
Chapter five

My mom bursts in and grabs my arm throwing me off the couch. I look at her, now terrified. Mom grabs the last thing I got from dad it's a bottle with a pirate ship in it. I close my eyes waiting to hear the smash. But I didn't. I open my eyes to see Kathie, standing, holding the bottle with my mom on the ground holding her stomach.

"K-Kathie?" I ask scared

"It's okay now Maia." Kathie softly puts the bottle down and looks at me. I drew a slow quivering breath and Kathie kissed my head then left with my mother. My eyes darted around. Why'd she leave where is she going I thought in a panic.

Hours past. Hours that felt like days. Each minute the fear got worse. I managed to pull myself to my room. I leaned on my bed trying to keep myself from hyperventilating. I couldn't sleep nor could I eat. The fear overwhelmed me in till I passed out.

it was afternoon when I woke up, in my bed covered by my soft blankets. The house was quiet but I could hear soft talking from the living room. I walk out and stared at a man dressed in all white. His shirt read 'Doctor Willson M brown'.

'Doctor?' I reaped in my head. Wait I thought why is a Doctor here...Before I could let myself figure it out I flung myself into Kathie's arms shaking and trembling my arms wrapped tightly around her. She rubbed my head and held me close.

"Shhh shhh, everything's okay now Maia," Kathie said in a calming voice.

"Oh hello Maia, I'm glad to see your up and walking." The doctor said in a kind but raspy voice.

"What happened?" I ask turning to him. He let out a sigh.

"Your anxiety got...extreme, too extreme that it triggered your deep and dark thoughts. You have suffered watching the ones you love die many times. So when you thought Kathie was gone you got...well...let's just say overloaded."

"I found you on the ground pale and shaking...I didn't know what to do.." Kathie says holding me close.

"So...what now," I ask impatiently

"Well, I would suggest Kathie moving in to closely monitor you. Take a break from school and try to not overwork yourself." The doctor said grabbing his bag.

"Are you up to that" Kathie asks looking me in the eyes. I knew it would be hard but I nodded with Kathie there I should be fine...right?