
11. Chapter 11

A/N: Yeah, I am awful...but, hey I am back! I had no idea how long it had been since I updated and life definitely got in the way. My last little note said frequent updates and I am going to honor that starting now. So, read this chapter and let me know what you think!

"Yes, I understand. Yeah, thanks a lot", Jay stated as he hung up his desk phone and let out a groan.

Erin looked up from her paperwork, eyeing her distraught partner. He had been making phone calls all day to different custody lawyers for Maggie. She knew this was a lot for him, even if he didn't admit it to her face. As Jay stood to get a cup of coffee, Erin could tell he was exhausted. He probably hasn't gotten any sleep in a few days. So, when no one was paying attention Erin stood up and followed her partner into the break room.

There he stood, leaning against the counter. Dark washed jeans, navy blue shirt, and the perfect sweatshirt/leather jacket combo that never seemed to get old. Erin smiled at the sight, but it was immediately erased when she remembered how he felt. What he was going through.

"Hey", she said softly approaching him to stand at the counter next to him.

He looked up and gave her a brief smile, trying to reassure her things weren't as bad as she thought. It didn't work.

"Jay, please talk to me", Erin begged trying to get something out of him. "I wanna be there for you guys, Jay, but you gotta let me in. Let me know what's happening", she tried her best to explain to him.

Jay looked down in her direction, mainly taking in her beautiful hazel eyes that calmed him and that little crease she got in her forehead when she was nervous that made him laugh. He loved her, he can't shut her out like this.

"I've called twelve different attorneys", he began after a few seconds. Erin stood there, not saying a word, making sure he continued.

"And every single one of them is either too expensive or doesn't think I have a chance. They all say the mother always wins", Jay continued.

"She can't win, Erin", he finished looking back towards her.

"And she won't", Erin said in return getting another shy smile out of him. "Now, if I could I would kiss you right now, but maybe later", she said running her hand down his strong bicep not knowing what else to say to comfort him. The small gesture of affection did surprisingly work, Erin got a genuine smile out her partner as he looked down towards her.

"You two", Voight's gruff voice suddenly boomed from the doorway of the break room.

Both detectives quickly snapped their hands in Voight's direction, Erin's hand falling from Jay's arm in a split second. "We've located Jackson and his crew. Suit up", he simply stated before walking back to his own office to get ready.

"Time to catch this son of a bitch", Jay said knowing something was about to go good for him after the last week.


A bust for the Intelligence Unit had become routine and they all could probably do them in their sleep. Their positions always the same and the target always another dirt bag. The thing that changed was the obstacles, what could possibly be on the other side of those door.

Erin and Jay took the back, armed with the long guns, Antonio and Voight the front, and Ruzek and Olinsky were supervising the perimeter of the building making sure no one was lurking around. Basically what they expected was, Jackson and his crew to me inside, possibly planning their next hit or just sitting there it didn't matter. They were going to catch them and that was that.

"Wait for Olinsky's all clear then we enter", Voight came over from the Jay's radio.

"I can't wait to catch these guys", Erin said as she double checked all of her weapons and looked towards Jay.

She could tell he was still in a funk, too many ideas and thoughts running through his head in a rapid pace.

"You ready for this", she asked him.

"Yeah let's catch them", he said plainly trying his best to reassure her he was okay.

"Lindsay and Halstead go ahead and enter, all clear in the back", Olinsky came over the radio suddenly.

Just like any other bust, the entering happened in a flash. Luckily, no one was standing by the back so, Jay signaled for Erin to take one side and he would take the other. Erin quickly swiped the right side and then heard Antonio's voice come over the radio saying that they found Jackson. Erin strapped her gun securely around her torso and began to look around for Jay. By this time, he should have been looking for her, it was part of their routine. Turning the corner, Erin saw something she only saw in her nightmares.

"Jay", she almost yelled as she approached the motionless body lying on the ground.

Erin ran right towards the body and this time she really saw him. It was Jay. He was shot and it looked like he was shot everywhere. She hadn't even heard the shots whenever they were.

"Jay", she repeated noticing how weary her voice had gotten as she kneeled next to him and immediately put her fingers just to find a faint pulse. "Halstead is shot! I repeat Halstead is shot", Erin yelled into the radio before throwing onto the floor.

"It's going to be okay, Jay", she muttered, tearing his vest and shirt off and saw the gunshot wounds.

"Hey, stay awake for me okay", she said now looking towards his eyes. They were just barely opened as he laid on the floor. "I need you to stay awake, okay. Think about Maggie", she said now feeling the tears in her eyes threatening to spill.

"I'm sorry", he barely croaked out as the sounds of sirens began to approach them.

"Please don't say that", Erin whispered as he began to drift away.

Suddenly she felt a strong pair of arms pull her off of Jay as she watched the paramedics come in and begin to apply bandages to him and put him on the gurney.

Erin didn't even turn around to see her colleagues. She just stood there and watched as the paramedics put him in the ambulance and drove away.

"I knew he wasn't okay. He wasn't in his right mind", she stated mainly to herself. It was the only thing she could really say aloud. The rest of her mind and body was breaking into small pieces and she was just wanted to cry. She loved him.

"Come on kid, we gotta go meet him there", Voight suddenly said breaking Erin from her thoughts.

Erin took a deep breath and turned away from where the ambulance was once parked and followed her coworkers out of the building, praying with everything she had that he would be okay.


One hour and eighteen minutes.

For majority of that time, Jay had been in surgery. Erin sat with her back against the brick walls near the ambulance entrance. As, soon as they arrived to the hospital, she couldn't sit in the stuffy little waiting room. She needed air. Most importantly, she needed to be alone when she called his family.

"Aren't you cold out here, kid", Voight's gruff voice suddenly came out of the quietness, if that was possible in Chicago.

Erin just shook her head and looked down towards her watch.

One hour and twenty one minutes.

"You call his family", Voight asked as he was now sitting side by side Erin against the hospital wall.

"Uh, yeah. They should be here any minute now", she answered running a hand through her hair.

"There's nothing you could've done, Erin. This is part of the risk we take", Voight explained trying to lend some type of comfort.

"He's been so distracted with Maggie lately. His ex is trying to take her away", she responded avoiding eye contact.

There was silence among the two and Erin took another glance at her watch.

One hour and twenty six minutes.

"You've grown closer to him haven't you", Voight suddenly stated out of nowhere.

"What's that supposed to mean", Erin asked looking towards him.

"Nothing. You two just seem to be spending a lot more time together since he introduced Maggie to everyone", he speculated.

Erin didn't say anything in response, just continued to look at the several clouds which had come into her line of vision.

"Just keep in mind what I said, you can't play house and work Intelligence", Voight continued.

That statement caught Erin's attention.

"You're kidding me right", she practically yelled in disbelief.

Before Voight could even say anything in return, Erin was on her feet and standing in front of him.

"My best friend is laying on the operation table, maybe dying, and you're about to lecture me on in house romances! You've got to me kidding me", Erin lectured.

"Erin, you two can't be lovers and partners! It will never work", Voight then added to the conversation, now also standing.

"And what if we are? What are you going to do about it then", Erin yelled feeling the tears threatening to spill for the second time that day.

Voight stood there in disbelief as the words came from her mouth. "I love him, Voight", she continued.

"And, I'm sorry that breaks all of you rules. But, I love him and that little girl and there is nothing you can do to stop that", Erin finished.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go check on my boyfriend", Erin stated leaving the ambulance entrance and a surprised Voight as she entered the hospital awaiting some type of good news.

A/N: So, who wants another chapter?! Cause I know I want one! I LOVE YOU ALL and Chapter 12 is being written as speak...