
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

102 Well, I am yours...

"Hoo... hoo..."

Obata Natsumi's breathing was rapid, and she was restless from being teased. Even Mu Xiaoxiao, who was hugging her from behind, could hear the thumping heartbeat clearly. It was obvious that this lady was very nervous.

In a daze, her clothes slowly slid down, and her plump and graceful figure was nakedly exposed in front of Mu Xiaoxiao. She was as delicate as a beauty walking out of a painting, and her every move could seduce people.

The bright red strawberry jumped and bouncef, and the juice below her was dripping. It seemed that the beautiful wife had endured it very hard, but the coolness on her body still made her sober. When she lowered her head and saw that her beauty parts was leaking, her face has two red clouds rise.


She grabbed the bad hand that was wandering around her body and whispered softly.

"What's wrong?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't move the hand she held, nor did he break away. He continued to blow into the beautiful wife's ear, leaving his own kiss marks on her slender and fair neck, as well as those finger marks on her skin. The traces tell the story of the fierce battle between the young woman and the boy.

The heart-shaped pink silver pattern emits a faint light, adding a touch of charm to the wife.

It's like a succubus coming out of a doujinshi.

"Why don't we go back to our room? I always feel like..."

"It's good here. No one will bother us anyway," Mu Xiaoxiao carefully played with Mrs. Natsumi's plump breasts, holding them in the palm of his hand and squeezing them in between, looking at the ripples and deep ravines, filled with a hint of frankincense.

"Anyway, Natsumi's husband is also on a business trip. He won't be back in a short time, right?"

Hearing him mentioning her husband, Obata Natsumi's body trembled, her breasts and buttocks rippling, her pupils shrank suddenly, thinking of the Obata family other than herself and her daughter... the sense of guilt continued to spread all over her body .

But there is also an inexplicable stimulation, especially when thinking of her husband's incompetence, she does not reject Mu-kun's touch and caress even more. This is what makes Mrs. Natsumi feel guilty the most.

But...at least Yui didn't join the party, and the sense of guilt is not so deep. Even if She have served him with her daughter, even if she may not be able to escape in the future, at least now she can breathe a sigh of relief.

"And Mrs. Natsumi, you promised me that you would make me feel comfortable."

Obata Natsumi swayed, her legs and feet were weak, she quickly supported her hand in the back of the sofa, leaned forward, and slightly turned her head to look at the boy behind her. Listening to what he said, he looked like a child begging for candy.

"Well, I know... I will make Mu-kun very comfortable, and I won't break my promise," Mrs. Natsumi pursed her bright red lips, took a deep breath and twisted her delicate body, facing Mu Xiaoxiao with her plump body. Her thighs and smooth and sexy belly...and so on, her mature style was revealed in front of him.

On the one hand, she was ashamed and nervous, and on the other hand, she was full of pleasure. Mrs. Natsumi looked at this smiling boy with moist eyes, this boy who dominated her, this man who made her sink more and more.

Slowly knelt down, groping around his waist with small hands, untied the belt and took off his pants little by little. When the restraints were undone, the hideous big guy jumped in front of the woman and slapped her cheek.

She had seen it many times, but it still frightened her.

Carefully glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao who was motionless, as if he was waiting for her to move, the beautiful wife immediately understood, carefully stretched out her hand to touch it, caressed it a few times, then stuck out her tongue from the root... .Start licking lightly, then gradually move upwards.

The little pink mouth panted slightly, licked and sucked for a while, reached out to hold up her breasts, clamped them inside, pressed her hands on both sides of the breasts and squeezed them in the middle, rubbing up and down at the same time.

She opened her small mouth and stretched out her tongue, allowing he saliva to slide down the tongue to the head of his penis, and sucked it in after getting wet, and began to swallow and suck.

A set of procedures is extremely skillful, and such delicate, perfect, and all-round service is really a wonderful enjoyment. For Obata Natsumi, even if the hypnotic effect disappears, these actions have already been engraved into her DNA.

The young woman who realized this felt extremely complicated.

However, she found that her body was also yearning for Mu-kun, for his love... The floor under her plump thighs was getting wet little by little, and the liquid flowed out.

"Gulu...slurrp, um...Mu-kun," the wife flipped the strands of hair around her ears, and while hesitating, she carefully raised her eyelids to look at him. Her movements were quite lewd and vague and said, "Is this okay?"

"It's very comfortable, Natsumi."

"...Hurry up, squirt out, in my mouth, biubiu-"

'Natsumi, what are you talking about? You are so shameless. You are just a slutty woman.'

Mu Xiaoxiao is not comforting her, he is indeed very comfortable. The wife's skills are very good. Among the women of his, only Mrs. Mira can compare with her. Even if Chisato and the others who developed it early are not as good as this wife.

Skillful, delicate and outstanding in technique.

'Is this what a mature woman looks like?'

Mu Xiaoxiao's face remained as usual, but he snorted. He held the young woman's head with both hands and inserted it deep into her warm and tight throat. Her body trembled and he let out fiercely.


Covering her mouth, Obata Natsumi coughed a few times, swallowed all the essence, and finally recovered. When she saw the penis still standing upright in front of her, showing no signs of softening, her heart twitched.

...It's simply a monster.

She knew Mu-kun's ability and knew that she couldn't satisfy him even once, but she still couldn't stop being frightened. 'This was too... energetic. Was this a young man's stamina or simply because he was a sex demon?

Oops, my body is...' Obata Natsumi desperately endured the desire for her delicate body, but the juices continued to secrete and ooze out.

"It's very comfortable, Natsumi," Mu Xiaoxiao let out a long breath and reached out to stroke the long hair of the beautiful woman kneeling in front of him, just like stroking his own pet puppy or could be said to be his beauty dog.

But his smile was very gentle, and he bent down and hugged her gently, "Hey, now I can't live without you more and more. Natsumi is really too much. She makes me addicted like this."


Obata Natsumi bit her soft cherry lips and clenched her fists tightly. She wanted to tell herself that these were just his sweet words, but... why was she still so happy in her heart.

'Natsumi, you are not a little girl anymore, why are you so easily fooled?'

"Natsumi, you made me feel comfortable just now, and now it's my turn to make you feel comfortable," Mu Xiaoxiao pinched her soft and elastic face lovingly, "Be good, spread your legs."

Obata Natsumi seemed to have been tamed. No matter how much she protested in her heart, her body uncontrollably spread her legs, opening her most secret beautiful garden, silently welcoming Mu-kun's entry.

Even the protests in her heart were melting and disappearing little by little.

The moment he entered her depths unobstructed, Obata Natsumi moaned in satisfaction. The woman closed her eyes, she finally knew that she could no longer get rid of Mu-kun.

Even if he lets go of herself and doesn't want herself, She...can't forget him.

The body and mind completely transformed into Mu-kun's shape.

On the second floor, Yui did not go back to the room. She sat on the ground with her back against the wall, covering her mouth with one hand and putting her other hand in her pants, her body shaking.

In the living room downstairs, she's watching a small storm make a mess there. Natsumi knew how strong he was, but he sprinted through her body forcefully yet tenderly, making her heart slowly sink.


When Obata Natsumi saw the ringtone of her cell phone and the call from her husband, the married woman was slightly startled, then quickly closed her eyes with a complicated expression and hung up the phone.

"Mr. Obata?" Mu Xiaoxiao noticed it and came closer and said lowering his voice.


"Natsumi, you are mine."

He said so domineering.

The pretty young woman glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao with a resentful look, wrapped her limbs around his back, and hugged the boy tightly. Her countless words turned into a long sigh, and she said softly, "Well, Xiaoxiao, I am yours..."