
22. Chapter 22

Erin rolled over in bed the next morning, to be comforted by Jay's protective hold around her waist. Smiling to herself, she scooted closer to him and gently laid her head on his bare chest as he was still asleep. After the game - well games - of 'scrabble' they played last night, Erin could understand why he was still asleep.

Lifting her hand up to gently draw patterns against his chest, Erin caught glimpse of her engagement ring for the first time since last night. She had actually begun to believe this was all a dream. Jay, his proposal, and their little family.

But, it was perfectly real and Erin was enjoying every second of it.

As she subconsciously drew the shapes on Jay's chest, she felt him begin to stir awake. Gently leaning up, Erin began to pepper kisses against his jawline.

"Good morning", she said sweetly.

Jay rolled over as he began to slowly wake up. He immediately came face to face with Erin's hazel eyes and a wide smile covering her face.

Without saying a word, Jay quickly tilted his head to give her a kiss which she quickly reciprocated. Once, they separated Jay saw Erin's smile still plastered on her face, maybe even bigger than before, if that was possible.

"Good morning my beautiful fiance", he teased her getting her to laugh.

Erin sighed as she re-positioned herself, content in Jay's arms. "I honestly can't believe this", she finally admitted after a few minutes.

"Can't believe what", Jay asked.

"If you asked me nine months ago, where I would be right now, I would definitely not say living with you and our daughter. Oh, and did I mention the fact that we are going to get married", she explained.

Jay smiled at the sound of Erin calling Maggie "their daughter". He decided, though, not to bring it to her attention because she was finally admitting to herself that she was her mother.

"Let's just get married right now", she suddenly announced.

Looking at her with wide eyes, Jay turned his head in her direction as she laughed at his amusement to her statement.

"We could go to a courthouse and do one of those quick little weddings in front of a judge and have that be that", Erin explained.

"I mean, I guess that would speed up the adoption progress", Jay stated.

Erin immediately sat up in bed, covering herself with the comforter, at the sound of the word 'adoption'. "What adoption papers" she asked turning to look at him.

"Well this wasn't how I was going to tell you, but I got adoption papers made out in your name so, by the time we are married, you will be Maggie's mom legally", he explained.

Erin didn't have to say anything further as she laid back down in bed and planted a kiss on Jay's lips. "I love you", she said after pulling away from the kiss and laying back down on his chest.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, causing Erin to immediately sit up in bed.

"Crap it's Voight with Maggie", she said reaching down to find Jay's t-shirt on the floor and quickly pulling it over her head.

"Er, relax", Jay tried to calm her down as she ran into the bathroom. "We are engaged. He can't do anything about it", he stated.

"Still, I can't answer the door with just your t-shirt on", Erin explained emerging from their closet with a pair of yoga pants and Jay's t-shirt still on.

"Now, get up", she said giving him a kiss before walking out of the room.

Erin quickly went to the door and opened it up to reveal Maggie hanging onto Voight as he held all of her stuff in his hands.

"Mommy", Maggie exclaimed running towards her and engulfing her in a hug.

"Hey, sweetie", Erin said as she picked her up and kissed her forehead.

"Where's daddy", Maggie asked.

"Right here", Jay answered as he came out of their room.

Maggie smiled as she hopped from Erin's arms to ran over to Jay, following him into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Alright, let's see it", Voight stated as Erin turned towards him.

Erin laughed as she held out her hand to show him the ring, "Halstead did a nice job", Voight said inspecting it.

"Thank you", Erin said giving him a smile.

"Don't keeping thanking me, Erin. You did this all on your own. Even if i held you back at times, which I regret", Voight clarified.

"Grandpa Voight, come eat breakfast with us pleassee", Maggie begged as she came running back up to the door to grab Hank's hand and pull him in.

Erin laughed as Maggie used all of her strength to pull Voight into their apartment, "Alright I guess I will hang around for a little while"


After breakfast, well actually more a brunch considering it was eleven o'clock when Maggie and Voight showed up to their apartment, Voight left and Jay went to run some errands, including dropping the adoption papers off. Once Erin heard about them she couldn't get the idea out of her head. So, as soon as Voight was gone she demanded Jay gave them to her and signed them quickly.

Now with all of the boys gone from the apartment, it was just Maggie and Erin eating popcorn and watching another Disney movie that was on TV.

"Mommy, did Daddy treat you like a princess last night", Maggie asked suddenly.

Erin smiled as she continued to run her fingers through Maggie's dirty blonde curls. "Of course he did", Erin answered.

Content with her mother's simple answer, Maggie continued to watch the movie until she felt something get caught in her hair.

"Ow, mommy", she whined trying to sit up. Erin looked down and immediately noticed that she had her ring caught in Maggie's hair.

Erin quickly slipped her ring off and untangled it from Maggie's hair, "Sorry, sweetie", Erin apologized as she slipped her ring back on.

"What was that", Maggie asked turning around and looking at Erin's hand. Immediately spotting the ring, Maggie gasped grabbing Erin's hand and bringing it towards her face.

"OH MY GOSH, MOMMY", she practically screamed.

"Shh, baby we have neighbors", Erin said through a laugh.

"Does this mean you and Daddy are getting married now", she asked slightly lowering her voice.

"It means we are getting married soon", Erin answered her.

Maggie's jaw practically dropped with excitement as she enveloped her mother in a hug. Just as she released Erin from the hug, Jay entered the apartment.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!", Maggie exclaimed running towards him.

"Woah, slow down their peanut", Jay said as he caught her even with the bags in his hands.

"Daddy, you didn't tell me you and Mommy were getting married", Maggie whined as she was dragged into the kitchen with Jay.

"Why do you think I asked you to draw the picture, Mags", Jay asked lifting her on top of the counter.

"I didn't know you were going to do it while I was gone", Maggie said lifting her hands up.

Erin laughed from the couch as she listened to their conversation. "I know how I can make it up to you", Jay pleaded.

Maggie simply nodded her head, indicating for her father to continue, and crossed her arms over her chest. "I bought your favorite ice cream that you can eat after dinner", he said taking it out of the bag.

Immediately a huge smile beamed from Maggie's face as she reached towards the pint of ice cream, "Okay, I forgive you", she stated happily.

Jay let out a dramatic sigh of relief causing both Erin and Maggie to laugh, "Alright now go finish the movie with Mommy so I can make sure I have everything for dinner", he said lifting Maggie off the counter.


"Were you serious about the quickie wedding", Jay asked later that night as he and Erin laid on the couch together. Maggie had fallen asleep an hour after dinner, but was still cuddled up in Erin's chest, while Erin laid in Jay's embrace.

"Of course not. I wanna have a real wedding", Erin clarified looking down towards Maggie with a smile on her face. "Just nothing big. You know small with all of our friends and family", she explained.

"I want to give Maggie her big opportunity of being a flower girl", Erin continued looking up at him.

"Sounds like you have had this planned for awhile", Jay speculated with a large grin on his face.

"I never really thought about a wedding, actually", Erin stated being completely honest with him.

"I mean maybe when I was six and still thought the world was an innocent place. But, I mean when I got older and all the stuff I was in to", she began to trail off.

"I don't know. There wasn't much hope for a nice wedding. Let alone a nice guy", Erin said looking up towards him again.

Jay gave her an almost small smile. He wanted to make sure this was the smoothest and most amazing experience for her. "Well, I can promise I can make whatever six year old fantasies you had come true", he joked.

Erin laughed, but then quickly remembered that Maggie was still laying there with them and quieted her voice, so she wouldn't wake up.

"Oh, did I mention the thoughts of a summer wedding", she added.

Jay arched an eyebrow, indicating for her to explain. "It's February now. We can get a cute little church and find some type of area to hold the reception. We could get married in June", Erin explained.

Jay smiled at the idea of Erin being his wife as soon as the summertime. "June it is then"

A/N: So, this chapter I wanted to highlight on the most important people finding out about Erin and Jay's engagement (Voight and Maggie). Prepare for the next chapter to be probably telling the unit and maybe even a snow day? Along with all that, I hope to write some good wedding planning chapters - that may skip ahead at times. Anyway, please review! Oh, also if you guys haven't already go check out my other story Finding Mia and let me know what you think!