
4. Chapter 4

A/N: Thank you, thank you, thank you all for your awesome reviews! In case anyone was wondering last chapter and this chapter take place about a week from when Erin met Maggie. I forgot to specify on that last chapter so in case anyone was wondering there is your answer. Enjoy this chapter and please leave a review so I know what you guys think!

Jay ordered a couple pizzas for the three of them to eat that night and while they waited, he watched Maggie practically bounce off the walls waiting for Erin to arrive.

"Is she here yet", Maggie asked for the tenth time.

"Maggie, for the last time, when the pizza comes Erin will be right behind it", Jay said trying to calm down his little girl.

Thirty minutes later the pizza came and still no Erin, which meant a very upset Maggie.

"She's never going to come", Maggie muttered into a pillow on the couch.

Jay let out a little laugh as he rubbed her back trying to get her cheer up, "She is coming sweetie, don't worry", he said.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and Maggie immediately jumped from her father's arms and ran towards the door just to pull it right open.

"Erin", Maggie practically yelled as she wrapped her in a embrace.

"Hey Mags", Erin said as she began to walk through the door holding up some grocery bags above her head.

Jay smiled as he stood and helped her into the kitchen, "What do you have in these bags of yours, Lindsay", he said setting them on the counter.

"Ice cream for everyone and beer for us", Erin said as she gave Jay a little wink.

"Yeah! Ice cream", Maggie said jumping up and down as she stood in between the two adults.

"But, first pizza", Jay said as he opened a box of pizza and pulled out a piece of cheese for Maggie to put on her plate.

Erin smiled as Maggie trotted over to the counter and sat at one of the stools where she began to eat her meal. "And for us, I got your favorite", Jay said opening the next pizza box to reveal one with all of Erin's favorite toppings.

"You're the best", she said punching his arm playfully as she grabbed a slice and a beer from the pack she brought before sitting down next to Maggie.

Maggie proceeded to tell them about what she did at school today and anything else that came to her mind. If someone had been looking into the apartment and saw the sweet scene going on between the three they would probably think they were a family enjoying a regular friday night.

After Maggie had finished her pizza and about three scoops of ice cream later, she gently laid her head on Erin's lap sleepily.

"Maggie, maybe it's time you go to sleep", Jay said gently watching his daughter's eyelids become heavy.

"Can Erin tuck me in", she asked through a yawn.

"Sure, sweetie", Erin answered before Jay could even say anything.

"Night, Daddy", Maggie managed to say as Erin picked her up gently and set her on her hip.

"Night, Mags", Jay said watching them disappear into Maggie's room.

Erin smiled as she entered the small room which was painted pink and scattered all over the floor were some of her toys. She gently laid Maggie in the bed and pulled over the comforter, watching as her eyelids became heavy.

"Erin", Maggie's small voice called out before she could exit the room.

"Yeah, sweetie", Erin answered walking towards her.

"Are you my mommy", the little girl asked hopefully.

Erin could almost feel her heart breaking at the hope in Maggie's voice. At first she was a little surprised how quickly Maggie warmed up to her, but now she understood. Maggie was looking for a mother and she thought Erin was it. Erin walked around to the other side of the bed and sat on the edge beside her.

"No, Maggie. I'm not", she answered running a gentle hand through her hair.

"I wish you were", Maggie said looking up at her.

"I wish I was too", Erin answered gently.

"Everyone else at school has mommy's except for me", she continued pouting her lip.

"But you have a daddy and your grandparents and I will be around as much as I can", Erin answered watching Maggie's lips curl into a smile

"So, you can be my pretend mommy then", she asked hopefully.

"Sure, Maggie. I will be your pretend mommy. Now you have to go to sleep before you're daddy catches you awake and then I will never be able to come back", Erin said leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.

"Night Mommy Erin", Maggie said softly as she rolled over and fell asleep.

Erin smiled at the nickname she had created, "Night, Maggie", she said in return before shutting of the light.

"So, if she get's to call you 'mommy' does that mean I can use you as my fake wife at all the school conferences", Jay asked as she walked out of the hall and into the living room.

"Well, I did use you as my fake fiance so I think I owe you", Erin said through a laugh as she grabbed the carton of ice cream and two spoons off the counter.

Jay smiled as she sat down next to him on the couch and opened the carton, "You've never talked to her about her mother did you", she asked taking a scoop of the ice cream. "Because she just asked if I was her mother", she continued.

"She never asked. Like I said it's always been me and her. Maybe it's because of you being around", he answered.

"Well, I don't mind being her pretend mom, as long as I get to help her with her hair from now on", Erin replied.

"Hey, I am trying my best and hair is not my speciality", Jay said as Erin laughed taking a scoop of ice cream.

"Oh, and I also get to help her with her wedding", she said watching Jay practically choke on his ice cream.

As Jay caught his breath he turned to Erin who had a goofy smile on her face, "Hey, I don't want her growing up too fast", he said as she laughed.

"Fine, then I get to help her with everything girl. Boys, clothes, and everything in between", Erin stated watching a smile come over his face.

"You did do a good job, I will give you that", she continued as she put her spoon on the table and leaned her head against his shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world.

At first it startled Jay, but he then relaxed into the new position she had settled herself into. "I did do a good job didn't I", he said looking down at her as she rolled her eyes.

"I can easily take that back, Halstead", Erin said slapping his shoulder as she let out a yawn.

"Well, you wouldn't cause you know I am right", Jay responded as he laid his arm over her shoulder watching as she relaxed into the embrace and yawned once again.

"Don't push it", she protested as her eyes slowly began to close.

Just as Jay was getting ready to say something in return, he felt Erin's head drop to his chest and hear her begin to lightly snore. Jay laughed as he looked down at her sleeping form, "God, I really could get used to this", he whispered to himself as his eyelids became heavy and sleep took over.