
26. Chapter 26

There was a little over a week left until their wedding and Erin found herself staring at her reflection in the mirror, running her hands over her five month pregnant belly. She was supposed to be getting ready for Maggie's preschool graduation, but before she could even get a shirt on, Erin noticed, god, how fat she had gotten.

Of course it was normal, she did have another human growing inside of her and trying to get nutrients from her. Even though it was weird and there were times she was self conscious, like right now, Erin loved being pregnant.

She loved the thought of bringing another little Halstead into the world, this one being a perfect combination of her and Jay. She loved the thought of being another person's mother. And in the end, she honestly didn't mind the belly.

"Er, are you ready yet", Jay called out as he entered their bedroom unexpected.

"Yeah, I just have to do some of my makeup", Erin lied as she ran into their closet quickly deciding on what to wear.

Once she decided, Erin came out of the closet and took in the sight of Jay and Maggie sitting on their bed, Maggie dressed up in her blue little cap and gown.

"Look at my little graduate", Erin gushed as Maggie hopped off the bed and towards her mother.

"Mommy, can I put on some of your makeup cause it's my special day", Maggie begged pouting her lip.

"What about some lip gloss. I'm not sure you will like all of the other stuff", Erin said handing Maggie a tube of lip gloss she never wore.

Maggie, not so gracefully, piled it on her lips and then puckered them to show her mom her great work. "Very nicely done, sweetie", Erin complemented through a laugh.

"If I get a sister, I am going to help her do her makeup all the time", Maggie said putting her hands on Erin's stomach.

"Maggie, why don't you go put on your nice shoes, so we can go soon", Jay requested standing up from the bed and turning off the TV.

Maggie happily agreed as she skipped out of the room. Erin smiled as Jay walked towards her and she instinctively reached out her hands to smooth over his tie.

"I hate getting this dressed up", Jay reminded her.

"But, you look nice and I love it when you get dressed up", Erin reminded him in return.

"Then I will do it all the time", Jay responded getting Erin to giggle as he leaned down to kiss her.

When they both pulled back from the kiss, Jay gently set one hand on Erin's stomach, "How is my girl doing in there", Jay asked.

"You too", Erin practically groaned. "If this baby is a boy, he is definitely going to disappoint some people", she stated.

"No, I will be happy either way. But, I know it's going to be a girl. Call it father's instincts", Jay explained.

"I think I will call it Halstead's instincts because you are thinking the exact same way as your daughter", Erin replied.

Jay laughed, but before he got to say anything in return, Maggie's voice boomed from the hallway. "Time for me to graduate", she exclaimed.

"Come on, we have to go experience one of many graduations to come", Jay said pulling Erin out of the bathroom.


"Maggie Halstead", Maggie's preschool teacher announced as all of the children stood in a line on the stage.

Jay, Erin and Jay's parents, with a few extra whoops and hollers from Voight and Jay. Erin watched as Maggie turned and laughed towards the crowd, before she was ushered off.

"So, Erin are you interested in finding out the gender of your newest addition", Marie asked as the ceremony finished and Jay went off to find Maggie.

"With both Jay and Maggie practically praying for it to be another girl, I'm not quite sure I want to know", Erin laughed placing her hands gently on her stomach.

"Well, you know with both Jay and his brother I was sick forever, but with their sister I was only sick for about a week", Marie explained.

"I think I will be happy either way", Erin said with a smile on her face.

"You are already a great mom. I can't wait to see you another one on your hands", Marie laughed just as Jay and his dad were coming up with Maggie.

"Mommy, look! They gave me this certificate with my name and a big star sticker", Maggie said sticking out the certificate to show her mother.

"Alright the graduation is over, now we can just keep you at home, Mags", Jay teased as he picked her up and set her on her shoulders.

"No, Daddy. I have to go school next year", Maggie laughed.

"No, you're staying home with us", Jay continued to tease as he left the auditorium.

"I can't wait to see Jay with two on his hands", Erin laughed to herself as she followed them out.


After Maggie's mid-afternoon graduation, everyone came over to Erin and Jay's apartment for a small reception. Erin watched from the kitchen as Voight talked with Jay's parents and they luckily all got along.

Voight had showed up to the apartment a little after they got home and Maggie couldn't be happier to him. Erin, of course, was happy as well, because she was finally seeing her family coming together.

As Erin was just getting lost in her thoughts, when she felt a small hand tug on her shirt. "Hey sweet girl", she said looking down to see Maggie standing next to her.

Maggie carefully climbed up the stool that Erin stood next and onto the counter, "Are you having fun", Erin asked as she helped her get situated on the counter.

"Yep", Maggie smiled as she smoothed her hands over her brand new pink sundress. "Can I ask you something, Mommy", she asked.

"Of course, baby", Erin said becoming worried as to what she was going to ask her.

"When the baby comes, are you and Daddy going to love it more than me", Maggie said in barely a whisper.

"Of course not", Erin quickly responded. "Why would you think that", she asked.

"Because everyone is excited about the baby and it's not even here yet", Maggie explained.

"No one was excited about me", she finished.

"Remember when I came to our house for the first time", Erin asked taking Maggie's small hand in hers.

Maggie nodded as Erin continued to speak, "Even though you weren't a baby, I was so excited to meet you. And then, I got the surprise of becoming your Mommy and I'm still over the moon happy", Erin exaggerated as Maggie giggled.

"So, when the baby comes your Daddy and I are going to love you both the same", she continued.

"You have nothing to worry about, sweet pea", Erin finished wrapping her up in a bear hug.

"I love you, Mommy", Maggie said as she lifted her head from Erin's chest.

"I love you too, baby", Erin replied swiping some pieces of hair from her face.

Maggie would always be her baby, biological or not. She was the first child, Erin got to care for. The first child she truly loved. That was all that mattered.

A/N: Thanks to Daisyangel for the idea to write the ending scene with Maggie and Erin. It was so much fun to write :) The next chapter will obviously be the wedding and then there will be slight time jumps, including the birth of our Halstead baby and a not so welcomed character. After that I will tie a nice bow on this story and that will be it.

So those are my plans for the next couple chapters and hopefully you guys will enjoy them! For now, please review and feel free to share any thoughts you have on what you want to see in these last chapters. Thanks for everyone's support! I love you all