
13. Chapter 13

A/N: I'm back with a faster update than last time for once! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's a little more uplifting than the previous two. Happy reading :)

The early morning sun was the first thing Jay Halstead saw when he woke up the next morning. He immediately registered he was in the hospital by the sound of the heart monitor, the several wires he was hooked up to. Turning his head to take in his surroundings, he took notice of his two guests sound asleep on the small hospital couch.

"Erin", he whispered to himself remembering the last time he saw her, before he blacked out and how scared she looked.

Looking towards Maggie, Jay couldn't help but smile as he saw her draped over Erin, holding onto her shirt with her mouth wide open.

"They've been here since last night", a nurse said as she entered the room. "Glad to see you're awake Mr. Halstead. I'm your nurse, Annie", she said quickly checking his chart.

Jay gave the nurse a smile as she began to check the IV and blood transfusion he was hooked to. "You have recollections of what happened to you, correct", Annie asked.

"Yeah, I was shot a couple times during a bust", he answered.

"Good. Now, if you have any headaches or you feel nauseous just let me know because that could be signs of a concussion. Your doctor will be in soon to discuss the gunshot wounds and when you can go home", she explained.

"Okay, thank you", Jay said giving her a smile.

"By the way detective, you have a beautiful family", the nurse added before she left the room.

Jay smiled as he looked over towards Erin and saw her beginning to stir underneath the blankets. He just wanted her to open up her beautiful hazel eyes so he could tell her how much he loved her and he would never scare her like this again. Sure enough, Erin rolled over and her eyes slowly opened.

"Hey Er", he said softly watching as she began to wake up fully.

"Oh my god", she whispered in shock.

"You thought you were getting rid of me that easily", Jay joked.

Erin laughed quietly as she picked Maggie up off of her, so she could stand and gently laid her back down on the couch tucking the blankets over her.

Walking towards his bed, Erin gently took his hand and smiled as he kissed her knuckles.

"I think I figured out why I'm so uncomfortable", Jay stated.

"Because you're hooked up to all these wires", she responded already knowing his answer.

"No, because you're not here with me", he said giving her the smirk she adored.

Erin rolled her eyes as she carefully climbed on to the bed as Jay opened his arms for her to gently curl into him. Wrapping a secure arm around her waist, Jay smiled as Erin rested her head against the crook of his neck.

"This is probably against hospital policy", Erin stated.

"After all I've been through, I think my nurses and doctor will be okay with it", he reassured her.

For awhile they laid there in silence, enjoying eachothers company. "You scared the hell out of me", Erin said disrupting the silence.

Jay looked down at her and saw her staring right back at him with tears in her eyes, "But, I knew you were going to make it because", she continued.

"Because I love you", he cut her off. "And I would never do that to you. Leave like that. I would never do that to Maggie", Jay finished.

"Well, I was going to say, because the doctors said you would be okay, but I guess that works too", Erin joked as she ran her fingers through his short brown hair.

"God, Lindsay I thought maybe this was going to be a romantic awakening", Jay said watching as she laughed.

"Okay, I love you too", she reassured him leaning down to capture his lips in a kiss.

The kiss was everything and more that Erin needed to know she loved this man. She wanted to spend everyday with him and Maggie more than anything in the world.

Jay carefully released her lips and rested his forehead against her own. "I really do love you", he said in barely a whisper.

"And I really do love you too", Erin answered pecking his lips again.

"Mommy", Maggie's small voice suddenly called out from the couch.

Erin turned around and saw Maggie beginning to wake up, "Hey sweetie", she said climbing from Jay's bed.

Jay smiled watching Erin crouch down to the level of the couch to gently rub Maggie's back. Even if she wasn't Maggie's real mother or she denied how perfect she was when it came to taking care of kids, Erin Lindsay was the best mother.

"Why did you move from the couch", Maggie questioned as she was know fully awake.

"Because when I woke up, guess who was already woke up way before us", Erin replied letting a smile come across her face.

"Daddy", Maggie asked beginning to sit up to get a better look over at her father.

Erin quickly moved out of Maggie's way and watched as soon as she came in sight of her father, her eyes immediately lit up.

"Daddy", she exclaimed running over to his bed and lifting herself up, so she could lay right next to him.

Jay let out a slight groan as Maggie curled into his side causing Erin to immediately worry.

"I'm fine", he mouthed to her making sure she kept her calm.

"Daddy, I missed you so much", Maggie stated.

"I missed you too baby", Jay replied gently running his fingers through her hair.

"But, don't worry Mommy took really great care of me. Didn't you Mommy", Maggie continued looking towards Erin who now sat on the edge of the bed.

"I think it's a little better when Daddy's around", Erin replied giving Jay a smile. "Maggie, why don't you get the picture you colored for Daddy out of the bag", she requested.

"Okay", Maggie said as she got up and began to search in the bag for her drawing.

As soon as Maggie got up, Erin scooted back over to her place, gently intertwining her hand with Jays.

"I found it", Maggie suddenly called out as she pulled out a comfortable piece of paper from Erin's bag.

Climbing back on to the bed, Maggie cuddled into Erin's lap and began to explain the picture to her dad, "Mommy said to make it really colorful, so I just drew things that make you happy. See here's me and Mommy, a police car, and waffles", she said pointing to each of her colorful masterpieces.

Erin and Jay let out a laugh as she continued to explain, "What!", Maggie said throwing her hands up and laying back in Erin's lap.

"It's beautiful sweetie", Jay said giving her a smile.

All of a sudden there was a knock on Jay's hospital door, "Good morning Mr. Halstead and family", the doctor said as he entered the room.

"Morning Doc", Jay said as Erin carefully scooped Maggie off the bed placing her on her hip and standing beside his bed.

"So, the nurse gave you the details on what happened and the how to know if you have a concussion", the doctor asked as he looked over Jay's chart.

"Yeah, so when I will be able to go home", Jay asked cutting to the chase.

"Well, I would like to take you off the blood transfusion later this evening and continue to monitor any signs of a concussion. So, let's shoot for either tomorrow or the day after that. I assume these two lovely ladies can take care of you during your time off", the doctor explained looking towards Erin and Maggie.

"Yup", Maggie answered before Erin could even get a word out.

Everyone laughed as Maggie nodded her head at the doctor's request, "I would like to redress your bandages to something a little less excessive", the doctor said indicating to Jay's head bandage.

"Maggie, let's go get something to eat real quick", Erin said looking towards the small girl resting on her hip.

"Okay. We'll be right back, Daddy", Maggie reassured as they began to leave.

Jay watched as both girls left the room and the doctor continued his evaluation. He redressed the bandage around his head and made sure there was no infection in his stitches.

"So, Annie will be back in to check on no signs of a concussion in a few hours. Other than that Mr. Halstead I think you will make a great recovery and will be back to work in no time", the doctor said as he wrote down notes on Jay's evaluation chart.

"Thanks Doc", Jay said as the doctor left the room.

"Oh, man Antonio. We just can't seem to get rid of this idiot", Adam joked as he and Antonio stood out in front of Jay's room.

"God guys thanks for the sympathy", Jay laughed as his colleagues entered the room and took a seat on the couch Erin and Maggie had just occupied.

"But, really though dude, who really scared us. You really scared Erin", Adam said trying to get Halstead to spill on the secret they already knew.

"Yeah, I know", Jay simply answered.

"Look, we know about you and Erin", Antonio said. "We are just hear to give you the warning before Voight comes and beats you up", he explained.

"Who told you", Jay asked not knowing any of this went down while he was unconscious.

"Like I said, Erin was a mess and it must have just slipped I guess. But, she told Voight and we heard it through the grapevine", Adam explained.

Jay leaned back in his bed and closed his eyes. He couldn't believe she told Voight, but at the same time he was glad she told them because there was no more secrets.

"I told you not to get any ideas, but I guess you couldn't help yourself", Antonio joked.

"Of course he couldn't help himself! Have you seen the way he looks at Erin. I'm surprised he never acted sooner", Adam responded.

Jay finally let out a laugh as he opened his eyes. "But, in all seriousness. If you are happy and Voight doesn't kick your ass, then we are cool with it too. You are happy right", Antonio asked.

"No boys, I am simply holding him hostage so no one else can have him", Erin answered as her and Maggie walked in hand and hand.

"Hey Maggie", both guys said as soon as Maggie entered the room.

"Hi guys", Maggie answered cheerfully as she climbed up onto Jay's bed.

"What were you guys talking about", Erin asked as she sat at the edge of Jay's bed.

"The fact Voight is going to kick my ass", Jay answered.

"He won't kick your ass. I promise", Erin said pecking his lips in a sweet kiss.

"Ewww", Maggie, Adam, and Antonio all complained just as both Erin and Jay pulled back.

"Hey, you said you supported it", Jay protested pointing to his friends.

A/N: Okay, so things to look forward to that could possibly occur in the upcoming weeks. I will obviously be writing and updating a new chapter as soon as I can. I am also currently working on a story that was given to be by the wonderful redlightning and I want to have it up soon as well. So, be patient and keep your eyes out for a new story from me and an update on this one. In the mean time, please review you have no idea how much it means to me!