
Harem book

He steals women from other worlds.

Creepy_Ewok_kills · Others
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36 Chs


"Huh, where... am...I... The last thing I ...remember is bitching about netorare. And ... seeing a flaming ball heading towards me." He said in a confused manor.

When a being appeared next to him startling from his thoughts.

"Hey there, you died in the most *cough hilarious cough* horrible way by accident. So I'm here to grant you 4 wishes, it was suppose to be three, but with the way you died, I am giving you one on the house." He said grinning widely.

"What the hell is going on! Who are you? You said I died right? Do you know how I died? And 4 wishes that seems a bit too nice to me, what is the catch?"

"You did die, this is the void where we judge your souls, but I'm giving you a chance at a new life. There is no catch, but live your life to the fullest."

"Fine." He said not totally believing him, but he tells him his wish anyway:

1. I want to travel to other worlds.

2. I want to have a book where I can capture women without limit and change their thoughts, minds and feelings as they are in the book.

3. I want to control bodies age, my dick size, when to get hard, how long it takes to wilt and my ability to make babies.

4. I want to a gacha system that can get me anything in the multiverse.

"Those are my wishes. The world I want to travel to Teisou Kannen Zero for my first world..... Oh yeah, what is your name again?"

"Granted, oh my name is R O B, see you later."

"oh, R O B you say.... Wait ..... your... a... ROB." He yelled as his vision was turning dark.

"Ah the look on their faces every time I tell them I'm a ROB. It's really funny and the way he died by my shit going in his mouth. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...." He said while fading out.