

this world is full of pain only the strong reign and the weak suffer. those known as halflings are hated by man and gods and are seen as the sins and plagues of the earth, halflings are made by two different races and most are killed before adulthood. in this world join a halfling named nic, as he aims to the goal of creating his own guild that would reign over the entire world hated for what he is, for he is seen as a sin to this world, but his sin shall be his strength. ..... words count have been upgraded from page 33 chapters are no less than 1000 words P.S cover page not mine, excellent work from the artists, if want the cover page changed let me know

blackghost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

monsters Den


"awhh" nic cried as he opened his eyes to welcome the bright sun.

"awhh!, what happened?" he raised his hand to block the light but was meet with pain, as he looked down his arm was burnt beyond recognition.

"guess am still not ready" he said as he looked at his burnt arm, he then began to look around this time he didn't wake to meet dona and mion but just the dense forest around him.

"shit where is that sword!" he thought to himself as he looked around fiercely, he then discovered that the sword was right besides him, *sigh* he was relieved as he looked at it.

"my last reminder of you" he mumbled, he then grabbed the hilt of the weapon, it was a katana that was blacker than night itself, at the top of the hilt was a white imprint that read S-17.


the sounds of massive footsteps shock the surface as though it was a earthquake.

"what the hell" nic said as he looked into the direction of the footsteps.

*CRACK,CRACK* "OINNNK!" the trees are parted to welcome that of a giant pigs head, his long tusk prevented it from closing its ugly mouth with teeth that looked like molars between the tusk, saliva dripped out of its mouth uncontrollably, its height reached that of fifteen feet, two eyes can be seen on each side of its face and its brown hairless hide overlapped with one another giving it a sturdy defense, its eyes looked down at nic who was trembling looking at the massive creature.

*thum!,thum!,thum!* the sound of another massive creature draw the massive warthog attention as he look to the direction of the creature.

*thump!!* another creature of the same height slammed its head into the beast side, it looked as that of a regular rhino except for its abnormal height.

"where the hell am I" nic mumbled inwardly as cold sweat run down the side of his face, as the rhino then turned to look at him *gulp*


"Report southern general!"

"speak!" the man wearing a fox mask said, he was not dressed in armor but in a fine suit, but as the same with his armor his flesh was not shown for his hands were covered in gloves and his suit had that of a turtle design.

"sir we have captured two of the intruders" it was the leader of Hellhounds the woman with the giant sword.

"ohh, I almost forgot about that, as I remembered their were three of them why is it only two have been captured" the masked man said as he sit on a chair resembling that of a throne, the room was large and behind him was a full opening, looking out of this opening one could see that they were stories off the ground as the dense green trees can be seen below stretched far into the horizon, but other than this the room was boring, only the opening view and the throne was what caught the eyes, other than these their was nothing of importance in large empty white room.

*gulp* "sir the halfling wasn't with them when we arrived and was no where in the area" she said as she knelt with her head to the ground.

"hmm" the mask man said as he began to rise from his seat but before he could the dog beastwoman cried out.

"but we have found tracks leading to the monsters den"