
Harem Hypnosis Diary

Harem Hypnosis Diary Author: Sixteen Nights Introduction: Mu Xiaoxiao has always believed that the three-piece set of hentai - hypnosis, time-stopping and drugging, is completely overqualified for the heroine of this world. Because you don't have to bother at all, just drag them to a place where no one is around, and if you oppress them a little bit, they will submit obediently, at most shouting a few words, but their bodies are very honest. There may be exceptions. But this time, you can use threats, which can basically handle 99% of women. But it's not that the three-piece set is useless, on the contrary, these abilities are used to deal with your peers. So how to survive in the Hentai world? Gaining power is a must, otherwise...the world is hell for you. "What's wrong with being a villain in order to survive?" Of course, it would be even better if there is a strong subordinates...

Lovable_Cain · Anime & Comics
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199 Chs

101 I will make Mu-kun comfortable~

Chisato was very satisfied with the daytime date. Although she didn't monopolize Xiaoxiao, she didn't intend to monopolize the boy she liked, especially after the conversation with Senior Yui.

He is obviously a nasty big villain, a big devil who plays with girls, but he is extremely tolerant of herself, not only came to save her, but also put Senior Yui aside to accompany her on a date.

For Chisato, it doesn't matter whether Xiaoxiao is a good person or a bad person, it is enough for her to care about her and love her.

Presumably Makoto and the others thought the same way.

In addition, she could also see that senior sister Yui said she didn't like him, but she absolutely couldn't let him go... 'Hey, it seems that Xiaoxiao is really guilty.'

Chisato knew what Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to do. She was considerate and did not continue to pester her boyfriend after the date. Instead, she temporarily gave him to Yui-senpai. Today's date also involves Xiaoxiao running to save herself, it's enough to make her happy for a long time.

"Sister Yui, did you have a good time today?"

"Well... very happy."

"Where's Mrs. Natsumi?"

"Xiaoxiao, you spend most of your time with that girl, how can you have the time to care about me?"

"Ah, is Mrs. Natsumi jealous? If you are not happy, I can date you alone next time..."

At Obata's house, Yui looked at her mother who was chatting with Xiaoxiao with a complicated look. As for Mrs. Natsumi, A wife Yamato Nadeshiko had already adjusted after a day.

"I'm an old woman now," Obata Natsumi touched her face with her hands, and said quietly, "Dating...is not suitable for me anymore."

"That's not true," Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and reached out to gently tuck the hair beside her ear, "Mrs. Natsumi is not old at all, and if you are willing, you can stay young forever~"

Mu Xiaoxiao blew into Natsumi's ear, and the words made her heart beat hard.

"As for the date," Mu Xiaoxiao hugged her from behind, hugging her slender waist and bringing their bodies together. This kind of distant touch and friction made Obata Natsumi's strength disappear little by little.

"Madam, you haven't dated in many years. Not only do you need to be young physically, but you also need to be young in your heart. I will let Aunt Natsumi experience the truest feeling of love."


Obata Natsumi muttered to herself unconsciously. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She didn't push him away not because she was afraid of Mu-kun's power, but when she was in his arms, her body's sensitive reaction made her ashamed.

He didn't do anything, just put his arms around her waist and said a few words, and her bottom was already wet.

What a shame!

"Do you... Do you love me?"

"Of course, Madam, you are my woman," Mu Xiaoxiao stood behind and hugged the beautiful lady. His eyes fell on her slightly astringent white cheeks. His breath made her blush, and the fragrance continued to drill into her nose.

"Doesn't Madam don't want to admit it? I'll be sad—"

9bata Natsumi lowered her head slightly, her bright eyes under her bangs almost dripping with water. The hand on her belly made her body tingle. The hand rubbed it repeatedly, and then slowly moved up.

He was about to reach the top of the peak, but he didn't really grab it. Instead, he turned back and forth on the edge. After repeated several times, the young woman's breathing became heavy.

The plump tender breasts stood up a little bit, standing proudly.

This feeling of being about to feel it but not being able to touch it made the tortured Mrs. Natsumi feel uncomfortable all over.

"Woo, I don't deny it, I, I am Mu-kun's woman," the married wife twisted her waist, the soft waist like a water snake was infinitely enchanting, and Mu Xiaoxiao's flame ignited.

"Say it again."

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered his voice.

"I, I am Mu-kun's woman."

"Call me master."

"Master, um—"

The sense of shame was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure. As soon as the words fell, the upturned breasts fell into the young man's hands, and he grabbed and pinched them fiercely. In an instant, the sense of satisfaction made her cry out.

When the wife reacted and wanted to stopped her moaning, it was too late.

Her face was burning hot.

Before she's calling him master because of being hypnotized, but now, the one who was teased by Mu-kun is calling the master and admitting that she is his woman, and her body has been made so sensitive and delighted by his touch.

However, such a scene was all seen by Yui.

"am i easily forgotten?, forgetting that I am still here, and mother, you...' Obata Yui's eyes are tangled, angry that her mother is so unreserved, and even after recovering, she still want to have sex with Mu Xiaoxiao but is this really the issue about her getting angry? Or just plain jealous of her mom?

shr have no idea.

Suddenly, the eyes crossed, and the mother and daughter looked at each other for a moment, which made Mrs. Natsumi feel even more ashamed, and her body trembled violently, "Mu, Mu-kun, wait, Yui's still here..."

The hand that was rubbing her breasts had already reached into her clothes and was wandering over the woman's silky smooth skin, all the way down her lower abdomen. The wife shivered and clamped her legs together suddenly.

'No, don't, can't—'

"What's the matter, don't we always do this?" Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out his tongue to lick her earlobe, and bit it lightly, "Be good, Natsumi, spread your legs, I will be gentle~"

'He, he actually called my name without honorifics? !'

Mu Xiaoxiao, who had been calling her Mrs., suddenly called her by her name in an ambiguous manner, making the beautiful young woman whimper. This was definitely a violation. In the end, she couldn't bear it any longer, and slowly opened her legs to let the hand lingering nearby go straight in her vagina.

The vagina vomit due to his gentle caress.

All the way was unimpeded, and they came to the secret garden smoothly. Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were full of smiles, "Natsumi also wants it very much, look, so much water has flowed, and my fingers are soaked."

"Oh, no, don't say it, don't say such things—"

On one side was Mu-kun, who she couldn't refuse, and on the other was her daughter not far away, which made her experience unspeakable stimulation. In addition, the finger kept stroking back and forth at her garden door, occasionally going inside.

It made her almost uncontrollable, and her body was almost completely clinging to Mu Xiaoxiao's body.

"What I'm telling is the truth. By the way...Yui-senpai is also there, standing by and watching, are you not envious?"

"Eh?" The blushing Obata Yui was stunned, the girl stammered stiffly, "I, this, I..."

'What excuse do I have to find, otherwise I will be with my mother, this kind of thing... Although I have experienced it many times before, but, it is because I was hypnotized.'

"Mu-kun, just stay with me today, okay?" Seeing that her daughter was about to be pulled in by him, Natsumi hurriedly said.

"Madam, wouldn't it be not nice to have me all to yourself?" Mu Xiaoxiao inserted his fingers completely, feeling the contraction and tightness inside Natsumi, "You might not be able to bear it alone."

"...Occasionally I want to be alone with Mu-kun, just do it alone," Obata Natsumi tried her best to raise her head, turned her head and kissed his neck, licking him with her bright red tongue, "I will try my best to make Mu-kun feel comfortable~ "

"Okay," Mu Xiaoxiao didn't force it. Seeing Mrs. Natsumi taking the initiative, he stepped forward and entangled his tongue with her, "Then let Natsumi have me all to herself for one night."

Looking at the two people kissing each other, Obata Yui scratched the corner of her clothes. She didn't feel much relief, but... the sourness in her heart became bigger and bigger.

'What's wrong with me?'