
7. Chapter 7

A/N: Thank you for all your reviews and Enjoy this chapter!

"Out for a run", Jay asked giving her a smirk that made her let out a little laugh.

"Well, I was, then I got sidetracked and know I am here", she explained watching as he laughed.

"And why did you end up at my doorstep", he continued to press.

"I just wanted to make sure, well actually I wanted to tell you that", Erin began to say as she watched her partner stand there staring at her. She felt his blue eyes pour right into her and make her feel weak at the knees. For a split second she regretted what she was about to say, but she decided if she didn't there may never be the opportunity again.

"I didn't mean it last night, you know that we can't. It was just your parents were inside and Maggie and I guess I didn't mean to push you away because, well because..", she continued watching her partner take a couple steps closer to her so he was now outside of his doorway and in the hallway with her. Erin knew he could tell she was nervous because she felt her hands shaking.

Jay swiftly grabbed his partners trembling hands and intertwined them with his own watching her eyes shift towards the floor, "I got scared because we are partners, Jay. What if these feelings or whatever they are get in the way of our job? Voight would kick your ass and I can't imagine having another partner and", she babbled on and on until she was cut off by Jay lifting her face and kissing her again.

Erin immediately wrapped her arms around his neck as they were last night and his strong arms pulled her in. Jay released his partners lips and watched her bite down gently on her bottom lip.

"This feels so right", she finished her thought watching Jay smile.

"Wanna feel right again", he asked watching her nod like a giddy child before their lips came together again. Jay quickly fumbled with his door knob and brought her inside.

"Where's Maggie", Erin asked out of breath as she pulled away from her gorgeous partner.

"With my parents", Jay answered wrapping his arms back around her waist.

"Good", she said before her lips came crashing into his and she felt him picking her up and allowing her legs to straddle his muscular waist. Clothes were quickly discarded as Jay led Erin into his bedroom.


"Maggie was right", Jay stated randomly, hours later, as Erin's head laid against his chest and his arm was protectively around her waist.

"Strange how your four year old daughter can be like that sometimes", Erin said causing him to laugh. "What was she right about", she asked looking towards him.

"You are very beautiful, Er", he explained watching a smile come over her face as he used the nickname she rarely ever heard. The smile remained on her face as Jay bent down and kissed the top of her nose. Just as Jay moved his lips down to hers, his front door suddenly opened and the sound of people walking in was echoed throughout the apartment.

"Daddy", Maggie's little voice called out as she entered what looked like an empty apartment with her grandparents.

"They are back early", Jay stated as he climbed off of Erin and stood at the side of his bed.

Erin immediately started blushing and dove under the covers as she heard Jay laugh, "Come on, I don't think it would be that hard for my parents to believe that my girlfriend came over and we had amazing sex", he teased as he tried to pull the covers off of Erin.

Erin's head just barely peaked out of Jay's comforter, "Amazing sex? That I can definitely agree with. Girlfriend? All in good time, Halstead", she said watching him laugh.

"Daddy, where are you", Maggie continued to call out as her voice got closer. Jay quickly got dressed, leaving Erin in his room to get dressed, as he appeared out in the hallway where Maggie stood there with her grandparents.

"Daddy", Maggie exclaimed as she jumped into her fathers arms. "What do you have here", Jay asked eyeing the stuffed elephant in her hand.

"She begged and begged for it", Marie explained to her son.

"Did you have a good afternoon, Jay", Frank asked watching a smile come over his face.

"Yeah it was pretty good and relaxing. Erin stopped by for awhile", Jay explained watching a surprised look come over Maggie's face.

"Erin's here?!", she practically screamed jumping from Jay's arms. "Erin, where are you", she frantically called out as she ran down the halls. Jay and his parents quickly heard the collision of Erin with a hyper four year old. Soon enough, they both appeared in the hallway, Erin holding on to Maggie.

"It's nice to see you guys again", Erin said with a smile she rested Maggie comfortably on her hip.

Jay's parents gave Erin a encouraging smile as they watched Maggie lay her head on Erin's shoulder. "I bet we will be seeing the three of you around here soon", Marie stated as she looked lovingly at the three in standing in her son's living room.

"That's if Jay decides to keep me around", Erin said turning to give him a smirk.

"I think she's a keeper", Jay said wrapping his arm around Erin's waist and pressing a kiss into her hair.

Maggie suddenly perked up from Erin's shoulder with a goofy smile on her face at this sign of affection from her father toward his partner. Erin looked over at Maggie and saw the goofy grin she shared with her father, "I should go to the zoo more", she whispered in Erin's ear.

Erin let out a throaty laugh as Maggie returned to her original resting place on her shoulder.

"Well, we will see you soon", Frank said as they turned for the door.

"Thanks for taking care of her today", Jay said as he shut the door behind his parents. As soon as they were all behind closed doors, Maggie immediately exploded into giggles, "I knew you were in loooove", Maggie squealed as she jumped from Erin's arms and ran towards Jay.

Both Jay and Erin laughed at the little girls excitement, "Maggie, you can't tell anybody okay", Jay explained as Maggie looked up at him.

"I tell nobody", she said pretending to zip her lips.

"Good, because if you do then we may have to take some extreme measures. Won't we Jay", Erin said as she scooped up the toddler.

"I think we may have to tickle her to death", Jay said as Erin brought Maggie towards him as she was already exploding in laughter.

"Daddy! No, I promise I won't tell anyone", she squealed as Jay tickled her small stomach.

"Okay, Okay. I think that's good. I think she knows not to tell anyone", Erin said as she moved Maggie back up to her hip and she laid her head back on her shoulder.

"Can we watch Frozen and eat Mac 'n Cheese", Maggie asked quickly changing the subject.

"Sure, sweetie. Why don't you go grab the disc", Jay said as Maggie ran off to her room for the dvd.

"I knew she would be happy", he stated wrapping his arms around Erin's waist.

"You think she can keep the secret", Erin asked giving him a smile.

"If she doesn't we will just have to say that she made it up", Jay explained.

"What if I said it would be fine if she didn't make it up", she asked.

"That's fine by me", he said before leaning in the last couple centimeters and brushing his lips against hers as she laughed.

"OHHH! Daddy and Mommy Erin sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage", Maggie squealed as she skipped into the room happily.

Both adults laughed as Maggie sang her little song over and over again. "Daddy, are you going to make the Mac n' Cheese", she asked plopping herself on the couch.

"Mac n' Cheese and Frozen it is", Jay said as he unwrapped his arms from Erin's waist and pressed a kiss to her cheek, "I will get to you later", he continued watching a smile come over her face.

"I will hold you to that", Erin answered as she walked over to the couch to help Maggie with her movie.


After each person had a bowl of Mac n' Cheese and they were half way through the movie, Erin was laying against Jay's chest on the couch along with Maggie curled into Erin's stomach.

"Let it go. Let it go", Maggie muttered as she felt her eyelids become heavy. Erin looked down at the small child on her lap and noticed her slowly falling asleep.

"Maybe it's time for you to go to bed, Mags", Jay stated also looking down at the sleeping child.

"I wanna stay here with you guys", she answered in barely a whisper.

Erin looked up at Jay with a smile on her face and he knew exactly what she was thinking. "Okay, but we are going to carry you into my room", he explained.

"Okay", she said slowly wrapping her arms around Erin's neck, ready for her to pick her up.

Erin's smile grew as she stood and carried Maggie into Jay's bedroom, slowly picking up the comforter and tucking her right in the center. As Jay entered his room he saw Erin gently handle his child and place a kiss on her forehead. Sneaking up behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek.

"I could get used to this", he whispered in her ear.

"Me too", Erin said, her smile still plastered on her face.

"Even though I said I would get to you later, maybe we should go to sleep because her position right now looks really comfortable", Jay said quietly laughing at Maggie who laid face down in the bed.

"Yeah, you are right, but first", Erin began to say before turning in Jay's arms. "One more of these", she continued closing the space between them with a gentle kiss.

They both smiled into the gentle kiss, knowing that this did feel so right no matter how professionally wrong it was. They could both get used to this.

Once the kiss ended, Erin climbed into one side of the bed and Jay on the other, and quickly Maggie somehow maneuvered her body so she cuddled with both of them.

"I love you guys", Maggie said in a whisper to both adults.

"We love you too, Mags" Jay said looking out of the corner of his eye at Erin who gently stroked Maggie's baby curls.

"Yeah, we love you Maggie", Erin stated making eye contact with her partner and matching his growing smile.

She did love this little girl and this family she had just added herself into.


First it was the lights in the living room that went out and then next the lights in the small bedroom on the second floor. A dark grey car watched from outside of the apartment building known to be where the owner of the car's daughter was living. Kaitlyn Sanders sat in her car and watched the lights go out. When she had seen the woman, who she recognized from the district her ex-boyfriend worked out and the park, she immediately decided not to go in. She realized the he had moved on, but this woman was getting becoming too close to her daughter and it was time she claimed what is rightfully hers.

A/N: Wait Maggie's mother? What?! Let me know what you guys think! :)