she pinched Mu Xiaoxiao's nose and said, "Why don't you go to school? Be good, and I've prepared breakfast for you. It's specially made to be very rich."


Mu Xiaoxiao was suffocated that he was forced to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Obata Natsumi had left in his side. She stood at the door and covered her mouth who have an interesting smile. "Wash up quickly and then come down to have breakfast."


This weekend, Mu Xiaoxiao stayed with Mrs. Natsumi at Obata's house and did not leave. He don't know if the wife had no choice but to recognize the current situation, or if she had completely surrendered. In short, this wife no longer resisted Mu Xiaoxiao.

It's like going back to the time when she was controlled by hypnosis at the beginning.

Whether it was sex in bed, sex in others, or daily life, she was very proactive towards Mu Xiaoxiao, as if she had decided to give him her body and mind. Mu Xiaoxiao could feel this through the incubus pattern.

She no longer rejects himself.

To be honest, even Mu Xiaoxiao did not expect that he thought that Yui would recognize the reality quickly, and Natsumi was more resistant. The reality was completely reversed, and Yui was the one avoiding him.

After Mu Xiaoxiao got up from the bed, he looked around the bedroom. The group photo that was originally placed by the bed was gone, and the wedding photo that was originally hung on the wall also disappeared.

'Did Natsumi take it?'

You must know that even during the time when she was hypnotized, these things were not touched, and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care, but now they have disappeared... If the room originally looked like the room of Mrs. Natsumi and her husband, but Now--

This bedroom is more like his and Mrs. Natsumi's bedroom.

This may also hint at the psychological changes of the wife. Mu Xiaoxiao raised the corner of his mouth, feeling not bad.

Wash up and go downstairs——

"Yui has gone to school? I feel like she has been avoiding me these past two days."

Mu Xiaoxiao asked while sitting at the table eating rice prepared by Mrs. Natsumi.

"You got up too late, Xiao-chan," Obata Natsumi showed a gentle smile, just like Yamato Nadeshiko. She knew her daughter was still upset, but she didn't say anything, "Yui got up very early today."

"...I'm leaving."

"Wait a minute," following Mu Xiaoxiao all the way to the entrance, Obata Natsumi stopped the boy who was carrying his schoolbag and was about to go out, and stepped forward to help him arrange the buttons on his collar, "it's time to fasten the buttons... ok. "

"Natsumi is really Yamato Nadeshiko," Mu Xiaoxiao joked, earning a blank look from the woman.

"Be careful on the road~"

After sending Mu Xiaoxiao out, Obata Natsumi looked at his back and sighed quietly. She never thought she would be like this... Anyway, because of Xiaoxiao's appearance, although that level of life remains unchanged, earth-shaking changes have already taken place.

"It's just that I don't know what Yui is thinking...Hey."


Just when Mrs. Natsumi was about to go back to the house, a hoarse cry made her startled. When she turned around, she saw a familiar face standing at the door of the yard. His tired face and bloodshot eyes made him look much older.


It was her husband, and Obata Natsumi was not surprised to see him, "Sure enough, you have recovered too."

Not only herself and her daughter were hypnotized, but also his husband, so the hypnotic effect on him should also disappeared. When the hypnotic effect disappeared, Mr. Obata immediately understood what he had done.

Looking at his haggard look, it was obvious that he was suffering a lot inside.

"Why don't you answer my call?" Obata Natsumi hung up the call without hesitation on Saturday night. Of course, it wasn't just that one time. There were subsequent calls, including yesterday sunday, but not once he get through.

This incident made him even more painful, "And yesterday, I called you yesterday too! Natsumi, why didn't you answer my call!!"


"Are you still with that person? What the hell did you guys do yesterday... Since you are back to normal, you should know what he did to us, why are you still with him-"

The thought of his wife being with that man made him extremely angry.

"In that case, why didn't you come back yesterday?" Natsumi was very calm.


The roaring and crazy screams suddenly stopped, and the man was startled.

"You should have come back early, right? Since you called me, why didn't you come back directly? Why didn't you show up all day yesterday?"


He froze.

"You are afraid of him that you didn't even dare to come out this morning. You could only wait for Xiaoxiao to leave before you appeared in front of me." Obata Natsumi said expressionlessly, "Isn't it?"

He was speechless.

She was right. After he recovered, he rushed back without immediately, but Mu Xiaoxiao was always at home, making him afraid to enter the house. He stayed outside for two nights and did not dare to show up until he left.

He is angry and afraid of that person's methods.

"I don't blame you. After all, Xiaoxiao does... have terrifying power," Obata Natsumi said after a lot of pause "But since you don't dare to go home, don't ask me such questions."

The man was stunned, then fell silent, "I'm sorry... Natsumi, it's my fault, but now that person is gone, let's run away to a place where he can't found us, Natsumi, let's get out of here together!"

"Is this what you came to me to say?" Obata Natsumi shook her head, facing her husband's astonished eyes with a cold expression, "If you could come back yesterday and face Xiaoxiao at all costs, maybe I would leave with you.

But now...I'm sorry, I can't leave with you, let alone leaving Yui behind, and I can't leave my daughter to you."

The man's face turned pale for a moment.

When he saw his wife handing him the wedding photo and ring, he was even more frighteningly pale. He stared at Obata Natsumi with disbelief, his lips trembled and his body trembled.

"Natsumi, you-"

"I'm sorry, I'm already Xiaoxiao's woman" after Obata Natsumi said this, she turned back to the house, closed the door, and left the man standing there blankly, speechless for a long time.

It's obviously his home, but this place no longer belongs to him...

That figure staggered a lot in an instant.