
Hallowed Cultivation

MMA fighter reincarnates and find himself in a bullied boy. His memories of his past life are gone, but his personality, instincts, and fighting talent is still there. Will he find a way to thrive in this cruel world?

Teruya_Trevor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Mankind's story

It was a peaceful night, the birds slept, and only the krickets can be heard. Then it was quiet. Eerily so, it was as if the whole world held its breath. Then the whole sky lit up with a blue light. A comet has come into orbit, and started to crash towards, the calm blue had turned into a fiery red. The world freaked out, chaos sooned erupted from the sight. No warnings were given, it was the end of the world... but when the comet had hit earth. There was no explosions, only a blue wave that seemed to extend pass the horizon. The meteorite had completely disappeared scientist had no explanation, it was undeniable that the event had happened, for everyone had seen it, some even recorded it, but no one could explain where it had went.

Then portals started to erupt. Materials, and atoms foreign to earth had passed through. This caused the world to have a huge incline in technology, for the material that came through were the strongest the world has ever seen. Nothing could ever break it, only extreme heats could melt it. It also was more conductive than gold. Soon mankind had entered a technological phase, but with it, war had ensued. Cities were ransacked from soldiers, and looters.

During the middle of the war, a specific portal opened up in a small town. People rejoiced for the amount resources and income that will come towards the town. But what came out scared them beyond belief. A huge lizards came out, and the beasts started to rampage. These type of portals started to open up everywhere, and soon enough. Mankind stopped fighting each other, and were pushed backed into a corner. They were pushed back into small easily defendable islands. But the world started to expand. Islands like those in hawaii, grew to the size of Australia in a night. Cities were split in half, families were separated.

Then a 1000 years had passed. Mankind was able to set up permanent settlements, but were far from being able to take back their world.

The year 3078, a strange creature visited mankind. They looked human, but had pointed ears, and were extremely tall, those who visited averaged around 8ft, or 243 cm. They had taught man how to sense mana in the air. This had pushed mankind to become stronger, but man had found out these beings' intentions were not kind. War was started between humans and this mysterious race. During the long war, humans started evolve once again. The mana started enhance their souls and give them attributes in different forms and elements. Some were able to control water, while others learned how to fly. Some were able to enhance their bodies to extreme degree. With this newfound power, man was able to push this race into submission. Some of these even were able to integrate into society. Some of this forgotten race were able to have kids with the humans, and continue their bloodline. Though with time they too ended up becoming human.

In the year 3597, a women who had gained the ability to see the future. She was called a prophet, and had saved many people with her predictions. Before she had passed, a prophecy was laid down. "When the second comet passes, a great change will occur once again." But this prophecy wasn't fulfilled for a while and was soon forgotten by many. That is until a comet, as big as the recorded first comet, passed through the earth in the night. It's blue light covered the earth, and soon the night went silent.

Then in the middle of nowhere a village was set on fire.

The women running with rough and heavy breathing, did not stop nor turn around.

"Kill everybody, don't want one of 'em coming for revenge!" shouted a man with a deep voice.

When the women heard this she runs faster, tears can be seen to form in her eyes. She comes into view of a man, who is in all black, and his face hidden. When the women starts to approach the man.

"I can only take the child to safety. Anymore and we would be caught and killed." said the man.

"I know... I am sorry my child that you had to come to this world during the worst time, and that I can not be with you."

"I must go, before they find us. You must go somewhere else. I will go upriver, you must head in any other direction. Good luck." with that, the man seemed to mold with the dark, with the child.

The mother turns around, and run towards the burning village. Soon enough she gets caught by tall men and women with pointed ears. When they saw her, they immediately killed her. There was no mercy nor remorse.

That day, a village was burned down to the ground. No survivors were found, and no witness were their to observe the reasoning. Investigations were not made since there was no one left alive and everything was burnt. It was considered a mystery and never looked into again, after a few months of investigation.