
1. Chapter 1

A/N: Hello everyone! For those of you who are reading my two other stories I promise I am working on them (just having a little bit of writers block). For now though, I have started this story which I have actually already written a lot of, so expect frequent updates! I love you all and I hope you enjoy this story as much as I do!

As the Intelligence Squad wrapped up one of their biggest cases of the month, Erin Lindsay sat amongst her colleagues as they all filed their paperwork. She looked up at her partner who was filling out the last of his paperwork, as he looked up at the clock for the thousandth time that day. Jay hadn't taken his eyes off the time all day. He looked worried throughout their several busts into warehouses and drives around the city. Erin decided not to pry at his thoughts and just let the day go on without saying anything.

"Well, I am out of here", Jay announced as he stood from his desk and grabbed his coat.

"Oh, come on Halstead, it's a tradition that we all go to Molly's after a huge case. Just one drink", Antonio pleaded with one of his closest friends.

"Nah, not tonight. I am pretty wiped after everything. I will see you guys tomorrow", Jay said as he turned to leave.

"What's up with your partner, Lindsay", Antonio asked as soon as he knew that Jay had left.

Erin just kinda shrugged her shoulders as she closed the last of her files and stood to grab her coat.

"Wait, don't tell us your bailing out too", Ruzek said as she began to leave.

She laughed as she looked back at the people she spent every day with, "Nope, just getting a head start"


Erin set down her beer as one of her closest friends in the district continued to chat her ear off.

"Earth to Erin? What is with you tonight", Kim asked as she took a sip of her beer and set it down next to Erin's.

"Nothing, it's just been a long day", Erin said as she ran a hand through her hair.

"Oh come on somethings bothering you", Kim said trying to pry something out of her friend.

Erin just shook her head and took another look over at her colleagues who sat not too far away from her all laughing at a joke that Rusek probably said.

"Where's Jay", Kim finally asked.

Erin looked back over at her friend and felt the heat come to her cheeks. Kim could read her like an open book.

"Ah, so that is what's going on with you", Kim said as she faced her chair towards her friend.

"He left earlier than usual today. All day he was looking at the clock as if he had somewhere to be. I am just really worried about him", Erin finally explained.

"Maybe he had somewhere to be", Kim stated.

"I just hope that he isn't getting into any trouble. You know with all that stuff with Lonnie, it really pisses him off", Erin continued.

"Just admit it. You care about him, more than a partner does", Kim said raising her eyebrows.

Erin just shook her head as she took another sip of her beer, "I never said that", she stated blandly.

"I wish you would quit denying it. I know you see the way he looks at you", Kim said trying to pry some type of other emotion from her.

"Very funny, Kim. On that note I think I am going to head home", Erin said as she stood from her place to grab her leather jacket.

"See ya", Kim called out just as Erin left the bar.

The autumn breeze greeted Erin as she stepped out of the bar and walked towards her car. She began to think that maybe Kim was right about her and Jay. But, she couldn't be right they were partners and friends. More importantly partners. She couldn't interfere with that for a petty relationship.

As soon as she reached her car, she quickly started the engine and was on the almost empty streets of Chicago. Looking at the clock she saw that it was just a couple minutes after nine.

"Oh, come on Erin it's just a check-up. You want to make sure that he's okay. You saw how worried he was", a voice in her head silently said.

"No, you can not go there. You just said that you were partners. You can't ruin that", another voice said.

Now she truly felt like she was going crazy. She still felt like she was going crazy when she drove past her building and up to Jay's.


She had never been to his place before, another reason why this all felt so wrong. He was always at hers, bringing coffee, watching some game, or just kinda being there. The only reason why she knew where his apartment was, was just in case anything bad happened. He always teased that if he got shot, she had to go through his stuff to make sure no embarrassing pictures were leaked.

Erin smiled at the memory, as she approached his door. For awhile she just looked at it, too scared to knock and too worried to walk away.

"Come on Erin, two knocks. That's all it takes", the voice in her head said again as she lifted her hand and knocked on the door promptly.

She heard a little commotion from inside the apartment as she stood waiting for the door to open. She immediately began to worry that she interrupted something, that maybe he was sick and that's why he just wanted to get home.

Just as she was thinking of all these things the door slowly opened at in the frame appeared a little girl with long dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She had pajamas on and just as Erin began to apologize, because she must have the wrong apartment, the little girl spoke up.

"Daddy", she called out not removing her eyes from Erin's. Erin heard another pair of foot steps come from inside of the apartment and soon enough her eyes came in contact with the blue ones that made her feel weak at the knees. She had the right apartment. It was Jay who stood in front of her. This must be his daughter.

A/N: Oh a little cliffhanger I have given to you?! Please review and let me know what you think!