
Hallowed Cultivation

MMA fighter reincarnates and find himself in a bullied boy. His memories of his past life are gone, but his personality, instincts, and fighting talent is still there. Will he find a way to thrive in this cruel world?

Teruya_Trevor · Fantasy
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3 Chs


In the alley, a boy could be found dead and covered in his own blood. His body was battered and full of cuts. He had white hair, dark skin, and ice cold blue eyes that had no life in them. It was a pity since his feature could be considered handsome. Then a white light started to cover the body, the blood started to go back into his body, and the wounds started to close up. Soon enough the light faded, and the boy woke up.

As the boy got up, a frown could be seen on his face. Although he knows he had reincarnated, and talked with a figure, he can not remember his past life. Soon enough the memories of the previous owners body started to flood in. *sigh* This young man lived a hard life.

'Being bullied is no joke, well at least I know my name, Trevor. Decent name.'

'Well time to get going.'

Trevor stood up and started to walk out of the alley. The current town that he was living was a small town. Today was the day that one got tested for their talent, and Soul spirit. According to this boy's memories a Soul Spirit can guide you to which cultivation method one can use. Also if one had a decent soul, they can join a company, family, or sect to gain resources. Souls different from person to person but each soul can be categorized to different elements. Which they are hundreds of them, but the most well known ones are fire, water, earth, air, light, and darkness. These are the basic elements for most souls, and they combine and vary depending on what you get. Though they are not limited to these elements but this boy only ups to that much.

'Well let's see what my soul is'

When Trevor looked at his soul he noticed that his soul was not any of these basic elements. When he concentrated into his soul Trevor soon found out his soul was different. His soul was in the form of a book, but was the color of blood. When he had opened the book, he was given an idea on how his soul worked. 'So I need the blood of a person, or beast, to copy to their soul, and if I get multiple then I can combine them and make them one. Although it will keep the first two elements of each soul. What a tough soul to cultivate. You need to actual get blood somehow, and on top of that fight the soul in my soul world too. I can't even cultivate till I get one, and on top of that I have no money to buy raw meat for the beast blood.

'Damn, I can see why he was bullied now.' In this world, strength was valued above all. When you're an orphan with a seemingly bad soul the others kids who got a bad soul took out their frustrations on him. 'The parents probably didn't like me either, kids don't just beat up one another for no reason.' Even though his memories had been wiped, some things seemed as common sense can still be remembered.

"OI LOSER! I though I took care of earlier" said a boy who interrupted Trevor thoughts.

Trevor looked over and saw a muscular boy who beat the previous Trevor to death.

'Hmm if I remember correctly he had a rusted bronze sword as a soul. Such a tragedy to get a metal element and a weapon on top of that, but it such a weak soul. One of the worst grades.' Trevor thought as he looked with pity at the boy yelling at him.

"Hey I think we need a conversation in the alley way again."

'Oh, I can probably copy his soul easily, and since its a metal element it's not that bad.'

"Okay let us go." said Trevor as he was guided by this boy to the alley he just left.

'I must've beat him stupid, HA this is gonna be fun.' said the boy excitingly.

When they got to the alley before the boy could even could turn around, Trevor put him into a choke hold. He struggled to get Trevor off of him, but couldn't as he did not know how since he was only 12 with no fighting experience.

'Well that was easy, didn't want to fight him since he is stronger. hmmm now I need a sharp object'

Soon trevor found a small splinter, and poked the boys finger with it, then when a drop of blood started to come out, he touched it. The blood then soaked into him, and Trevor felt something happen to his soul space, and sure enough there was a rusty sword next to the book.

Excited Trevor moves out of the alley quickly, and heads out of the town walls. Soon a small village could be seen with makeshift houses and dirt paths. This was the slums where Trevor lives. He walks into a cloth hut. Looking around seemed depressing. All that was present was a bucket, and some cloths for clothes and warmth.

'Man it's more depressing in person. No time to think about it now though.'

Trevor sat down and looked into his soul world once again, and the sword immediately reacted. It started to fly at him without a moment's notice, but Trevor was able to dodge quite easily. 'Hmmm, looks like that ability I chose is showing its color.' Before the sword was able to pass him Trevor grabbed the handle, and held onto the sword. The sword tried to wiggle its way from his grip, but then he slammed the sword into the ground, the sword broke. The shattered sword stopped moving, and then the pieces started to get absorbed into the book. The book started to glow, and transformed into the shape of a sword. It turned into a broadsword, with a metallic red color.

'Ohh? so this is how it works.' Trevor observing the sword, and now starts to feel his body getting a little more sturdier. When he left his soul world, he started to inspect his body. 'Seems a bit tougher than before. Also I can now feel mana around me. Even though he can feel mana, he has no idea how to cultivate since the previous owner did not even get see a cultivation method.