
25. Chapter 25

Erin gently smoothed her hands over the crisp white fabric of the third wedding dress she had tried on that day. Kim and Nadia, her maids of honor and only bridesmaids, had decided to take her wedding dress shopping today, since the wedding was only three months away.

Each dress they had picked out was beautiful, it was just every time Erin put on one of them she didn't get that feeling. Every bride on those stupid reality shows she had watched always got all teary eyed and knew that this was the dress.

Every dress she had put on so far, just didn't feel right. She was going to be marrying the love of her life in this dress. Oh, and she would also be five months pregnant.

"Erin, come on third time's a charm", Nadia called out trying to get her best friend to come out of the dressing room.

Erin sighed and came out of the dressing room to stand on the small pedestal in front of the mirrors.

"Oh, Erin it's beautiful", Kim gasped. The dress she was currently wearing had short sleeves and a beautiful lace design.

Erin just shrugged playing around with the skirt of the dress, "I don't know. It's just not what I wanted", she stated.

"You know I always imagined you in like this beautiful strapless beach wedding looking dress", Nadia imagined.

"Well, one of those dresses won't look good with a five month pregnant belly", Erin announced not even realizing what she was saying.

"Erin! You're pregnant", Kim said standing up from her seat along with Nadia quickly standing up behind her.

Erin turned around her heels so fast she almost lost her balance, "I didn't...I didn't...You can't tell anyone", she stated quickly.

"Maggie doesn't even know and neither does Voight, it just slipped, okay. I'm just frustrated about the dress. I want it to be perfect", Erin vented.

"Erin, honey calm down", Kim said gently placing her hands on her friend's shoulders. "Isn't this is a great thing? You and Jay are having a baby", she stated smiling towards her friend.

"Yeah", Erin said placing her hands on her stomach that was slowly growing every day.

"I saw a dress that would look beautiful on you. Even when you are pregnant with a little Halstead", Nadia teased before running away towards a rack of gowns in the boutique.

"I'm glad you told us. Even it was impulsive and not the way you wanted to do it", Kim said.

Erin smiled quickly giving Kim a hug, "I'm kinda glad I got to tell someone other than Jay", she said.

"I can't wait to be an Aunt", Kim laughed putting a hand on Erin's stomach. Erin laughed in response, just as Nadia was coming back with another crisp white gown.

"This is the one. I promise you are going to love it", she said handing it off to Erin.

Erin took the dress from Nadia's hands, stepping back into the dressing room to try it on. "You know Erin, you can only choose one of us to be your baby's godmother", Nadia teased from outside.

"I think he or she will be happy with two kickass aunts", Erin replied as she finished putting on the dress.

Looking into the mirror, Erin knew this was it. This was her dress. Nadia was right. It was perfect. It had a thin layer of fabric which draped over one shoulder, a perfect sweetheart neckline, was easy to move in, and when she was five months pregnant, her stomach was not going to look constricted.

"This is it", Erin suddenly announced stepping out from the dressing room.

Immediately, Kim and Nadia both agreed, adding their own approval to their favorite parts of the dress. Erin listened, but focused more on the fact that the small pieces were coming together. She was getting married.


"And then Hannah and I played on the swings outside and we pretended that we could fly", Maggie chatted away as she chewed on her grilled cheese sandwich.

Erin smiled as she listened to Maggie talk about her day at preschool. "Sounds like a pretty great day, Mags", she commented.

"Mommy, did you find a dress", Maggie asked curiously.

"Yeah, sweetie I did", Erin replied. "And I saw some very beautiful flower girl dresses at the same store", she explained watching Maggie's smile beam.

"I want it to be pink. Can I get a pink flower girl dress, daddy", Maggie asked turning to Jay.

"You can get whatever you want, baby", Jay said as he stood from the table and grabbed everyone's completed dinner plates.

"What color are Kim and Nadia's dresses going to look like", Maggie asked.

"I think they are going to be long and light blue", Erin stated.

"Like Elsa's dress?! That kind of blue", Maggie exclaimed. "You guys should have a Frozen themed wedding. That would be amazing", she explained.

"Not everything can be Frozen, sweetie", Jay explained from the kitchen.

"Fine. Then when am I going to get a little sister, so she can be Anna and I can be Elsa", Maggie asked.

Jay immediately shut off the water at the sink and turned to look at Erin, "Well, Maggie we actually need to talk about something with you", he said walking back to the table and sitting down next to Erin once again.

"What would you really think about having a little sister or brother", he asked.

"I think a little brother would just be gross, cause boys are gross, no offense Daddy", Maggie said placing her elbows on the table and her head in her hands.

"But, having a little sister would be awesome because she would like everything that I like and we would be able to play all the time", Maggie explained.

"Why? Are you guys getting me a sister", she asked a huge smile coming over her face.

"Well, we don't know yet, but soon you will get a little sister or a little brother", Erin answered.

Maggie immediately jumped from her seat and walked over to Erin, pulling up her shirt causing her to laugh. "There's a baby in there", she asked putting her hands on Erin's stomach.

"Yeah", Erin said laughing as she looked up at Jay who was also laughing.

"So, when do I get to meet her", Maggie asked still running her hands over Erin's stomach as she jumped up to sit on her lap.

"Well Maggie remember, it might not be a girl. It could be a boy", Jay explained.

"Yeah, and it's also going to take a couple of months, just like we talked about", Erin said.

"And your tummy is gonna get way bigger than now cause my sister is going to be in there", Maggie exclaimed wrapping her hands around Erin's neck.

Erin smiled as a huge metaphorical weight was lifted off her shoulders. Now all she had to do was tell Voight.


Without giving away anything about her pregnancy, Erin convinced Voight that now that her and Jay were engaged, they need to all get along like a family. Luckily, he agreed, after her telling him he was the only family she had, and invited them all over for Sunday dinner.

"You have the gift right", Erin asked as she pulled into the driveway.

Jay held it up smiling, after all it was his idea, "Relax, Er. This is going to go over great and he is going to be excited", he stated.

"Come on, you guys! I want to show you my room that Grandpa Voight set up for me for when I come over to his house", Maggie said as she jumped out of the car.

"And how could he not love another one running around his house and getting their own room", Jay joked as he got out of the car following Maggie up the steps.

Erin rolled her eyes as she also got of the car and walked up to Voight's front door. Maggie leaned up on her tip toes just as Erin got to the front door.

"Grandpa", Maggie exclaimed as soon as Voight opened up the door as she jumped into his arms.

"Hey Maggie", Voight said engulfing her in a hug.

"Grandpa, I have to show Mommy and Daddy my room here", she explained.

"Yes, you definitely do, but you should probably clean up some of the toys you left lying in there from last time", Voight said setting her back down on the ground. Maggie quickly nodded before she ran away and up the stairs towards her room.

"We got you gift, but you can't open it until after dinner and a couple of beers", Jay said handing him the wrapped present as they entered the house.

"Trying to get me drunk, Halstead", Voight joked patting Jay on the back before he went to the kitchen to get a drink.

"Maggie has her own toys here", Erin asked smiling.

"Of course, she does. She's my grandchild. She also took your room if you don't mind", Voight answered.

Erin smiled as she shook her head, "Nope, I don't mind one bit".


Voight made Erin's favorite dinner, which included his famous spaghetti, meatballs and garlic bread.

"So, not that I don't enjoy having you guys here, but there has to be some reason that you wanted to come over", Voight said as he paused with his dinner.

"Mommy and Daddy said I couldn't say anything until you open your gift", Maggie blurted out as she scooped another forkful of spaghetti into her mouth.

Voight raised his eyebrows at the young couple who sat in front of him, "Alright, out with it you two. Do you need money for the wedding? What's going on", Voight demanded to know.

Jay watched Erin take in a deep breath as he reached underneath his seat and grabbed the gift, "Go ahead and open it", he said handing it across the table.

Voight took the gift from his hands and gently tore through the wrapping paper gently to reveal a small box for clothes. Opening it up, he pulled out a dark blue baby onesie. Immediately, Voight couldn't help but laugh as he turned it around.

Printed on the onesie were the words "OFF LIMITS" in bold white print on the center. "It's for my new baby sister", Maggie said proudly with a mouthful of food.

"Or baby brother", Jay stated for the tenth time since telling her about the baby.

"Surprise", Erin shrugged finally releasing the breath she has been holding.

"How far along are you", Voight asked.

"About two and half months", Erin said smiling and finding herself placing her hand on her stomach.

"Morning sickness", he asked.

"In the beginning, but now I have medication for it from the doctor", Erin said.

"You're lucky. Camille was sick every morning for almost six months with Justin", Voight explained.

Erin just smiled as Voight sent down the onesie, "I am really happy for you guys", he said giving both of his best detectives a smile.

"You are the first one out of the unit to know obviously. Except for Kim and Nadia. It slipped the other day when we were dress shopping", Erin explained.

"Well, until you want to tell the guys, you're secret's safe with me", Voight promised.

"Grandpa Voight! This means you have to get a new room for my new baby sister", Maggie demanded putting her fork down on her plate.

Immediately, she got a glare from both of her parents, "Or brother", she signed reluctantly.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and of course I apologize for it taking me ages to post. I finished school/exams and I am now on summer break which means a lot more writing time and probably finishing this story for good in the next couple months. But, for now let's not think of that as I hope you guys love where the story is going just as much as I do. So, for the next chapter feel free to drop any ideas you want to see, as it will be the last chapter before the wedding. Whether it's cutesy stuff with Maggie or Erin and her pregnancy just let me know in the reviews. Please please PLEASE review! I love hearing your thoughts :)