

this world is full of pain only the strong reign and the weak suffer. those known as halflings are hated by man and gods and are seen as the sins and plagues of the earth, halflings are made by two different races and most are killed before adulthood. in this world join a halfling named nic, as he aims to the goal of creating his own guild that would reign over the entire world hated for what he is, for he is seen as a sin to this world, but his sin shall be his strength. ..... words count have been upgraded from page 33 chapters are no less than 1000 words P.S cover page not mine, excellent work from the artists, if want the cover page changed let me know

blackghost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

To My Master

"eternal flame?" mion mumbled as he looked at the cavern entrance, it was blocked by a thick blue flame, the fire seemed calm and their was no heat that was coming from it.

mion then extended his hand to touch the fire, but was hit on the back of his hand with phyora.

"if you dont want to live then you can go ahead and touch the eternal flames" nic said coldly as he watched mion.

"what is it?"

"it's a technique thought to me by my mother, this technique allows me to transfer the burning souls that phyora is sacrificing and place them in one location"

"but wont they burn away soon" mion asked, he was already informed about phyora by nic, and learned many things about the sword, he also knew that phyora burns away its sacrifices very quickly.

"I dont really know much as all I know about this sword is what my mother told me, as she said eternal flame is a technique that rarely works as phyora is to greedy to just give up on souls, am surprised that it worked on my first try, as she said when using this technique the fire last as long as the soul owners lifespan, while anyone that touch the fire would be burned away to ash and their souls would be added to the flame, she said that after the fire have taken in many souls it can then return to phyora where she would greedily burn them away, it Is a powerful technique but cannot be relied on as phyora is to greedy to give up souls"

hearing this mion quickly moved away from the flames, the last thing he wanted was to be burned to ash and have his soul burn for all his life.

"let's go"

"where are we going though?" mion asked as he was curious.

"we are going to my master"

mion was stunned as this was the last thing he expected to hear, he did not know nic for long but this was the first time that he heard nic mentioning a master.

"now it all makes sense why he is so powerful, that most be who he learned that gift Advancement technique from, it has to be, then that mean if I become his student to I would be able to learn a cool technique" mion was now overjoyed as he thought that he had uncovered the truth to nic unexplainable strength.

he looked at nic back and smiled, Charlotte was on nics shoulders fast asleep, not just her but the little wyvern was fast asleep to.

nic however looked back at mion who was walking behind him and laughed as he seen how mion was walking.

"what's so funny you horned freak!" mion shouted while he stood with his legs far from each other, every move he made looked like that of a sumo wrestler.

nic burst out laughing once more, and was met with shouts of mion.

"let's go already" nic said as he extended a hand to mion to help, he had tears at the corner of his eyes because he laughed so much, and a broad smile that lighted up his face.

mion was shocked for awhile as this was the first time that nic was showing kindness to him, nion then grabbed nic hand without hesitation

"alright lets go"


"my love, I would be leaving you for a short time, the queen has giving me a mission that I most look into" these were violets last words to Arthur before she went to the wastelands of the eastern lands.

"the queen is really a pain in the ass, how dare she send me out here so far from my love, things were just starting in our relationship and she sent me out here, am starting to think that she despise me" violet mumbled as she was dressed totally in black, she wore a black scarf on her head and a black veil on her face.

she was walking in what seems to be a desert, their was nothing but sand all around, as far as the eye can see.

"where are we going?"

"you would know very soon" violet answered.

she was accompanied by another woman, she was very thick and her face looked like that of a doll, her short blue dress seemed to stick to her skin as it found it hard to cover her breast and and thighs.

"I only drag you out here because I dont want no one seducing my love but me!" violet said as she turned and gazed at her companion.

it was none other than dona, she paused and blushed as she heard what violet said.


violet turned back around and continued walking, "hurry up our you would be left for dead"

although violet seemed to be bearly moving her legs she had a speed to her walk as though she was jogging.

soon after walking for so long they can see a silhouette in the distance.

"who goes their, state your name and business"

the silhouette voice boomed from afar, as he was hard to see because of the deserts dust and his distance.

"I am the eastern general of the beastmen kingdom, and under orders of the highness members of the mole tribe are now marked as terrorists to the beastmen nation.."


a loud shout can be heard from nowhere before the ground started to shake, after the intense shaking beastmen can be seen popping out of the ground.

their were almost hundreds, and the all wore badly damaged clothes, they had a upper body of a mole and some looked like totally different kinds of moles.

"yes you are all suppose to be killed on spot but I have a heart so I'll make things easier, kill your tribes chief and turn yourself in" (in the beastmen kingdom although they all serve one queen, their are many races of beastmen, because of this most beastmen come from a tribe and in that tribe their is the chief, the chief is to protect the tribe under the queens orders and ensure that the tribe stays loyal to the queen and her laws)

wait something is wrong, where is their chief?, violet soon realized that the chief was not in the crowd, but their was something wrong she looked in the crowd and saw that some had a evil smile that they were trying thier best to hide.

"shit!" dona shift herself as she felt a slight vibration under her feet.

"it's to late" a spear came pierced her side from under the ground.

but something was wrong, as soon as she was pierced no blood was seen, she smiled bitterly at the ground and pulled on the spear forcing a man out of the ground.