
12. Chapter 12

A/N: I've gotten a little better on this whole updating thing! It hasn't been that long, has it? Anyway, OVER 100 FOLLOWERS TO THIS STORY AND REVIEWS! I THINK I MAY CRY! Seriously, you guys have no idea how much this means to me that you like this story as much as I do. I have said this so many times, but it brightens my day to see your guys' thoughts in reviews or private messages. So, this chapter is kind of an emotional roller coaster for majority of the characters, but read, review, and let me know what you think! I hope to have another chapter up either in the next couple of days or in a week or so. I love you all :)

There were doctors everywhere once Erin entered the hospital. All she wanted to do was rush up to one of them and scream how she had been waiting for over an hour and needed to know how Jay was right now. But, instead she kept her composure and began to pace around the waiting room. Erin knew her co-workers were watching her, even though she was across the room nervously biting at her fingertips, she could feel their stares. She had no interest in talking to them right now, especially Voight. Erin knew he was probably fuming with anger towards her, but she didn't care. She just needed Jay.

"Mommy", a voice suddenly cried from down the hall startling Erin from her thoughts.

She turned around and saw Maggie running towards her, as fast as possibly could, with tears streaming down her face. Erin could already feel the tears burning in her eyes as Maggie reached her and immediately jumped in her open arms.

"Mommy", Maggie repeated wearily through sobs as she buried her face into Erin's neck.

As Erin stood there with the girl she loved like her own, she finally let go of all of her pent up emotions. Since they were both now crying, Erin carefully carried Maggie over to a chair behind her and sat down so they were both now more comfortable. Maggie curled into Erin's chest, clinging onto her shirt as she continued to cry and Erin gently stroked her hair in attempt to calm her down.

Scanning the waiting room, Erin immediately saw Jay's parents talking to Voight. Erin couldn't even look at them because she knew how they felt. Hell, she had heard it on the phone.

Taking her focus off of Jay's parents, Erin looked down at the little girl who was laying in her lap. Her sobs were quieter now and she seemed to have calmed a little, but she was still crying.

"Mommy", Maggie whispered looking up towards Erin. "Is...Is..Daddy going to heaven", she barely choked out the heartbreaking words before more tears fell.

"No, baby", Erin reassured her as she swiped tears from the four year old's face. "He has a lot more messing around to do with us. He's not going anywhere", she continued feeling the tears now run down her face.

Maggie let a weary smile grow on her face as she reached up and swiped away Erin's tears gently. Erin laughed quietly as Maggie finished the cleanup of her face, which was probably a mess.

"When is he going to get out from the doctors", Maggie asked innocently.

"I don't know yet, sweetie", Erin answered looking toward where everyone else sat and saw a doctor come out of the double doors beside them.

"But, I think we are about to find out", she whispered to herself as she stood and gently picked up Maggie setting her on her hip.

"Hey Burgess, can you go take Maggie to get a snack real quick", Erin asked as she set Maggie down on the ground, just for her to wrap her tiny arms around Erin's leg.

"Yeah, of course", Kim answered giving Maggie a warm smile.

"I wanna stay here with you", Maggie demanded tightening her grip around Erin's leg.

"Kim is just going to take you right down the hall to the vending machine while I talk to Daddy's doctors and then you will come right back to me. I promise", Erin reassured the little girl.

"Okay", Maggie finally agreed loosening her grip to walk with Burgess towards the vending machine.

Erin turned around and saw Jay's parents looking in her direction, having already seen the whole scene that had just went on. Seeing them made Erin want to cry even more and she knew they knew that when Jay's mother came and gave her a huge hug.

"Oh Erin, he's going to be okay", Jay's mother whispered in her ear as Erin finally started sobbing right then and there.

"He's got a lot of fight in him, okay. He's gonna pull through and continue to bug the hell out of us", Marie continued as Erin pulled away from the hug and let out a weary laugh.

"Family of Jay Halstead", a doctor suddenly announced as he stood in the center of the waiting room.

"That's us", Frank answered as everyone who was there for Jay stood up anxiously waiting for some type of news.

"All of you", the doctor questioned noticing the several other cops in the room.

"Pretty much", Antonio added to the conversation.

"Well then, Mr. Halstead's condition was serious because of the loss of blood which not only stemmed from the gun wound, but also a hit to the head. When he wakes up he may have a slight concussion, but nothing that we are worried about", the doctor began to explain.

"What do you mean wakes up", Erin asked needing to know more.

"Mr. Halstead is currently asleep, due to the surgery, the heavy medications we have set him on, and the blood transfusion he is getting as we speak. He will sleep through the night and should wake up tomorrow morning without a problem", the doctor reassured Erin.

"Can we go see him", Marie asked cutting to the chase.

"Yes, of course. Right this way", the doctor replied turning around to lead Jay's parents toward his room.

"I will take Maggie back to the apartment to get a change of clothes and bring her back later", Erin immediately volunteered.

"That would be great. Thank you so much sweetie", Jay's mother said giving Erin one last final hug before she went down the hall to see her son.

"Hey, it's mini Halstead", Adam suddenly exclaimed.

Erin looked down to see Maggie standing right beside her, reaching her arms up to be lifted into Erin's protective hold.

"You say 'hello' to the guys", Erin requested as Maggie laid her head on Erin's shoulder.

"Hi guys", Maggie whispered out of character. Erin knew this was way too much for the four year old to handle, so she didn't even worry about the somber response.

"Let's get you home, Mags, okay", Erin recommended.

"What about Daddy", Maggie asked assuming the worst and Erin could see the tears beginning to swell once again in her eyes.

"Grandma and Grandpa are visiting him right now and then we are going to come back and see him after some dinner and new clothes, okay", Erin explained.

Maggie just nodded her head allowing a small smile to come across her face as she once again laid her head on Erin's shoulder.

"Erin", an always recognizable voice called out before she got the chance to leave. Erin turned around to see Voight approaching her.

"What I said earlier was wrong, but….just take care of her", Voight said looking towards Maggie.

Erin gave him a weary smile, knowing even though she was frustrated with him, this was his type of apology and maybe along the road he would become more understanding.

"Thanks", she said before walking out of the hospital with Maggie still on her hip.


It was after six o'clock when Erin had fed Maggie and was getting her dressed into more clothes in case she fell asleep at the hospital. Jay's parents had called with updates to reassure Erin that Jay was doing fine and the doctors were hopeful that when he woke up tomorrow he would make a full recovery. As much as Erin wished she could be there with him from the second the doctors allowed visitors, she knew Jay would want her with Maggie.

"Mommy", Maggie small voice called out from the hallway as she came into the kitchen where Erin was cleaning up.

"What's up munchkin", Erin answered picking the little girl up and setting her on the counter.

"Can I color Daddy a picture before we go", she asked hopefully.

"Of course, you can", Erin said giving her a hug smile which Maggie equally matched. "As long as you can promise me it will have lots of colors which will help him feel extra better", she continued getting the little girl to smile even more.

"I pinky promise", Maggie agreed sticking out her small pinky finger.

Erin smiled as she intertwined her finger with the little girls sealing the deal and the lifting her off the counter. "We are going to leave in ten minutes okay Mags", Erin stated setting her on the ground.

"Okay. Love you Mommy", Maggie said kissing Erin's cheek before skipping back to her room.

"Love you too baby", Erin whispered as she watched Maggie walk off.

Just as Erin was beginning to pack a bag full of essentials they may need and Jay could possibly need, there was a knock on the door. Figuring it was one of Jay's neighbors possibly, Erin walked towards the door and opened it up to reveal the last person she wanted to see.

"Oh, you're here. Look can I talk to Jay or are you two too busy having sex", Kaitlyn immediately ranted as soon as her and Erin came face to face. "And don't even think about acting like that's not what you're doing. I just hope my daughter isn't here", she continued not even giving Erin a chance to say anything.

Finally she stopped and Erin took it as her time to say something, "Jay's not here", she stated simply.

"Look, I know you are trying to protect him because you love him or whatever, but I need to talk to him and he's been dodging my calls all day and…", Kaitlyn continued.

"He was shot okay", Erin said cutting her off. For a while they both stood there staring at each other, Erin just wanting to cry all over again and Kaitlyn not exactly knowing what to say.

"He's in the hospital. Unconscious. So, I'm sorry that he hasn't gotten to your calls. He's a little busy and doesn't have time to deal with the fact you are trying to take away his daughter", Erin stated startling Kaitlyn.

"Is that it, because I have to get going", she finished.

"Yeah we have to go", a small voice suddenly piped up.

Erin looked down to see Maggie standing beside her with her arms crossed. Erin couldn't help but smile as she saw Maggie show a little bit of attitude, reassuring her that she was beginning to feel better.

"So, if you will excuse us", Erin said shutting the door before Kaitlyn got the chance to say anything more.


The continuous rhythm of Jay's heart monitor soothed Erin as she laid on the couch the hospital provided in his small room. As soon as the nurses had seen Maggie, Erin didn't even have to ask twice about them staying overnight. The hospital supplied them with blankets and pillows so they were comfortable until the morning, but when Erin told Maggie she could sleep on the couch, she immediately begged for Erin to sleep with her. So, that was how they ended up in the surprisingly comfortable position with Maggie cuddled on top of Erin, holding onto fists of her t-shirt as she slept peacefully.

When they had arrived to the hospital Maggie was nervous about seeing her dad, but luckily her grandparents reassured her he looked just like himself, but he was sleeping. It was true. He did look like himself. His face was a bit paler and he had the gauze wrapped around his head, but to Erin he was the same Jay. The same one she had fallen so madly in love with. And he was the last thing she would see before she ended that long day with Maggie curled into her, as she fell asleep.