
Hallowed Cultivation

MMA fighter reincarnates and find himself in a bullied boy. His memories of his past life are gone, but his personality, instincts, and fighting talent is still there. Will he find a way to thrive in this cruel world?

Teruya_Trevor · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Young boy

"What a loser."

"Sucks to be him"

"Thank God I'm not useless"

"He's only good for his looks"

These comments were going through Trevor's head. 'Why am I getting hated on? My cultivation is average, my talent is average! SO WHY?' These were his thoughts as his consciousness faded out of existence. Trevor had died, his story had ended.

In another universe, one without mana, a middle aged man was in a fighting ring. It is the MMA championship and he is there to fend for his title. The only thing stopping him from winning the match is his old body. It is not as fast, not as strong, and his mind seems to be slower. While his opponent, a young prodigy. Fast, smart, strong, and young, he's got it all. So it seems that this old man needs to retire and give up his spot. While he was distracted for a second, the young man got right hook straight into his temple. The old man crumbled, and was knocked out. Later when he regained consciousness he was in the hospital. When he was hit he had gotten a concussion, and he was not able to recover. The old man had no family, he lived his life for the sport and never regretted a thing.

In a hour or so the young man came walking, "I-"

"Don't say anything, that was one hell of a punch." said the old man interrupting the young one. "Don't worry about it either, this was supposed to be my last match, and honestly. I have nothing else, so this is the best way I could die." continued the old man.

"It's my fault, I should have eased up a bit. You were the best fight I had, so I lost control and I-I-"

"I SAID STOP! Don't be such a bi-ch, Continue fighting, take care of that girl you got. Also remember, you did me a favor. I could not ask for a better way to go. A warrior's death.. now let me rest, and you go and enjoy your girl." said the old man with a smile. Soon the young man left, and an hour later the old man closed his eyes, never to awake again.


When the old man opened his eyes, he was greeted with a white room that was neither bright nor dark. When he was looking around a humanoid figure comes to him.

"Was your life great?" asked the mysterious figure.

"It was okay at best, but could not ask for anything better." replied the old man.

"Do wish to fight again?" asked the figure.

"Of course, it is what I was meant to do!" screamed the old man.

"Then you will reincarnate to a different world, one full of magic and stronger fighters." said the humanoid, as his figure became clearer.

'Hmmm, just like in those religions...'

"Yea" said the man who seemed to be around his 20s

"Well, do I get a bonus or something?"

"Sure will, your fighting style is quite interesting so I will allow you to choose 2 things from this list, also your fighting experience will turn into talent, so do not worry about that. "

When the old man looked at the list many things could be seen,

Keep memories



cultivation talent

Extreme luck,

and many more options. Each option shows their description when the old man looks at it. When the he was going through the list he chose 2 things.

Photographic memory

Brain talent

"Ohh? why did you choose these?" asked the man

"Well, as I got older I started to forget things, so might as well forget. Then the Brain talent, is really good since it can help process information and helps with reaction speed, also gives a better control of the body."

"What about the system, you can get to that pretty fast though?" asked the figure

"Yes, but I also want a challenge and I know how fast people can get jealous of those with better talents. They usually get extorted or killed before they can compete." the old man responded.

"So be it, and good luck." as the man said this, the old man felt his consciousness slip away once again.