
2. Chapter 2

A/N: I am so glad everyone is liking this story so far! You're reviews make me smile when I am stuck at school! So, this is my next installment to rescue you from the cliff I left you hanging on yesterday. Enjoy reading and please leave a review because I love to know what you guys think!

"Maggie, why don't you go brush your teeth and get ready for bed. I will be right there", Jay said as he ruffled the little girls hair causing her to smile as she ran away into the apartment.

He looked up at Erin and for the first time since they became partners, she looked speech less, "I can explain", he stated.

"She's your daughter", Erin asked quietly. Jay just nodded as Erin ran a hand through her hair.

"How come you never told me", she asked a little louder than the first question. "I mean we have been partners for months and you didn't even think to mention the fact that you have a daughter. What would happen if you got shot and I had no clue that she even existed", Erin continued as she began to turn away from his door.

All of a sudden she felt a hand reach out and grab hers. Erin turned around and saw Jay standing there, his hand holding on to hers. "Please let me explain", he pleaded with her.

Erin just looked into his eyes, without letting go of his hand, and sighed. "Fine, but a beer better come with this explanation", she said giving him a small smile.

Jay kindly returned her smile as he let go of her hand and watched as she walked into his apartment. When they entered the apartment, Jay's daughter was sitting on the couch with the light of the television reflecting on her face.

"Maggie this is Erin, my partner from work", Jay said as they walked towards the couch.

Maggie looked over at Erin and a small smile appeared on her face, "Daddy talks about you alot. He is right, you are very pret..", she began to say until Jay scooped her up and began to tickle her. Erin smiled as she watched her partner show a side she had never seen before.

"It's time for bed, you little secret spiller", Jay said as he carried Maggie into her bedroom.

"Good night Erin", Maggie called out as she looked over at Erin from Jay's shoulder.

"Night Maggie. It was nice meeting you", Erin said as she watched them disappear into a room. Erin smiled as she began to explore her partners apartment. There were little pictures of him and Maggie on the coffee table and some of her messy artwork hanging on the fridge.

"Wanna beer", Jay suddenly asked as he came back into the living room. "Sure", she answered as she watched him open the fridge and grab two for the both of them. Erin sat down on the couch just as Jay handed her the beer and sat across from her.

"So, I owe you two things. One an apology and two an explanation", Jay stated simply.

"And I am very excited to hear both of this things", Erin said watching a smile come across her partners face.

"Maggie has been with me since she was about one. Her mother dropped her off literally at my doorstep after she heard I got back from Afghanistan. My parents helped me take care of her while I was in the academy and they still help me now, but it's really hard. I mean it's just me and her", he began to explain.

"And her mother? Where is she", Erin asked as she took a sip of her beer.

"She left a note with Maggie, but I haven't heard from her since. I honestly have no interest in hearing from her. I mean she abandoned my child, Erin. Just left her in my hallway like she was a bag of groceries", Jay said as she watched him clench his empty fist with anger.

"How old is she", she quickly asked changing the subject to something less infuriating. "She will be five in a couple of months", he answered giving her a little smile. "I left early today because her nanny had to leave for an appointment, so I had to get home obviously", he continued.

"I am sorry I didn't tell you. It's just she's so little and I want to protect her from everything. I am actually worried she is going to get super attached to you. She kinda reminds me of you", Jay stated causing Erin to smile at his comment.

"And why do you think you're daughter is so much like me", she asked curiously.

"She thinks she's invincible and she likes to act pretty bad ass for a four year old", Jay said leaving out the other parts that reminded his daughter of her. Like the fact that she could be her mother with their matching brown eyes.

Erin finally let out a laugh for the first time that night. Jay knew how to make her laugh.

"So, Voight does know about Maggie right? Because if he doesn't I think he might go crazy", she asked knowing that if Hank didn't know Jay would never hear the end of it.

"Yes, he knows. But, no one else in the unit does. I just don't really know how or if I will ever tell them", Jay contemplated.

"You have to tell them, Jay. They are practically family", Erin pleaded with her partner.

"I will bring her by the district one day and introduce her to everyone", Jay said watching as a smile appeared on Erin's face.

"Good", she simply answered as she looked down at her watch. "I should probably get going", she said rising from the couch. Jay nodded as he watched her stand and put her now empty beer bottle on the counter.

"You are right. I should have told you when we became partners", Jay said as he stood and followed her to the door.

"Well, I think I can forgive you", Erin stated. "You just won't get to drive anytime soon", she said giving him a small smile.

Jay laughed as he opened up the door for her, "I will see you tomorrow", she said as she took the step out. "But Halstead, please tell me that you will bring her soon, like this week soon", Erin pleaded with her partner.

"I will see what I can do. And I should probably talk to Voight first to make sure that it's okay", Jay said as he leaned against the door frame.

"I will hold you to that", she said as she poked his shoulder playfully before she walked down the hallway.

"See you tomorrow", she yelled as she walked down the stairs. Jay laughed silently to himself as his partner walked away. She was one of the best people he had ever met and telling her about Maggie was one of the best decisions he had ever made.