

this world is full of pain only the strong reign and the weak suffer. those known as halflings are hated by man and gods and are seen as the sins and plagues of the earth, halflings are made by two different races and most are killed before adulthood. in this world join a halfling named nic, as he aims to the goal of creating his own guild that would reign over the entire world hated for what he is, for he is seen as a sin to this world, but his sin shall be his strength. ..... words count have been upgraded from page 33 chapters are no less than 1000 words P.S cover page not mine, excellent work from the artists, if want the cover page changed let me know

blackghost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
79 Chs

Intruders I

"what is it" nic asked as he was under mions gaze.

"how do you keep getting so strong, so fast" mion did not hold back to ask the question.

"it's just my gifts ability"

"ability?" a sparkle can be seen in mion's eyes as he was curious about what nic just said.

"YAWN!!, am really tired I would explain later, it is alot to talk about right now" nic was trying to get out of the conversation, he was not tired but simply did not want to explain.

but mion had already seen through this trick and kept looking at nic with that of puppy eyes.

"alright I would explain" nic gave in as it was just simply annoying.

"it's all like this...."


"chrrrk" the little wyvern stretched its body as it awoke from its slumber, it then began to rub itself against Charlotte as it opened its wide mouth and cried out, it was hungry as it did not eat anything from the day it came into this world.

but it was meet with no response as Charlotte and the rest were fast asleep.

the wyvern then began to look around, but as it looked at the entrance of the cavern its eyes opened wide with joy.

it saw the croc that was killed by nic, drool can be seen exiting the mouth of the monster as it looked at the massive monster.

it then lunged itself towards the dead monster with its mouth wide open.


"YAWN!" nic awoke and stretched his arms into the air, almost as if it was a chain reaction the others also awoke.

mion had on his face a joyous smile, after what nic explained to him he also wanted an ability, and not only that he also wanted to find out a way to use nic's gift ranking technique, but their was not anymore monster cores left as nic had used them all.


nic and Charlotte quickly turned their gaze to the terrifying sound but found that it came from the direction of mion.

"sorry if I scared you guys it was only my stomach" mion said with a cheeky smile.

"am also feeling a little hungry" nic said as he looked down to Charlotte who nodded her head to tell nic that she was to.

"I still have my catch from yester...." nic was in shock as he looked over to where his kill was but their was nothing not even bones, his mouth was wide opened and he could not believe.

nic quickly looked over towards mion as he was the only person that could have done this, his sharp gaze sent shivers down mion spine as he looked at mion furiously.

but before he could say a word he heard that of something dragging on the cave floor, he turned his gaze in the direction to find that it was the little wyvern that was pulling a big chunk of meat that looked like that of a steak towards them.

the meat looked like enough to feed all three of them but the monster simply passed nic and mion straight and went towards Charlotte.

"chrrrrk" the monster dropped the meat infront of Charlotte and cried out joyously, its mouth then began to glow as it spat out a fireball at the meat which then catch fire.

the meat then began to look brown and tender as a sweet aroma made it's way to the nose of the others.

the wyvern then flapped its wings towards the meat creating a gale a wind that had put out the flames.

the creature then dragged the meat closer to Charlotte as it let out another cry while it rubbed itself like a cat onto Charlotte.

"you little theif" nic came back to his senses as he and mion were drooling at the meat, he then began to make his way over to the monster.

the wyvern seeing nic approaching it hid behind Charlotte, Charlotte then extended her hands to protect the wyvern.

"tch" nic looked at the monster with anger, but refrained from hurting it due to Charlotte protecting it.

"hey man you dont have to be mad atleast it left enough for all of us to have a fill" mion said as he made his way to the meat.

seeing this however the wyvern stepped infront of the meat blocking him and growled at him, which had stopped mion.

"you damn little beast, you cant possibly want to give the little elf all of that!" mion shouted at the wyvern that was guarding the meat.

but the monster soon shivered under the gaze of nic who was watching the monster with bloodlust, not only did it steal his kill but now it is deciding who gets to eat and who does not, this monster had some enormous balls.

"the meat would be shared!" nic voice echoed, and almost as if the monster had agreed with nic it dropped its head before making it's way back to Charlotte.

but nic was still angry, not because the monster eat his meat(not sus), but because he did not know if the croc had a core, and now he was sure that he would never know, as he did not know if the wyvern had eating it.

"Charlotte you have to teach that thing"

Charlotte nodded her head in agreement as she patted the head of the wyvern.

nic then took phyora and cut the meat into three pieces.

"atlast!, I was starving" mion then began to gobble down on the meat, as the wyvern was looking at him as though it wanted to attack him.

but it was meet with the cold eyes of nic that forced it to look in the other direction.

"to think such a shameless monster is now part of your life, I hope it can be useful to you" nic said to Charlotte as he looked at the beast, but she simply smiled as she patted the wyverns head.

but soon everyone in the room came to a pause as they began to hear footsteps.

"Hey you think it is still their"

"ofcourse no one knows of this place other than us"

"but you haven't been here for months someone could have already stolen the treasure"

"am telling you no one would dare to come into a monster den so easily, unless they have a gift like mine"

"I see light up ahead"

"alright prepare yourselves for battle, the last time I was here I was almost got killed by the giant toad"

the voices began to get closer and closer to the cavern entrance, the light of a torch can be seen flickering at the entrance.

soon many shadows can be seen coming near to the entrance.

"intruders" nic mumbled as he looked at the entrance.